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一起学Windows phone7开发(五.一个时钟的例子)

2011-09-28 19:59 225 查看
Express blend工具是开发silverlight Ui的重要工具,在这里有一个从silverlight移植过来的时钟小例子可以看出在Phone7上这个工具一样也很重要并且可以提高开发效率。




<Storyboard x:Name="clockStoryboard">
<!-- This animation targets the hour hand transform -->
<DoubleAnimation x:Name="hourAnimation"
 Duration="12:0:0" RepeatBehavior="Forever" To="360" />
<!-- This animation targets the minute hand transform -->
<DoubleAnimation x:Name="minuteAnimation"

 Duration="1:0:0" RepeatBehavior="Forever" To="360" />
<!-- This animation targets the second hand transform -->
<DoubleAnimation x:Name="secondAnimation"

 Duration="0:1:0" RepeatBehavior="Forever" To="360" />



void MainPage_Loaded(object sender,
RoutedEventArgs e)
// The current date and time.
            System.DateTime currentDate =
// Find the appropriate angle (in degrees) for the hour hand
// based on the current time.
double hourangle = (((float)currentDate.Hour) / 12) * 360 + currentDate.Minute / 2;
// The same as for the minute angle.
double minangle = (((float)currentDate.Minute) / 60) * 360;
// The same for the second angle.
double secangle = (((float)currentDate.Second) / 60) * 360;
// Set the beginning of the animation (From property) to the angle
// corresponging to the current time.
            hourAnimation.From = hourangle;
// Set the end of the animation (To property)to the angle
            // corresponding to the current time PLUS 360 degrees. Thus, the
// animation will end after the clock hand moves around the clock
// once. Note: The RepeatBehavior property of the animation is set
// to "Forever" so the animation will begin again as soon as it completes.
            hourAnimation.To = hourangle + 360;
// Same as with the hour animation.
            minuteAnimation.From = minangle;
            minuteAnimation.To = minangle + 360;
            // Same as with the hour animation.
            secondAnimation.From = secangle;
            secondAnimation.To = secangle + 360;
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