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2011-10-21 16:41 501 查看
using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Windows.Data;

using System.Windows.Controls;

using System.Windows;

using System.Globalization;

namespace YouNameSpace


class AutoFilteredComboBox : ComboBox


private int silenceEvents = 0;

/// <summary>

/// Creates a new instance of <see cref="AutoFilteredComboBox" />.

/// </summary>

public AutoFilteredComboBox()


DependencyPropertyDescriptor textProperty = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(

ComboBox.TextProperty, typeof(AutoFilteredComboBox));

textProperty.AddValueChanged(this, this.OnTextChanged);


this.IsEditable = true;


#region IsCaseSensitive Dependency Property

/// <summary>

/// The <see cref="DependencyProperty"/> object of the <see cref="IsCaseSensitive" /> dependency property.

/// </summary>

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsCaseSensitiveProperty =

DependencyProperty.Register("IsCaseSensitive", typeof(bool), typeof(AutoFilteredComboBox), new UIPropertyMetadata(false));

/// <summary>

/// Gets or sets the way the combo box treats the case sensitivity of typed text.

/// </summary>

/// <value>The way the combo box treats the case sensitivity of typed text.</value>

[System.ComponentModel.Description("The way the combo box treats the case sensitivity of typed text.")]

[System.ComponentModel.Category("AutoFiltered ComboBox")]


public bool IsCaseSensitive





return (bool)this.GetValue(IsCaseSensitiveProperty);





this.SetValue(IsCaseSensitiveProperty, value);



protected virtual void OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (this.IsCaseSensitive)

this.IsTextSearchEnabled = false;



private void RegisterIsCaseSensitiveChangeNotification()


System.ComponentModel.DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(IsCaseSensitiveProperty, typeof(AutoFilteredComboBox)).AddValueChanged(

this, this.OnIsCaseSensitiveChanged);



#region DropDownOnFocus Dependency Property

/// <summary>

/// The <see cref="DependencyProperty"/> object of the <see cref="DropDownOnFocus" /> dependency property.

/// </summary>

public static readonly DependencyProperty DropDownOnFocusProperty =

DependencyProperty.Register("DropDownOnFocus", typeof(bool), typeof(AutoFilteredComboBox), new UIPropertyMetadata(true));

/// <summary>

/// Gets or sets the way the combo box behaves when it receives focus.

/// </summary>

/// <value>The way the combo box behaves when it receives focus.</value>

[System.ComponentModel.Description("The way the combo box behaves when it receives focus.")]

[System.ComponentModel.Category("AutoFiltered ComboBox")]


public bool DropDownOnFocus





return (bool)this.GetValue(DropDownOnFocusProperty);





this.SetValue(DropDownOnFocusProperty, value);




#region | Handle selection |

/// <summary>

/// Called when <see cref="ComboBox.ApplyTemplate()"/> is called.

/// </summary>

public override void OnApplyTemplate()



this.EditableTextBox.SelectionChanged += this.EditableTextBox_SelectionChanged;


/// <summary>

/// Gets the text box in charge of the editable portion of the combo box.

/// </summary>

protected TextBox EditableTextBox




TextBox TxtBox = (TextBox)this.Template.FindName("PART_EditableTextBox", this);

return TxtBox;



private int start = 0, length = 0;

private void EditableTextBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


if (this.silenceEvents == 0)


this.start = ((TextBox)(e.OriginalSource)).SelectionStart;

this.length = ((TextBox)(e.OriginalSource)).SelectionLength;





#region | Handle focus |

/// <summary>

/// Invoked whenever an unhandled <see cref="UIElement.GotFocus" /> event

/// reaches this element in its route.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="e">The <see cref="RoutedEventArgs" /> that contains the event data.</param>

protected override void OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs e)



if (this.ItemsSource != null && this.DropDownOnFocus)


this.IsDropDownOpen = true;




#region | Handle filtering |

private void RefreshFilter()


if (this.ItemsSource != null)


ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.ItemsSource);


this.IsDropDownOpen = true;



private bool FilterPredicate(object value)


// We don't like nulls.

if (value == null)

return false;

// If there is no text, there's no reason to filter.

if (this.Text.Length == 0)

return true;

string prefix = this.Text;

// If the end of the text is selected, do not mind it.

if (this.length > 0 && this.start + this.length == this.Text.Length)


prefix = prefix.Substring(0, this.start);


//return value.ToString()

// .StartsWith(prefix, !this.IsCaseSensitive, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

return value.ToString()




/// <summary>

/// Called when the source of an item in a selector changes.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="oldValue">Old value of the source.</param>

/// <param name="newValue">New value of the source.</param>

protected override void OnItemsSourceChanged(System.Collections.IEnumerable oldValue, System.Collections.IEnumerable newValue)


if (newValue != null)


ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(newValue);

view.Filter += this.FilterPredicate;


if (oldValue != null)


ICollectionView view = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(oldValue);

view.Filter -= this.FilterPredicate;


base.OnItemsSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);


private void OnTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


if (!this.IsTextSearchEnabled && this.silenceEvents == 0)



// Manually simulate the automatic selection that would have been

// available if the IsTextSearchEnabled dependency property was set.

if (this.Text.Length > 0)


foreach (object item in CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.ItemsSource))


int text = item.ToString().Length, prefix = this.Text.Length;

this.SelectedItem = item;


this.EditableTextBox.Text = item.ToString();

this.EditableTextBox.Select(prefix, text - prefix);








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