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6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec11

2011-11-01 22:40 363 查看

Dynamic memory allocation, mallocand valgrind, garbage collection.

Review: C standard library


• I/O functions: fopen(), freopen(), fflush(), remove(),rename(), tmpfile(), tmpnam(), fread(), fwrite(), fseek(), ftell(),rewind(), clearerr(), feof(), ferror()

• Character testing functions: isalpha(), isdigit(), isalnum(),iscntrl(), islower(), isprint(), ispunct(), isspace(), isupper()


• Memory functions: memcpy(), memmove(), memcmp(), memset()


• Conversion functions: atoi(), atol(), atof(), strtol(),strtoul(), strtod()

• Utility functions: rand(), srand(), abort(), exit(), atexit(),system(), bsearch(), qsort()


• Diagnostics: assert() function, __FILE__, __LINE__ macros

• Variable argument lists:

• Declaration with ... for variableargument list (may be of any type):
int printf (const char ∗ fmt, ...);
• Access using data structureva_list ap, initialized using va_start(), accessed using va_arg(), destroyed at end using va_end()
• Time functions: clock(), time(), difftime(), mktime(),asctime(), localtime(), ctime(), strftime()


Dynamic memory allocation

• Memory allocated during runtime

• Request to map memory using mmap() function (in <sys/mman.h>)

• Virtual memory can be returned to OS using munmap()

• Virtual memory either backed by a file/device or by demand-zero memory:

• all bits initialized to zero
• not stored on disk
• used for stack, heap,uninitialized (at compile time) globals

Mapping memory

• Mapping memory:

void ∗mmap(void∗ start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
• asks OS to map virtual memory of specified length, using specified physical memory (file or demand-zero)
• fd is file descriptor (integerreferring to a file, not a file stream) for physical memory (i.e.file) to load into memory
• for demand-zero, including the heap, use MMAP_ANON flag
• start – suggested starting address of mapped memory, usually NULL
• Unmap memory:

int munmap(void ∗start, size_tlength);

The heap

• Heap – private section of virtual memory (demand-zero) used for dynamic allocation

• Starts empty, zero-sized

• brk – OS pointer to top of heap, moves upwards as heap grows

• To resize heap, can use sbrk() function:

void ∗sbrk(int inc ); /∗ returns old value of brk_ptr ∗/
• Functions like malloc() and new (in C++) manage heap, mapping memory as needed

• Dynamic memory allocators divide heap into blocks





• Must be able to allocate, free memory in any order

• Auxiliary data structure must be on heap

• Allocated memory cannot be moved

• Attempt to minimize fragmentation



• Two types – internal and external

• Internal – block size larger than allocated variable inblock

• External – free blocks spread out on heap

• Minimize external fragmentation by preferring fewer larger free blocks


Design choices

• Data structure to track blocks

• Algorithm for positioning a new allocation

• Splitting/joining free blocks


Tracking blocks

• Implicit free list: no data structure required

• Explicit free list: heap divided into fixed-size blocks;

maintain a linked list of free blocks

• allocating memory: remove allocated block from list
• freeing memory: add block back to free list
• Linked list iteration in linear time

• Segregated free list: multiple linked lists for blocks of different sizes

• Explicit lists stored within blocks (pointers in pay load section of free blocks)

Positioning allocations

• Block must be large enough for allocation

• First fit: start at beginning of list, use first block

• Next fit: start at end of last search, use next block

• Best fit: examines entire free list, uses smallest block

• First fit and next fit can fragment beginning of heap, butrelatively fast

• Best fit can have best memory utilization, but at cost ofexamining entire list

Splitting and joining blocks

• At allocation, can use entire free block, or part of it,splitting the block in two

• Splitting reduces internal fragmentation, but more complicatedto implement

• Similarly, can join adjacent free blocks during (or after)freeing to reduce external fragmentation

• To join (coalesce) blocks, need to know address of adjacentblocks

• Footer with pointer to head of block – enable successiveblock to find address of previous block

A simple memory allocator

• Code in Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective

• Payload 8 byte alignment; 16 byte minimum block size

• Implicit free list

• Coalescence with boundary tags; only split if remaining blockspace ≥ 16 bytes


1. Allocate 16 bytes for padding, prologue, epilogue

2. Insert 4 byte padding and prologue block (header + footeronly, no payload) at beginning

3. Add an epilogue block (header only, no payload)

4. Insert a new free chunk (extend the heap)

Allocating data

1. Compute total block size (header+payload+footer)

2. Locate free block large enough to hold data (using first ornext fit for speed)

3. If block found, add data to block and split if padding ≥16bytes

4. Otherwise, insert a new free chunk (extending the heap), andadd data to that

5. If could not add large enough free chunk, out of memory

Freeing data

1. Mark block as free (bit flag in header/footer)

2. If previous block free, coalesce with previous block (updatesize of previous)

3. If next block free, coalesce with next block (update size)

Explicit free list

• Maintain pointer to head, tail of free list (not in address order)

• When freeing, add free block to end of list; set pointer tonext, previous block in free list at beginning of payload section of block

• When allocating, iterate through free list, remove from list when allocating block

• For segregated free lists, allocator maintains array of listsfor different sized free blocks

malloc() for the real world

• Used in GNU libc version of malloc()

• Details have changed, but nice general discussion can be found at
http://g.oswego.edu/dl/html/malloc.html • Chunks implemented as in segregated free list, with pointers to previous/next chunks in free list in payload of free blocks

• Lists segregated into bins according to size; bin sizes spaced logarithmically

• Placement done in best-fit order

• Deferred coalescing and splitting performed to minimize overhead

Using malloc()

• Minimize overhead – use fewer, larger allocations

• Minimize fragmentation – reuse memory allocations as much as possible

• Growing memory – using realloc() can reduce fragmentation

• Repeated allocation and freeing of variables can lead to poor performance from unnecessary splitting/coalescing (depending onimplementation of malloc())


Using valgrind to detect memory leaks

• A simple tutorial:http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~donahoo/tools/valgrind/

• valgrind program provides several performance tools, including memcheck:

athena% valgrind --tool=memcheck--leak-check=yes program.o

• memcheck runs program using virtual machine and tracks memory leaks

• Does not trigger on out-of-bounds index errors for arrays onthe stack


Other valgrind tools

• Can use to profile code to measure memory usage, identify execution bottlenecks

• valgrind tools (use name in -tool= flag):

• cachegrind – counts cache misses for each line of code

• callgrind – counts function calls and costs in program

• massif – tracks overall heap usage
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