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2011-10-14 13:12 411 查看
Vista下自动的Microsoft Office Picture Manager 和 Windows照片库等默认图片软件均没有在Tif图片格式中设置打印部分页数,连最喜欢用的iSee也没有这个功能,ACDSee有这个功能但不是免费的(正版的),picasa也没有此功能。后来查到microsoft office document imaging software有此功能,这个软件是office 办公软件其中的一个工具,默认是不会被安装的,在安装office2003和office2007下需要下面操作:
Go to Control Panel, select “Uninstall a program” link under Programs section.”
High Microsoft Office 2007 (it may show Ultimate, Enterprise, Professional, Small Business, Home and Student, etc).
Click on “Change” located on the navigation link near the top of the window.
Select “Add or Remove Features”, then click “Continue”.
Expand “Office Tools” section.
Click on the drop down list for “Microsoft Office Document Imaging” and select “Run all from My Computer”.
Click “Continue”.
Click “Close” when installation done.  
当然我们可以将Microsoft Office Document Imaging设置为tif图片的默认打开程序,右键点击tif文件,选择打开方式,程序路径在"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MODI\12.0\下的MSPVIEW.EXE
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