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SQL Server2005合并字段相同的项的实例应用

2011-11-05 15:59 316 查看
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#tb') is not null drop table #tb


create table #tb (id int identity(1,1),code varchar(2),name varchar(4),phone int)

insert into #tb

select 'aa','张三',132000000 union all

select 'aa','李四',133000000 union all

select 'bb','王五',122000000 union all

select 'bb','照六',144000000 union all

select 'bb','无七',155000000

select *,n=(select count(*) from #tb where code=t.code and id<=t.id)

into #t

from #tb t

select code,

name1=max(case when n=1 then name end),

phone1=max(case when n=1 then phone end),

name2=max(case when n=2 then name end),

phone2=max(case when n=2 then phone end)

from #t

group by code


create proc proc_AllCustom



select *,n=(select count(*) from CustState where custId=t.custId and cid<=t.cid)

into #t from CustState t --1

create table #Sates(

kid int,

b1 nvarchar(20),c1 int,a1 nvarchar(20),time1 datetime,

b2 nvarchar(20),c2 int,a2 nvarchar(20),time2 datetime,

b3 nvarchar(20),c3 int,a3 nvarchar(20),time3 datetime,

b4 nvarchar(20),c4 int,a4 nvarchar(20),time4 datetime,

b5 nvarchar(20),c5 int,a5 nvarchar(20),time5 datetime


insert into #Sates

select custId, buitype1=max(case when n=1 then buiType end),

cstate=max(case when n=1 then cstate end),

account=max(case when n=1 then account end),

addtimes=max(case when n=1 then addtimes end),

buitype2=max(case when n=2 then buiType end),

cstate=max(case when n=2 then cstate end),

account=max(case when n=2 then account end),

addtimes=max(case when n=2 then addtimes end),

buitype3=max(case when n=3 then buiType end),

cstate=max(case when n=3 then cstate end),

account=max(case when n=3 then account end),

addtimes=max(case when n=3 then addtimes end),

buitype4=max(case when n=4 then buiType end),

cstate=max(case when n=4 then cstate end),

account=max(case when n=4 then account end),

addtimes=max(case when n=4 then addtimes end),

buitype5=max(case when n=5 then buiType end),

cstate=max(case when n=5 then cstate end),

account=max(case when n=5 then account end),

addtimes=max(case when n=5 then addtimes end)

from #t group by custId --查询的数据

select Cid,ComName,AddressInfo,b1,c1,a1,time1,b2,c2,a2,time2,


from #Sates,Company where #Sates.kid=Company.Cid order by Company.addtimes

drop table #t

drop table #Sates

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