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IMS Now: What, Why & Where?

2011-10-24 16:48 417 查看


What's Up With IMS?

IMS Now: What, Why & Where?
http://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=138038&page_number=3 http://www.lightreading.com/document.asp?doc_id=138038
一般对于IMS 有一些误解和怀疑:

1. IMS 对于许多业务来讲,特别是对那些不是Base On Sip message 上得服务。 或者对于就算使用了SIP 所实现的服务,其实也并用不着IMS。

2. 在对于Web 2.0 , SOA(面向服务的体系结构(service-oriented architecture))这些崭新的业务模式来讲,IMS 已经是落后的服务。

3. IMS 是从核心网一侧,由运营商主导的发展起来的,在这个网络中,服务从原来的智能网络向智能终端侧转移---转移之后,相比较原来的智能网络,核心网络变成一个哑巴网络(并不参与serverice 的logic?)

4. IMS 花费非常巨大,膨胀的,异常复杂的,费力的,耗时的,并且可能并不能实现预期的功能,或者也不可能完全部署。 (后面一句不晓得啥意思,和前面一句没关联么,前面还在讲缺点,后面怎么变成groundbreaking了)

IMS is unnecessary for many services, particularly non-SIP services. Even for services that do need SIP, much can be done without using IMS.

IMS has a dated, backward looking view of services and applications. We are now living in a world of Web 2.0, Web services, mash-ups, and SOA, after all.

IMS propagates a telco-oriented view of the network, where services are provided by network intelligence, rather than by edge-device intelligence – the intelligent-network/dumb-network argument.

IMS is costly, bloated, overcomplex, overambitious, and will either never work properly or never be fully implemented. Telecom history is littered with groundbreaking legacy technologies as each generation of engineers clears up the mess made by the previous


Convergence, fixed mobile convergence (FMC), all-IP architecture and next-generation networking (NGN) have been the buzzwords in the telecom industry for the past few years. The IP multimedia subsystem is a technology that has been common to the above-mentioned
buzzwords. It offers open standards architecture, rapid service deployment features, network and service independence, reduction in operational expenses and many other benefits to operators, service providers and consumers. Despite the above technological
and business advantages, it is a surprising fact that IMS is yet to witness large-scale commercial deployment. The lack of innovative multimedia services and the lack of bandwidth on the mobile access links to support real-time multimedia could be considered
as the deterrents to the commercial deployment of IMS. Lack of support from the mobile device manufacturers has led to scepticism among mobile operators about the future of IMS.

FMS和全IP化的网络或者NGN 都是在过去几年中通信上得热点。 IMS 涵盖了这前面几个网络。它提供了开放的标准架构,快速的服务部署能力,网络和服务之间的相互独立性,对于终端用户来讲,它提升了操作性以及提供了其他的有利于用户,服务提供商的部分。。不管之前列出来的这个技术和商业上的进步,现在IMS还是不能够大规模部署。这是非常惊讶的事情。缺少各类新颖的多媒体服务,以及在实时多媒体流下 移动终端的带宽的短板都是妨碍IMS 部署的原因。并且是否能够大规模制造各类智能终端,这也是对于IMS 前景的一个怀疑。

不过随着LTE 的部署,并且现iPHONE, Andorid 手机的流行。这个文章提出的两个疑问应该都没有问题。




FMC(Fixed-Mobile Convergence,固定移动融合)是最近我才发现的一个概念。如果说IMS侧重于网络构架,FMC则更侧重于业务与服务理念,IMS还是有形的,而FMC是无形的。FMC的目的就是要让终端用户再也看不出固网与移动网络的区别。IMS是目前实现FMC的一个重要部分。要进一步了解FMC请参考:http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/492101c70100078c。)
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