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CORE Computer Science Journal Rankings

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CORE Computer Science Journal Rankings

ACM Computing SurveysA+
ACM Transactions on Computer SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human InteractionA+
ACM Transactions on Database SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on GraphicsA+
ACM Transactions on Information SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Mathematical SoftwareA+
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and SystemsA+
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and MethodologyA+
Annual Review of Information Science and TechnologyA+
Artificial IntelligenceA+
Decision Support SystemsA+
European Journal of Information Systems 0960-085XA+
Human-Computer InteractionA+
IEEE Transactions on ComputersA+
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsA+
IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingA+
IEEE Transactions on Information TheoryA+
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed SystemsA+
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine IntelligenceA+
IEEE Transactions on Software EngineeringA+
IEEE-ACM Transactions on NetworkingA+
Information & ManagementA+
Information Research-An International Electronic JournalA+
Information Systems Databases: Their Creation Management and Utilization An International JournalA+
Information Systems ResearchA+
Information Systems ResearchA+
International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB)A+
Journal of Computer and System SciencesA+
Journal of CryptologyA+
Journal of DocumentationA+
Journal of Information ScienceA+
Journal of Management Information SystemsA+
Journal of Parallel and Distributed ComputingA+
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and TechnologyA+
Journal of the Association for Computing MachineryA+
Journal of the Association for Information SystemsA+
Library & Information Science ResearchA+
Library QuarterlyA+
Library TrendsA+
Machine LearningA+
MIS QuarterlyA+
Neural ComputationA+
Quantum Information & ComputationA+
School Library Media ResearchA+
SIAM Journal on ComputingA+
ACM Journal of Experimental AlgorithmicsA
ACM Transactions on AlgorithmsA
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code OptimizationA
ACM Transactions on Computational LogicA
ACM Transactions on Information and System SecurityA
ACM Transactions on Information and System SecurityA
ACM Transactions on Internet TechnologyA
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer SimulationA
ACM Transactions on the WebA
Acta InformaticaA
Acta InformaticaA
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial IntelligenceA
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial IntelligenceA
Australian Academic and Research LibrariesA
Australian Library JournalA
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsA
Cataloging and Classification QuarterlyA
College & Research LibrariesA
Combinatorics Probability & ComputingA
Computational ComplexityA
Computational IntelligenceA
Computer JournalA
Computer NetworksA
Computer Research and DevelopmentA
Computer Science EducationA
Computer Speech and LanguageA
Computer Supported Cooperative WorkA
Computer Vision and Image UnderstandingA
Computers & EducationA
Computing 0010-485XA
Concurrency and Computation-Practice & ExperienceA
Data Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryA
Decision SciencesA
Designs Codes and CryptographyA
Digital CreativityA
Digital CreativityA
Discrete Applied MathematicsA
Discrete MathematicsA
Distributed and Parallel DatabasesA
Distributed ComputingA
Electronic Commerce ResearchA
Electronic MarketsA
Empirical Software EngineeringA
Evolutionary ComputationA
Expert Systems With ApplicationsA
First MondayA
Formal Aspects of ComputingA
Formal MethodsA
Formal Methods in System DesignA
Future Generation Computer SystemsA
Fuzzy Sets and SystemsA
IBM Journal of Research and DevelopmentA
IBM Systems JournalA
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingA
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingA
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary ComputationA
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringA
IEEE Transactions on Mobile ComputingA
IEEE Transactions on MultimediaA
IEEE Transactions on Neural NetworksA
IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityA
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsA
IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsA
Information and ComputationA
Information and OrganisationA
Information and OrganisationA
Information Communication and SocietyA
Information Systems FrontiersA
Information Systems JournalA
Information Technology and PeopleA
Integration-the VLSI JournalA
Interlending & Document SupplyA
International Journal of Computer VisionA
