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6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec12

2011-11-03 23:09 357 查看

Multithreading and concurrency

Preliminaries: Parallel computing

• Parallelism: Multiple computations are done simultaneously.

• Instruction level (pipelining)
• Data parallelism (SIMD)
• Task parallelism (embarrassinglyparallel)
• Concurrency: Multiple computations that may be done inparallel.

• Concurrency vs. Parallelism


Process vs. Threads

• Process: An instance of a program that is being executed inits own address space. In POSIX systems, each process maintains itsown heap, stack, registers, file descriptors etc.


• Shared memory
• Network
• Pipes, Queues
• Thread: A light weight process that shares its address spacewith others.In POSIX systems, each thread maintains the bare essentials: registers, stack, signals.

• shared address space.

Multithreaded concurrency

Serial execution:

• All our programs so far has had asingle thread of execution: main thread.
• Program exits when the main thread exits.

• Program is organized as multipleand concurrent threads of execution.
• The main thread spawns multiple threads.
• The thread may communicate with one another.
• Advantages:
• Improves performance
• Improves responsiveness
• Improves utilization
• less overhead compared to multiple processes


Multithreaded programming

Even in C, multithread programming may be accomplished in several ways

• Pthreads: POSIX C library.

• OpenMP

• Intel threading building blocks

• Cilk (from CSAIL!)

• Grand central despatch


• OpenCL (GPU/CPU)


Not all code can be made parallel




• Thread management: creating, joining, attributes
• Mutexes:create, destroy mutexes
• Condition variables: create, destroy, wait, signal
• Synchronization: read/write locks and barriers
pthread_rwlock_, pthread_barrier_

• #include <pthread.h>
• gcc−Wall −O0 −o <output> file.c −pthread (no −l prefix)

Creating threads

int pthread_create(pthread_t ∗thread, const pthread_attr_t ∗attr, void ∗(∗start_routine)(void ∗), void ∗ arg);

• creates a new thread with the attributes specified by attr.
• Default attributes are used if attr is NULL.
• On success, stores the thread it into thread
• calls function start_routine(arg) on a separate thread of execution.
• returns zero on success, non-zeroon error.
void pthread_exit(void ∗value_ptr);

• called implicitly when thread function exits.
• analogous to exit().

Synchronization: joining

int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void ∗∗value_ptr);

• pthread_join() blocks the calling thread until the specified thread terminates.
• If value_ptr is not null, it will contain the return status of the called thread
Other ways to synchronize: mutex,condition variables

如果线程T1 join线程T2,那么T1将等待T2结束后才开始执行。线程是先创建然后再设置join,因此需要将attr设置为PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE,防止线程在创建时就运行。


• Mutex (mutual exclusion) acts as a "lock" protecting access to the shared resource.

• Only one thread can "own" the mutex at a time. Threads must take turns to lock the mutex.

int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex);
int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex, const pthread_mutex attr_t ∗attr);
thread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER ;
• pthread_mutex_init() initializes a mutex. If attributes are NULL, default attributes are used.

• The macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER can be used to initialize static mutexes.

• pthread_mutex_destroy() destroys the mutex.

• Both function return return 0 on success, non zero on error

int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex);
int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex);
int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex);
• pthread_mutex_lock() locks the given mutex. If the mutex is locked, the function is blocked until it becomes available.

• pthread_mutex_trylock() is the non-blocking version. If the mutex is currently locked the call will return immediately.

• pthread_mutex_unlock() unlocks the mutex.


Condition variables

Sometimes locking or unlocking is based on a run-time condition(examples?). Without condition variables, program would have to poll the variable/condition continuously.


(a) lock mutex on global item variable
(b) wait for (item>0) signal from producer (mutex unlocked automatically).
(c) wake up when signalled (mutex locked again automatically), unlock mutex and proceed.

(1) produce something
(2) Lock global item variable, update item
(3) signal waiting (threads)
(4) unlock mutex
int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t ∗cond, pthread_mutex_t ∗mutex);

• blocks on a condition variable.
• must be called with the mutex already locked otherwise behavior undefined.
• automatically releases mutex
• upon successful return, the mutex will be automatically locked again.
intpthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t ∗cond);

intpthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t ∗cond);

• unblocks threads waiting on a condition variable.
• pthread_cond_broadcast() unlocks all threads that are waiting.
• pthread_cond_signal() unlocks one of the threads that are waiting.
• both return 0 on success, non zero otherwise.
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