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poj 1001 exponentiation

2011-09-27 11:34 399 查看

Time Limit: 500MSMemory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 92706Accepted: 22156

Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems.

This problem requires that you write a program to compute the exact value of Rn where R is a real number ( 0.0 < R < 99.999 ) and n is an integer such that 0 < n <= 25.


The input will consist of a set of pairs of values for R and n. The R value will occupy columns 1 through 6, and the n value will be in columns 8 and 9.


The output will consist of one line for each line of input giving the exact value of R^n. Leading zeros should be suppressed in the output. Insignificant trailing zeros must not be printed. Don't print the decimal point if the result is an integer.

Sample Input
95.123 12
0.4321 20
5.1234 15
6.7592  9
98.999 10
1.0100 12

Sample Output


If you don't know how to determine wheather encounted the end of input:

s is a string and n is an integer







while(scanf("%s%d",s,&n)==2) //to  see if the scanf read in as many items as you want

/*while(scanf(%s%d",s,&n)!=EOF) //this also work    */





East Central North America 1988

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>

#define LEN 200

void Mult (int a[LEN], int b[LEN]) {
static int c[LEN];
memset (c, 0, sizeof(c));
for (int i=0; i<LEN; ++i) {
for (int k=0; i+k<LEN; ++k) {
c[i+k] += a[i] * b[k];
int car = 0;
for (int i=0; i<LEN; ++i) {
c[i] += car;
car = c[i] / 10;
c[i] = c[i] % 10;
memcpy (a, c, sizeof(c));

struct IsNotZero {
bool operator () (const int &x) {
return x != 0;

bool IsAllZero (int a[LEN], int i) {
return std::find_if (a, a + i, IsNotZero()) == a + i;

void Print (int a[LEN], int p) {
int i = LEN;
while (--i >= 0 && a[i] == 0) {}
if (i < 0) {
printf ("0\n");
int zeros = p - i - 1;
if (zeros >= 0) { // type 1: leading zeros needed
printf (".");
while (zeros--) {
printf ("0");
while (i >= 0 && !IsAllZero (a, i + 1)) {
printf ("%d", a[i--]);
} else {          // type 2: leading zeros not needed
while (i > p - 1) {
printf ("%d", a[i--]);
if (i <= 0 || IsAllZero (a, i + 1)) {
printf ("\n");
printf (".");
while (i >= 0 && !IsAllZero (a, i + 1)) {
printf ("%d", a[i--]);
printf ("\n");

void Pow (int a[LEN], int p) {
static int b[LEN];
memcpy (b, a, sizeof(b));
memset (a, 0, sizeof(b));
a[0] = 1;
while (p) {
if (p & 1) {
Mult (a, b);
Mult (b, b);
p >>= 1;

int main () {
int a[LEN];
int n;
int p;
char str[LEN];
while (scanf ("%s%d", str, &n) == 2) {
if (n == 0) {
printf ("1\n");
memset (a, 0, sizeof(a));
int i = -1;
while (++i < 6 && str[5 - i] != '.') {
a[i] = str[5 - i] - '0';
p = i;
while (++i < 6) {
a[i - 1] = str[5 - i] - '0';
Pow (a, n);
Print (a, p * n);
return 0;
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