International Journal of Digital Forensics & Incident Response (Digital Investigation)A
International Journal of High Performance Computing and NetworkingA
International Journal of High Performance Computing ApplicationsA
International Journal of Human-Computer StudiesA
International Journal of Parallel ProgrammingA
Journal of Academic LibrarianshipA
Journal of AlgorithmsA
Journal of Artificial Intelligence ResearchA
Journal of Automated ReasoningA
Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent SystemsA
Journal of Community InformaticsA
Journal of Community InformaticsA
Journal of Computer Assisted LearningA
Journal of Database ManagementA
Journal of Digital InformationA
Journal of Education for Library and Information ScienceA
Journal of Functional and Logic ProgrammingA
Journal of Functional ProgrammingA
Journal of Global Information Technology ManagementA
Journal of Grid ComputingA
Journal of HeuristicsA
Journal of HeuristicsA
Journal of Information SystemsA
Journal of Information TechnologyA
Journal of Librarianship and Information ScienceA
Journal of Logic and Algebraic ProgrammingA
Journal of Logic and ComputationA
Journal of Machine Learning ResearchA
Journal of Network and Computer ApplicationsA
Journal of Network and Systems ManagementA
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic CommerceA
Journal of Strategic Information SystemsA
Journal of Symbolic ComputationA
Journal of Visual Languages and ComputingA
Journal of Visual Languages and ComputingA
Library and Information ResearchA
Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic JournalA
Mathematics of ComputationA
MISQ ExecutiveA
Multimedia SystemsA
Natural Language EngineeringA
Nauchno-Technicheskoi Informasiya SeriyaA
Neural NetworksA
New Review of Information and Library ResearchA
Parallel ComputingA
Pattern RecognitionA
Performance EvaluationA
Quantum Information ProcessingA
Queueing Systems : Theory and ApplicationsA
Random Structures and AlgorithmsA
Real-Time SystemsA
Research on Language and ComputationA
Scandinavian Journal of Information SystemsA
School Libraries WorldwideA
Science of Computer ProgrammingA
SIAM Journal on Discrete MathematicsA
Software Practice and ExperienceA
Speech CommunicationA
Theoretical Computer ScienceA
Theoretical Computer ScienceA
Theory and Practice of Logic ProgrammingA
Theory of ComputingA
Theory of Computing SystemsA
User Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionA
User Modeling and User-Adapted InteractionA
VLSI DesignA
World Wide WebA
ACM Computer Communication ReviewB
ACM Computers in EntertainmentB
ACM Transactions on Applied PerceptionB
ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information ProcessingB
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive SystemsB
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery From DataB
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and ApplicationsB
ACM Transactions on Speech and Language ProcessingB
ACM Transactions on StorageB
Advances in Mathematics of CommunicationsB
Advances in Mathematics of CommunicationsB
AI CommunicationsB
Annals of Software EngineeringB
Applied Artificial IntelligenceB
Applied Intelligence 0924-669XB
ARS CombinatoriaB
Artificial LifeB
Aslib Proceedings 0001-253XB
Australasian Journal of Information SystemsB
Automated Software EngineeringB
Behavior Research Methods Instruments & ComputersB
Business Process Management JournalB
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science-Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Information et de Bibliotheconomie 1195-096XB
Collection BuildingB
Communications of the ACMB
Communications of the Association of Information SystemsB
Computer CommunicationsB
Computer LanguagesB
Computer Standards & InterfacesB
Computer Standards & InterfacesB
Computers & SecurityB
Computers in IndustryB
Connection ScienceB
Cybernetics and SystemsB
Data & Knowledge EngineeringB
Data & Knowledge EngineeringB
Discourse ProcessesB
Distributed Systems EngineeringB
d-Lib MagazineB
Electronic Journal of CombinatoricsB
Electronic Journal of IS EvaluationB
Electronic LibraryB
Environmental Modelling & SoftwareB
Evidence Based Library and Information PracticeB
Fundamenta InformaticaeB
Government Information QuarterlyB
Graphs and CombinatoricsB
Health Information and Libraries JournalB
Human ITB
IEEE Annals of the History of ComputingB
IEEE Communication LettersB
IEEE ComputerB
IEEE Computer Graphics and ApplicationsB
IEEE Internet ComputingB
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in CommunicationsB
IEEE MultimediaB
IEEE Pervasive ComputingB
IEEE Security and PrivacyB
IEEE Security and PrivacyB
IEEE SoftwareB
IEEE Transactions on EducationB
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityB
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and HumansB
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-CyberneticsB
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and ReviewsB
