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2011-09-28 01:01 232 查看
import struct
import sys
elfhdr = {}
def verify_elf(filename):
f = open(filename,'rb')
elfident = f.read(16)
magic = [ord(i) for i in elfident]
if( magic[0] != 127 or magic[1]!= ord('E') or magic[2] != ord('L') or magic[3] != ord('F')):
print "your input file %s not a elf file" %filename
temp = f.read(struct.calcsize('2HI3QI6H'))
temp = struct.unpack('2HI3QI6H',temp)
global elfhdr
elfhdr['magic'] = magic
elfhdr['e_type']= temp[0]
elfhdr['e_machine'] = temp[1]
elfhdr['e_version'] = temp[2]
elfhdr['e_entry'] = temp[3]
elfhdr['e_phoff'] = temp[4]
elfhdr['e_shoff'] = temp[5]
elfhdr['e_flags'] = temp[6]
elfhdr['e_ehsize'] = temp[7]
elfhdr['e_phentsize'] = temp[8]
elfhdr['e_phnum'] = temp[9]
elfhdr['e_shentsize'] = temp[10]
elfhdr['e_shnum'] = temp[11]
elfhdr['e_shstrndx'] = temp[12]
def display_elfhdr(elffile):
global elfhdr
print "ELF Header"
magic = elfhdr['magic']
print "  Magic:  %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d" %(magic[0] ,magic[1],magic[2],magic[3],magic[4],magic[5],magic[6],magic[7],magic[8],magic[9],magic[10],magic[11],magic[12],magic[13],magic[14],magic[15])
if magic[4] == 1 :
print "  Class:                           ELF32"
print "  Class:                           ELF64"
if magic[5] == 1:
print "  Data:                            2's complement,little endian"
print "Data:                              2's complement,bigendian"
print "  Version:                         %d(current)" %magic[6]
if magic[7] == 0:
os_abi = 'System V ABI'
elif magic[7]== 1:
os_abi = 'HP-Ux operating system'
elif magic[7] == 255:
os_abi = 'Standalone (embedded) application'
print "  OS/ABI:                          %s" %os_abi
print "  ABI Version:                     %d" %magic[8]
if elfhdr['e_type'] == 0:
type = 'No file type'
elif elfhdr['e_type'] == 1:
type = 'Relocatable object file'
elif elfhdr['e_type'] == 2:
type = 'Executable file'
elif elfhdr['e_type'] == 3:
type = 'Core file'
print "  Type:                            %s" %type
print "  Machine:                         %d" %elfhdr['e_machine']
print "  Version:                         0x%x" %elfhdr['e_version']
print "  Entry point address:             0x%x" %elfhdr['e_entry']
print "  Start of program headers:        %d (bytes into file)" %elfhdr['e_phoff']
print "  Start of section headers:        %d (bytes into file)" %elfhdr['e_shoff']
print "  Flags:                           0x%x" %elfhdr['e_flags']
print "  Size of this header:             %d (bytes)" %elfhdr['e_ehsize']
print "  Size of program headers:         %d (bytes)" %elfhdr['e_phentsize']
print "  Number of program headers:       %d " %elfhdr['e_phnum']
print "  Size of section headers:         %d (bytes)" %elfhdr['e_shentsize']
print "  Number of section headers:       %d" %elfhdr['e_shnum']
print "  Section header string table index: %d"%elfhdr['e_shstrndx']
def display_sections(elffile):
    sections = []
    global elfhdr
    sec_start = elfhdr['e_shoff']
    sec_size = elfhdr['e_shentsize']
    f = open(elffile,'rb')
    for i in range(0,elfhdr['e_shnum']):
        temp = f.read(sec_size)
        temp = struct.unpack('2I4Q2I2Q',temp)
        sec = {}
        sec['sh_name'] = temp[0]
        sec['sh_type'] = temp[1]
        sec['sh_flags'] = temp[2]
        sec['sh_addr'] = temp[3]
        sec['sh_offset'] = temp[4]
        sec['sh_size'] = temp[5]
        sec['sh_link'] = temp[6]
        sec['sh_info'] = temp[7]
        sec['sh_addralign'] = temp[8]
        sec['sh_entsize'] = temp[9]
    print "There are %d section headers,starting at offset 0x%x:\n" %(elfhdr['e_shnum'],sec_start)
    print "Section Headers:"
    print "  [Nr] Name               Type            Address          Offset"
    print "       Size               Entsize         Flags  Link  Info Align"
    start = sections[elfhdr['e_shstrndx']]['sh_offset']
        for i in range(0,elfhdr['e_shnum']):
        offset = start + sections[i]['sh_name']
        name = get_name(f,offset)
        flags = sections[i]['sh_flags']
        if (flags == 1):
            flagsstr = 'W'
        elif (flags == 2):
            flagsstr = 'A'
        elif (flags == 4):
            flagsstr = 'X'
        elif (flags == 3):
            flagsstr = 'W' + 'A'
        elif (flags == 6):
            flagsstr = 'A' +  'X'
        elif (flags == 0x0f000000 or flags == 0xf0000000):
            flagsstr = 'MS'
            flagsstr = ''
        print "  [%d]  %s              %s             %x             %x" %(i,name,type2str[sections[i]['sh_type'] & 0x7],sections[i]['sh_addr'],sections[i]['sh_addralign'])
        print "      %x                   %x       %s        %d     %d     %x" %(sections[i]['sh_size'],sections[i]['sh_entsize'],flagsstr,sections[i]['sh_link'],sections[i]['sh_info'],sections[i]['sh_addralign'])
def get_name(f,offset):
    name = ''
    while 1:
        c = f.read(1)
        if c == '\0':
            name += c
    return name
if __name__ == '__main__':

file = sys.argv[1]





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