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创新工厂面试题详解 我的代码

2011-09-23 01:05 246 查看
原贴 http://blog.csdn.net/nokiaguy/article/details/6800209#cpp


1 people caught 2 fishes
People[00] took 1 fishes within total 2 fishes

2 people caught 7 fishes
People[00] took 3 fishes within total 7 fishes
People[01] took 1 fishes within total 3 fishes

3 people caught 25 fishes
People[00] took 8 fishes within total 25 fishes
People[01] took 5 fishes within total 16 fishes
People[02] took 3 fishes within total 10 fishes

4 people caught 253 fishes
People[00] took 63 fishes within total 253 fishes
People[01] took 47 fishes within total 189 fishes
People[02] took 35 fishes within total 141 fishes
People[03] took 26 fishes within total 105 fishes

5 people caught 3121 fishes
People[00] took 624 fishes within total 3121 fishes
People[01] took 499 fishes within total 2496 fishes
People[02] took 399 fishes within total 1996 fishes
People[03] took 319 fishes within total 1596 fishes
People[04] took 255 fishes within total 1276 fishes

6 people caught 46651 fishes
People[00] took 7775 fishes within total 46651 fishes
People[01] took 6479 fishes within total 38875 fishes
People[02] took 5399 fishes within total 32395 fishes
People[03] took 4499 fishes within total 26995 fishes
People[04] took 3749 fishes within total 22495 fishes
People[05] took 3124 fishes within total 18745 fishes

7 people caught 823537 fishes
People[00] took 117648 fishes within total 823537 fishes
People[01] took 100841 fishes within total 705888 fishes
People[02] took 86435 fishes within total 605046 fishes
People[03] took 74087 fishes within total 518610 fishes
People[04] took 63503 fishes within total 444522 fishes
People[05] took 54431 fishes within total 381018 fishes
People[06] took 46655 fishes within total 326586 fishes

Press any key to continue . . .


// Fish.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <assert.h>

#include <vector>
using std::vector;

static bool IsExpected(int Fish, int People)
if (Fish <= 1)
return false;
return ((Fish - 1) % People == 0);

//-1 means fish count error
static int GetNextFish(int Fish, int People)
assert(IsExpected(Fish, People));
int NextFish = (People - 1) * (Fish - 1) / People;
return (IsExpected(NextFish, People)? NextFish : -1);

static int GetAnValiadFish(int kk, int People)
return (People * kk + 1);

static bool TestValidFishCount(int Fish, int People, vector<int>& vecFish)

if (!IsExpected(Fish, People))
return false;

bool bret = true;
for (int ii=1; ii<People; ++ii)
Fish = GetNextFish(Fish, People);
if (Fish < 0)
bret = false;

return bret;

static void PrintResults(int People, int Fish, const vector<int>& vecFish)
_ftprintf_s(stdout, L"%d people caught %d fishes" L"\r\n", People, Fish);
for (size_t ii=0; ii<vecFish.size(); ++ii)
_ftprintf_s(stdout, L"\t" L"People[%02d] " L"took %d fishes within total %d fishes" L"\r\n", ii, (vecFish[ii]-1)/People, vecFish[ii]);

_ftprintf_s(stdout, L"\r\n\r\n");

static int GetTotalFish(int People, vector<int>& vecFish)
int kk = 1;
int Fish = 0;
for (;;)
Fish = GetAnValiadFish(kk, People);
if (TestValidFishCount(Fish, People, vecFish))
return Fish;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
for (int People = 1; People < 8; ++People)
vector<int> vecFish;
int Fish = GetTotalFish(People, vecFish);
PrintResults(People, Fish, vecFish);

return 0;
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