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration SystemsB
IET Computer Vision : (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing)B
IET Computers and Digital TechniquesB
IET Image Processing (was IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing)B
IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software)B
IET Software (was IEE Proceedings Software)B
Image and Vision ComputingB
Industrial Management & Data SystemsB
Info : the Journal of Policy Regulation and Strategy for Telecommunications Information and MediaB
Information and Software TechnologyB
Information Economics and PolicyB
Information Management and Computer SecurityB
Information Management JournalB
Information Processing LettersB
Information RetrievalB
Information SciencesB
Information Software and TechnologyB
Information Systems ManagementB
Information Technology and LibrariesB
Information VisualizationB
Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer SciencesB
Intelligent Data AnalysisB
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous ComputingB
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software EngineeringB
International Journal of Applied CryptographyB
International Journal of Approximate ReasoningB
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive CommunicationsB
International Journal of Computational Geometry & ApplicationsB
International Journal of Computational Intelligence SystemsB
International Journal of Cooperative Information SystemsB
International Journal of e-CollaborationB
International Journal of Electronic CommerceB
International Journal of Electronic Government ResearchB
International Journal of Foundations of Computer ScienceB
International Journal of General SystemsB
International Journal of Geographical Information ScienceB
International Journal of Grid and Utility ComputingB
International Journal of Human-Computer InteractionB
International Journal of Intelligent SystemsB
International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering SystemsB
International Journal of Law and Information TechnologyB
International Journal of LearningB
International Journal of Neural SystemsB
International Journal of Parallel Emergent and Distributed SystemsB
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial IntelligenceB
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringB
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge EngineeringB
International Journal of Wireless Information NetworksB
International Journal on Digital LibrariesB
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology TransferB
Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and PolicyB
Journal of (for) Computer Information SystemsB
Journal of Applied Non-Classical LogicsB
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and LawB
Journal of Combinatorial Theory SeriesB
Journal of Communications and NetworksB
Journal of Computer Information SystemsB
Journal of Computer Science and TechnologyB
Journal of Computer SecurityB
Journal of Government InformationB
Journal of Graph Algorithms and ApplicationsB
Journal of Graph TheoryB
Journal of Information EthicsB
Journal of Information Systems ManagementB
Journal of Information Technology EducationB
Journal of InformetricsB
Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsB
Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsB
Journal of Intelligent SystemsB
Journal of Knowledge ManagementB
Journal of Knowledge Management PracticeB
Journal of Library AdministrationB
Journal of Mathematical CryptologyB
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionB
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionB
Journal of Object TechnologyB
Journal of Organizational and End User ComputingB
Journal of Research and Practice in Information TechnologyB
Journal of SoftwareB
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution-Research and PracticeB
Journal of SupercomputingB
Journal of Systems and SoftwareB
Journal of Systems ArchitectureB
Journal of the American Society for Information Processing and ManagementB
Journal of the Medical Library AssociationB
Journal of the University College and Research Libraries Section of the Australian Library and Information AssociationB
Journal of Universal Computer ScienceB
Journal of Universal Computer ScienceB
Journal of VisualizationB
Journal of Visualization and Computer AnimationB
Journal of Visualization and Computer AnimationB
Knowledge and Information SystemsB
Knowledge Management Research and PracticeB
Knowledge OrganizationB
Knowledge-Based SystemsB
Language Resources and EvaluationB
Law Library JournalB
Library Hi TechB
Library ManagementB
Library Resources & Technical ServicesB
Library ReviewB
Logic Journal of the IGPLB
Machine TranslationB
Machine TranslationB
Machine Vision and ApplicationsB
Mathematical and Computer ModellingB
Mathematics and Computers in SimulationB
