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UVa Problem 10249 The Grand Dinner (丰盛的晚餐)

2011-10-08 21:26 615 查看
// The Grand Dinner (丰盛的晚餐)
// PC/UVa IDs: 111007/10249, Popularity: C, Success rate: high Level: 4
// Verdict: Accepted
// Submission Date: 2011-10-08
// UVa Run Time: 0.092s
// 版权所有(C)2011,邱秋。metaphysis # yeah dot net
// [Problem Description]
// Each team participating in this year’s ACM World Finals is expected to attend
// the grand banquet arranged for after the award ceremony. To maximize the amount
// of interaction between members of different teams, no two members of the same
// team will be allowed to sit at the same table.
// Given the number of members on each team (including contestants, coaches,
// reserves, and guests) and the seating capacity of each table, determine whether
// it is possible for the teams to sit as described. If such an arrangement is
// possible, output one such seating assignment. If there are multiple possible
// arrangements, any one is acceptable.
// [Input]
// The input file may contain multiple test cases. The first line of each test
// case contains two integers, 1 ≤ M ≤ 70 and 1 ≤ N ≤ 50, denoting the number of
// teams and tables, respectively. The second line of each test case contains M
// integers, where the ith integer mi indicates the number of members of team i.
// There are at most 100 members of any team. The third line contains N integers,
// where the jth integer nj , 2 ≤ nj ≤ 100, indicates the seating capacity of
// table j.
// A test case containing two zeros for M and N terminates the input.

// [Output]
// For each test case, print a line containing either 1 or 0, denoting whether
// there exists a valid seating arrangement of the team members. In case of a
// successful arrangement, print M additional lines where the ith line contains
// a table number (from 1 to N ) for each of the members of team i.
// [Sample Input]
// 4 5
// 4 5 3 5
// 3 5 2 6 4
// 4 5
// 4 5 3 5
// 3 5 2 6 3
// 0
// [Sample Output]
// 1
// 1 2 4 5
// 1 2 3 4 5
// 2 4 5
// 1 2 3 4 5
// [解题方法]
// 此题有两种解法,一种是简单的贪心法,一种是较复杂的图论网络最大流法。
// 贪心法采用如下策略:先将人数按降序排列,从编号为 1 的桌子开始安排座位,安排完后,安排下一队。若
// 能安排完所有人,则输出 1 和安排方案,若不能安排则输出 0,其中明显不能安排的,如某队人数大于桌子
// 数,参赛队伍数或桌子数为 0 等特殊情况,可以预先处理(虽然可以得到正确答案,但是贪心法的正确性如
// 何证明?可以通过网络最大流来证明吗?)。
// 网络流解法:源点 source 和每支参赛队伍之间边的容量为参赛队伍人数,每支队伍到桌子之间边的容量为
// 1,每张桌子到汇点 sink 边的容量为桌子的座位数,然后使用网络流算法求最大流,如果最大流等于参赛队
// 伍总人数,则满足条件,输出方案,否则不满足条件,输出 0。可以使用宽度优先遍历的 Ford-Fullerson
// 增广路方法,又名 Edmonds-Karp 算法,算法效率为 O(V*E*E),后续博文会给出。

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

#define MAXTEAMS 70		// 最大参赛队伍数。
#define MAXTABLES 50		// 桌子最大数。

#define UNSOLVABLE 0
#define SOLVABLE 1

struct team
int number;		// 参赛队伍编号。
int nmembers;		// 参赛队伍人数。

// 比较函数,参数队伍人数多的排前面。
bool cmp(team x, team y)
return x.nmembers > y.nmembers;

int main(int ac, char *av[])
team teams[MAXTEAMS];		// 各参赛队编号,人数。
int capacity[MAXTABLES];	// 桌子的座位数。
int nteams, ntables, ntemp;	// 队伍数,桌子数,总人数。
bool seat[MAXTABLES][MAXTEAMS];	// 记录座位安排方案。

while (cin >> nteams >> ntables, nteams || ntables)
// 读入参赛队人数并找参赛队的最大人数。
int maxMembers = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nteams; i++)
cin >> ntemp;
if (maxMembers < ntemp)
maxMembers = ntemp;
teams[i].number = i;
teams[i].nmembers = ntemp;

// 读入桌子座位数量。
for (int i = 0; i < ntables; i++)
cin >> capacity[i];

// 若参赛队伍数为 0,则直接输出存在,但是不用输出具体方案,因为所有桌子无人坐。
if (nteams == 0)
cout << SOLVABLE << "\n";

// 若桌子数为 0 或者参赛队伍中某队人数超过桌子数,则无法安排。
if (ntables == 0 || maxMembers > ntables)
cout << UNSOLVABLE << "\n";

// 将参赛队伍按人数多少从大到小排列。
sort(teams, teams + nteams, cmp);

// 贪心法安排座位,若某队无法安排,则无安排方案。
bool sitting = true;
memset(seat, false, sizeof(seat));
for (int i = 0; i < nteams; i++)
ntemp = teams[i].nmembers;
for (int j = 0; j < ntables && ntemp; j++)
if (capacity[j])
seat[j][teams[i].number] = true;

// 若经过一轮安排后,剩余人数不为 0 则无法安排。
if (ntemp)
sitting = false;

cout << (sitting ? SOLVABLE : UNSOLVABLE) << "\n";
if (sitting)
for (int i = 0; i < nteams; i++)
int blank = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < ntables; j++)
if (seat[j][i])
cout << (blank++ ? " " : "") <<
(j + 1);
cout << "\n";

return 0;
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