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Clean SEO Friendly URLs With ASP.NET MVC 3

2011-11-06 10:47 281 查看

http://www.mikesdotnetting.com/Article/108/Handling-Legacy-URLs-with-ASP.NET-MVC <---

http://www.dominicpettifer.co.uk/Blog/34/asp-net-mvc-and-clean-seo-friendly-urls <----------

http://www.deliveron.com/blog/post/SEO-Friendly-Routes-with-ASPnet-MVC.aspx <----------



One of the major benefits of ASP.NET MVC is that it allows us truly dynamic URLs via its Routing system. We could declare a new Route like this:


"ArticleDetails", // Route name


new { controller = "Article", action = "Details",title = "" },new { id = @"\d+" }


I wrote a simple method that encodes the URLs into a nice, safe, SEO friendly URL format:

public static class UrlEncoder


public static string ToFriendlyUrl(this UrlHelper helper, string title)


var url = title.Trim();

url = url.Replace(" ", " ").Replace(" - ", " ").Replace(" ", "-").Replace(",", "").Replace("...", "");

return url;



Here is some code on how you how could do this from your Controller Action:

public ViewResult Details(int id,string title)


Article article = db.Aritcles.Find(id);[/b]

string realTitle = UrlEncoder.ToFriendlyUrl(Url, article.Title).ToLower();
string urlTitle = (title ?? "").Trim().ToLower();

if (realTitle != urlTitle)
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
Response.StatusCode = 301;
Response.AddHeader("Location", "/Article/" + article.Id + "/" + realTitle);
return View(article);


Here is some code on how you how could do this from your View:

<h2>Article List</h2>


@Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")




@foreach (var item in Model) {


<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Title)</td>

<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Content)</td>

<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.CreateTime)</td>

<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Author)</td>


@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.Id, title = Url.ToFriendlyUrl(item.Title) }) |

@Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id=item.Id ,title=Url.ToFriendlyUrl(item.Title)}) |

@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id=item.Id })





Article List View:

Details View:

Download Source Code:http://www.kuaipan.cn/index.php?ac=file&oid=4876720616244129
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