Mobile Networks & ApplicationsB
Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International JournalB
Multiagent and Grid Systems: An International JournalB
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsB
Multimedia Tools and ApplicationsB
Multi-Valued Logic and Soft ComputingB
Neural Computing & ApplicationsB
Neural Processing LettersB
New Generation ComputingB
New Generation ComputingB
New Review of Information Behaviour ResearchB
Online Information ReviewB
Open Systems & Information DynamicsB
Pattern Analysis and ApplicationsB
Pattern Recognition LettersB
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies)B
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (was Personal Technologies)B
Pervasive and Mobile ComputingB
Portal-Libraries and the AcademyB
Reference & User Services QuarterlyB
Requirements EngineeringB
Research EvaluationB
Restaurator-International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival MaterialB
Security and Communication NetworksB
SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation InternationalB
Social Science Computer ReviewB
Software and System ModelingB
Software Concepts and ToolsB
Software Testing Verification & ReliabilityB
Software Testing Verification and ReliabilityB
Transactions in GISB
Transactions in GISB
Visual Computer International Journal of Computer GraphicsB
Wireless Communications & Mobile ComputingB
Wireless NetworksB
Academy of Information and Management Sciences JournalC
ACIS International Journal of Computer and Information ScienceC
ACM Journal of Computer DocumentationC
ACM Journal on Educational Resources in ComputingC
ACM Letters on Programming Languages and SystemsC
ACM SIGecom ExchangesC
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems ReviewC
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems ReviewC
Acta Automatica SinicaC
Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis OstraviensisC
Advanced Technology LibrariesC
Advances and Applications in Discrete MathematicsC
Advances in Engineering SoftwareC
African Journal in Information and Communication TechnologyC
AI and SocietyC
AI and SocietyC
AI in EngineeringC
AI MagazineC
AKCE International Journal of Graphs and CombinatoricsC
Algebra and Discrete MathematicsC
Algorytmy (Algorithms)C
Applicable Analysis and Discrete MathematicsC
Applied Computing and InformaticsC
Applied Computing ReviewC
Applied OntologyC
Applied Soft ComputingC
Archives and ManuscriptsC
Artificial Intelligence and LawC
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behavior QuarterlyC
Artificial Intelligence in MedicineC
Artificial Intelligence ReviewC
Asian Journal of Information TechnologyC
Assiut University Journal of Mathematics and Computer ScienceC
Australasian Journal of CombinatoricsC
Australasian Public Libraries and Information ServicesC
Australian Journal of Electronic CommerceC
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing SystemsC
Behavioral & Social Sciences LibrarianC
Bulletin des Bibliothques de FranceC
Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information TechnologyC
Bulletin of Informatics and CyberneticsC
Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer ScienceC
Bulletin of the Institute of Combinatorics and its ApplicationsC
Business Information ReviewC
Business Intelligence JournalC
Business Intelligence JournalC
Cahiers GutenbergC
Campus-wide Information SystemsC
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer ScienceC
Chinese Journal of Advanced Software ResearchC
Communications in Information LiteracyC
Communications of the ICISAC
Communications of the International Information Management AssociationC
Communications of the International Information Management AssociationC
Complex SystemsC
Complex SystemsC
Complexity InternationalC
Complexity InternationalC
Computer Graphics ForumC
Computer Languages Systems & StructuresC
Computers & Graphics-UkC
Computers & SecurityC
Computers in LibrariesC
Computing and Informatics JournalC
Congressus NumerantiumC
Contributions to Discrete MathematicsC
Control and CyberneticsC
Cryptography and CommunicationsC
Data Science JournalC
Database for Advances in Information SystemsC
Desidoc Bulletin of Information TechnologyC
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and ApplicationsC
Discrete Mathematics and ApplicationsC
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceC
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph TheoryC
East Asian Library JournalC
Education For Library and Information Services: AustraliaC
Education LibrariesC
Education Libraries JournalC
Egyptian Computer Science JournalC
El Profesional De La InformacionC
Electronic Commerce Research and ApplicationsC
Electronic Communication Law Review (was EDI Law Review)C
Electronic Journal of Knowledge ManagementC
Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing CountriesC
Electronic Notes in Discrete MathematicsC
