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6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec1:Introduction. Writing, compiling, and debugging C programs.

2011-10-12 23:08 423 查看
前言:最近通过MIT OCW的6.087 Practial Programming in C来复习C语言,对照了下6.087的课程设置与C Programming Language的章节结构,感觉两者的顺序差不多,但6.087为了使学习曲线更平滑,将一些比较难的内容分为两个或多个章节,并将难点放到后面,从而使学习过程更为轻松。这里是6.087的链接:http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-087-practical-programming-in-c-january-iap-2010/

Lec1 Introduction. Writing, compiling, and debugging C programs. Hello world.

C features:

• Few keywords

• Structures, unions – compound data types

• Pointers – memory, arrays

• External standard library – I/O, other facilities

• Compiles to native code

• Macro preprocessor


statement group( {} )
desicion making( if-else )
conditional switch ( switch-case )
loop with termination at top( for, while)
loop with termination at bottom(do...while)
early loop exit( break )


basic types

C语言中最常见的变量是自动变量(automatic variable),这种变量在每次调用时就重新创建,存在于栈中。


Inherently unsafe:

• No range checking

• Limited type safety at compile time

• No type checking at runtim


Using GDB

Some useful commands:

• break linenumber – create breakpoint at specified line

• break file:linenumber – create breakpoint at line in file

• run – run program

• c – continue execution

• next – execute next line

• step – execute next line or step into function

• quit – quit gdb

• print expression – print current value of the specified expression

• help command – in-program help



/* Begin with comments about file contents */

Insert #include statements and preprocessor definitions

Function prototypes and variable declarations

Define main() function


Function body


Define other function


Function body




• Must declare variables before use

• Variable declaration:

int n;

float phi;

• int - integer data type

• float - floating-point data type

• Many other types (more next lecture. . . )



• Uninitialized, variable assumes a default value

• Variables initialized via assignment operator:

n = 3;

• Can also initialize at declaration:

float phi = 1.6180339887;

• Can declare/initialize multiple variables at once:

int a, b, c = 0, d = 4;



• Order of operations:

Operator Evaluation direction

+,- (sign) right-to-left

*,/,% left-to-right

+,- left-to-right

=,+=,-=,*=,/=,%= right-to-left

• Use parentheses to override order of evaluation


Fucntion prototypes

• Functions also must be declared before use

• Declaration called function prototype

• Function prototypes:

int factorial ( int ); or int factorial ( int n);

• Prototypes for many common functions in header files for

C Standard Library

• General form:

return_type function_name(arg1,arg2,...);

• Arguments: local variables, values passed from caller

• Return value: single value returned to caller when function exits

• void – signifies no return value/arguments

int rand(void);



The Main() Function

• main(): entry point for C program

• Simplest version: no inputs, outputs 0 when successful, and nonzero to signal some error

int main(void);

• Two-argument form of main(): access command-line arguments

int main(int argc, char ∗∗argv);

• More on the char **argv notation later this week. . .


Function Definitions

Function declaration


declare variables;

program statements;


• Must match prototype (if there is one)

• variable names don’t have to match

• no semicolon at end

• Curly braces define a block – region of code

• Variables declared in a block exist only in that block

• Variable declarations before any other statements

“Functions break large computing tasks into smaller ones, and enable people to build on waht others have done instead of starting over from scratch” --C Programming Language, 2nd edition.



More about strings

• Strings stored as character array

• Null-terminated (last character in array is ’\0’ null)

• Not written explicitly in string literals • Preprocessor macros begin with # character

#include <stdio.h>

• Special characters specified using \ (escape character):

• \\ – backslash, \’ – apostrophe, \” – quotation mark

• \b, \t, \r, \n – backspace, tab, carriage return, linefeed

• \ooo, \xhh – octal and hexadecimal ASCII character

codes, e.g. \x41 – ’A’, \060 – ’0’


Preprocessor Macros

• Preprocessor macros begin with # character

#include <stdio.h>

• #define can take arguments and be treated like a function

#define add3(x,y,z) (( x)+(y)+(z))

• parentheses ensure order of operations

• compiler performs inline replacement; not suitable for recursion

Conditional preprocessor macros

• #if , #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, # elif , #endif

conditional preprocessor macros, can control which lines are compiled

• evaluated before code itself is compiled, so conditions must be preprocessor defines or literals

• the gcc option -Dname=value sets a preprocessor define that can be used

• Used in header files to ensure declarations happen only once

• #pragma

preprocessor directive

• #error, #warning

trigger a custom compiler error/warning

• #undef msg

remove the definition of msg at compile time



Topics covered:

• How to edit, compile, and debug C programs

• C programming fundamentals:

• comments

• preprocessor macros, including #include

• the main() function

• declaring and initializing variables, scope

• using puts() – calling a function and passing an argument

• returning from a function
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