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer ScienceC
Electronic Transactions on Artificial IntelligenceC
Enterprise Information SystemsC
Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems ArchitecturesC
Ethics and Information TechnologyC
Expert SystemsC
Failure and Lessons Learned in Information Technology ManagementC
First MondayC
Foundations and Trends in Information RetrievalC
Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer ScienceC
Graphical Models and Image ProcessingC
Graphical Models and Image ProcessingC
Higher-Order and Symbolic ComputationC
IAENG International Journal of Computer ScienceC
IASTED International Journal of Computers and ApplicationsC
IASTED International Journal of Modelling and SimulationC
IEE Proceedings - Software EngineeringC
IEE Proceedings-SoftwareC
IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and Signal ProcessingC
IEEE Computing in Science and EngineeringC
IEEE Computing in Science and EngineeringC
IEEE Distributed Systems OnlineC
IEEE Intelligent SystemsC
IEEE Intelligent Systems: Putting AI Into PracticeC
IEEE Software Process NewsletterC
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer SciencesC
IEICE Transactions on Information and SystemsC
IET Information Security (was IEE Proceedings Information Security)C
Imaging Science JournalC
Implementation of Quantum ComputationC
Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge SystemsC
INFOCOMP Journal of Computer ScienceC
Informação & InformaçãoC
Informatica didacticaC
Informatics in Education: An International JournalC
Information and Communications Technology LawC
Information Development: the international journal for librarians, archivists and information specialistsC
Information Knowledge Systems ManagementC
Information Management Policies and ServicesC
Information OutlookC
Information Processing & ManagementC
Information Research-an International Electronic JournalC
Information Resources Management JournalC
Information SecurityC
Information Services & UseC
Information SocietyC
Information SocietyC
Information Systems Control JournalC
Information Systems Security JournalC
Information Technologies and International DevelopmentC
Information TechnologistC
Information Technology and DisabilitiesC
Information Technology and ManagementC
Information Technology and TourismC
Information Technology JournalC
Information Technology JournalC
Information Technology Learning and Performance JournalC
Informing ScienceC
Informing ScienceC
Ingénierie des systèmes d'informationC
Intelligent Automation and Soft ComputingC
Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and ManagementC
Interacting With ComputersC
International Arab Journal of Information TechnologyC
International Information & Library ReviewC
International Journal for InfonomicsC
International Journal for InfonomicsC
International Journal of Business Data Communications and NetworkingC
International Journal of Business Information SystemsC
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data MiningC
International Journal of Cases on Electronic CommerceC
International Journal of Cases on Electronic CommerceC
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural IntelligenceC
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed SystemsC
International Journal of Computational IntelligenceC
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and ApplicationsC
International Journal of Computer and Engineering ManagementC
International Journal of Computer Applications in TechnologyC
International Journal of Computer MathematicsC
International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (was Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages)C
International Journal of Computer Science an Network SecurityC
International Journal of Computer Systems Science and EngineeringC
International Journal of Computers and Their ApplicationsC
International Journal of Computers and Their ApplicationsC
International Journal of Computing and Information SciencesC
International Journal of Computing Science and MathematicsC
International Journal of Data Warehousing and MiningC
International Journal of Data Warehousing and MiningC
International Journal of Digital EvidenceC
International Journal of Distributed Sensor NetworksC
International Journal of e-Business ResearchC
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital ForensicsC
International Journal of Enterprise Information SystemsC
International Journal of Expert SystemsC
International Journal of Expert Systems With ApplicationsC
International Journal of Fuzzy Sets and SystemsC
International Journal of High Speed ComputingC
International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent SystemsC
International Journal of Image and GraphicsC
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology EducationC
International Journal of Information and Computer SecurityC
International Journal of Information and Computer SecurityC
International Journal of Information and Operations Management EducationC
International Journal of Information ManagementC
International Journal of Information QualityC
International Journal of Information SecurityC
International Journal of Information Security and PrivacyC
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain ManagementC
International Journal of Information TechnologyC
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision MakingC
International Journal of Information Technology and ManagementC
International Journal of Information Technology and the Systems ApproachC
International Journal of Information Technology and Web EngineeringC
International Journal of Information Technology EducationC
International Journal of Intelligent Information TechnologiesC
International Journal of Intelligent Information TechnologiesC
International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management (was Expert Systems Review)C
International Journal of Intelligent TechnologyC
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise ManagementC
International Journal of Internet Protocol TechnologyC
International Journal of Internet ScienceC
International Journal of Interoperability in Business Information SystemsC
International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization ResearchC
International Journal of Knowledge and LearningC
International Journal of Knowledge ManagementC
International Journal of Knowledge ManagementC
International Journal of Knowledge Management StudiesC
International Journal of Libraries and Information ServicesC
International Journal of Metadata Semantics and OntologiesC
International Journal of Mobile CommunicationsC
International Journal of Mobile Information SystemsC
International Journal of Mobile Information SystemsC
International Journal of Modelling and SimulationC
International Journal of Network ManagementC
International Journal of Netwrok SecurityC
International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and NetworksC
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsC
International Journal of Security and NetworksC
International Journal of Services and StandardsC
International Journal of Simulation and Process ModellingC
International Journal of Systems ScienceC
International Journal of Systems ScienceC
International Journal of Technology and Human InteractionC
International Journal of Technology Policy and Law (was International Journal of Information Policy and Law)C
International Journal of The Computer the Internet and ManagementC
International Journal of Web and Grid ServicesC
International Journal of Web Based CommunitiesC
International Journal of Web Engineering and TechnologyC
International Journal of Web Engineering and TechnologyC
International Journal of Web Information SystemsC
International Journal of Web Information SystemsC
International Journal of Web Services ResearchC
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile ComputingC
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence ToolsC
International Journal on Digital LibrariesC
International Journal on Pervasive Computing and CommunicationsC
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information SystemsC
International Review of Information EthicsC
International Review of Information EthicsC
Internet and Web Information SystemsC
Iranian Journal of Information Science and TechnologyC
IS Audit and Control JournalC
Issues in Science and Technology LibrarianshipC
Journal of Algorithms and Computational TechnologyC
Journal of Applied Algebra and Discrete StructuresC
Journal of Applied System StudiesC
Journal of Automata Languages and CombinatoricsC
Journal of Autonomic and Trusted ComputingC
Journal of Cases on Information TechnologyC
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial ComputingC
Journal of Combinatorics Information and System SciencesC
Journal of Computation and MathematicsC
Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationC
Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationC
Journal of Computing and Information TechnologyC
Journal of Conceptual ModelingC
Journal of Decision SystemsC
Journal of Digital Forensic PracticeC
Journal of Digital Forensics Security and LawC
Journal of Digital Information ManagementC
Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic SystemsC
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and CryptographyC
Journal of Educational Computing ResearchC
Journal of Electronic Commerce ResearchC
Journal of Electronic ImagingC
Journal of Electronic PublishingC
Journal of Enterprise Information ManagementC
Journal of Enterprise Information ManagementC
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial IntelligenceC
Journal of Global Information ManagementC
Journal of Global Information ManagementC
Journal of Graphics ToolsC
Journal of Informatics Education and ResearchC
Journal of Information and Knowledge ManagementC
Journal of Information Communication and Ethics in SocietyC
Journal of Information Information Technology and OrganizationsC
Journal of Information Law and TechnologyC
Journal of Information Law and TechnologyC
Journal of Information LiteracyC
Journal of Information Privacy and SecurityC
Journal of Information Science and EngineeringC
Journal of Information Science and TechnologyC
Journal of Information SecurityC
Journal of Information System SecurityC
Journal of Information Systems and Small BusinessC
Journal of Information Systems and Technology ManagementC
Journal of Information Systems EducationC
Journal of Information Technology Cases and ApplicationsC
Journal of Information Technology ManagementC
Journal of Information Technology Theory and ApplicationsC
Journal of Information WarfareC
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy SystemsC
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic SystemsC
Journal of Interlibrary Loan Document Delivery and Electronic ReserveC
Journal of International Technology and Information ManagementC
Journal of Internet CatalogingC
Journal of Internet TechnologyC
Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information TechnologyC
Journal of Issues in Informing Science and Information TechnologyC
Journal of Law and Information ScienceC
Journal of Library and Information ManagementC
Journal of Logic Language and InformationC
Journal of Management SystemsC
Journal of Mobile MultimediaC
Journal of Scholarly PublishingC
Journal of Software EngineeringC
Journal of Systemics Cybernetics and InformaticsC
Journal of Systems and Information TechnologyC
Journal of Systems EngineeringC
Journal of Systems IntegrationC
Journal of Telecommunications and Information TechnologyC
Journal of the Brazilian Computer SocietyC
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce ResearchC
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information TechnologyC
Journal of Universal Knowledge ManagementC
Journal of Visual Communication and Image RepresentationC
Journal of Web SemanticsC
Journal on Satisfiability Boolean Modelling and ComputationC
Knowledge Engineering ReviewC
Languages and SystemsC
Library and Information ScienceC
Library and Information Science Research Electronic JournalC
Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical ServicesC
Library JournalC
Library Software ReviewC
Library Technology ReportsC
Machine Graphics and VisionC
Machine Graphics and VisionC
Malaysian Journal of Computer ScienceC
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical SystemsC
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific ComputingC
NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic NetworkingC
Network and Computer ApplicationsC
Neural Information Processing SeriesC
New Library WorldC
New Mathematics and Natural ComputationC
New Review of Hypermedia and MultimediaC
New Review of Information NetworkingC
New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing and Information TechnologyC
New Zealand Journal of ComputingC
Numerical AlgorithmsC
Optimization Methods & SoftwareC
Perl JournalC
Product Focused Software Process ImprovementC
Product Focused Software Process ImprovementC
Profesional de la InformacionC
Program-Electronic Library and Information SystemsC
Programming and Computer SoftwareC
Real-Time ImagingC
Records Management JournalC
Reference LibrarianC
References Services ReviewC
Research StrategiesC
Review of Business Information SystemsC
Seminaire Lostharingien de CombinatoireC
Serials LibrarianC
Service Oriented Computing and ApplicationsC
SIGCSE Bulletin inroadsC
Singapore Journal of Library and Information ManagementC
Small Scale Digital Device Forensic JournalC
Social Science InformationC
Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and ApplicationsC
Software Process: Improvement and PracticeC
Software Quality JournalC
South African Computer JournalC
South African Journal of Information ManagementC
South African Journal of Library and Information ScienceC
Technical Services QuarterlyC
Telematics and InformaticsC
Telematics and InformaticsC
The Journal of Electronic PublishingC
Theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsC
Theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsC
Theoretical Informatics and ApplicationsC
Universal Access in the Information SocietyC
Universal Access in the Information SocietyC
Utilitas MathematicaC
Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International JournalC
WSEAS Transactions on Computer ResearchC
WSEAS Transactions on ComputersC
WSEAS Transactions On Information Science And ApplicationsC
WSEAS Transactions on SystemsC
WSEAS Transactions on SystemsC
Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und BibliographieC
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