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英语 单词 短语 笔记

2011-09-21 00:08 323 查看
1. It's worth nothing that

其实这句型与i can't agree you more【我非常同意你】《我再同意你不过》差不多的用法。。是根据句意翻译的。。。
It's worth nothing that 。。它什么也不值,值的是,所以可以翻译成值得注意的是。

2. motherhood and apple pie

Full expression is As American as baseball/motherhood and apple pie.
Means something is typically American. Often shortened to as American as apple pie。

Read morehttp://www.kgbanswers.co.uk/what-does-the-expression-motherhood-and-apple-pie-mean-thanks/2472769#ixzz1hXUgRF8X

3. that's money

经常在nba五佳球的解说中听到这句,今天终于查了,相当于:that's great.

复制 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=that's%20money 的解释如下:

1.) a phrase used as an expression of liking something greatly. 2.) A reference to an expensive item, can be used as a compliment. 3.) Term used to express large margin deal in business (That's money!). Often
used by grown men in finance, real-estate and other various forms of business.

Example 1:

Bro-ha: "Did you have da fried chicken nigga?"

Bree-wa: "Yes'sa!"

Bro-ha: "Word nigga! Now dats that's money!

Example 2:

Joey C: "How's yous like my new shoes nigga?"

Whammy b: "Damn cousin J-crazy, that's money."

Example: 3

Quitin Jones: "Boss, we got that Fresno deal signed."

Boss; "uncapped?"

Quitin Jones: "Yes'sa, no cap, minimum of 10 points just the way you priced."

Boss: "Damn son, now that's money!"

4. holy smoke

还是五佳球里面听到的,解释是:interjection of surprise or alarm。(表示惊讶或者警告的叹词)

5. What's the catch?
解释: What is the drawback?; It sounds good, but are there any hidden problems?
Sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?
This looks like a good deal. What's the catch?

6. give-and-take

n. 互相让步, 互相迁就

7. magna cum laude

<拉> (以)优等成绩
With high honors. Used to express high academic distinction:
graduated magna cum laude; 25 magna cum laude graduates.

8. in a bid to 为了

9. the world at large

和 at large 基本一个意思,即: as a whole, on a large scale, generally

10. Don't boil the ocean 不要好高骛远

11. salt of the earth

'the salt of the earth' is now used to describe 'a person or persons of great kindness, reliability or honesty'.


12. post and beam

post-and-beam system

In building construction, a system in which two upright members, the posts, hold up a third member,
the beam, laid horizontally across their top surfaces.

13.suck up to 奉承

14. beside themselfes/himself ... 发狂,疯癫

15. cinder block 媒渣砌块

14. amber 琥珀色

15. drop acid 服毒品

16. sputter along 蹒跚前进

sputter 原意为喷溅,结巴的说话,气急败坏的说;



A term borrowed from the automotive field. When a car is sputtering it means the engine is not running very smoothly, like it's running on bad quality gas, but still moving along.

17.a line of credit 信用额度

18. Make a dent in ... 引起...注意

19. be found wanting 被发现不够分量 ; 被发现不合格


Then there is the question
of toughness , where
both found wanting


19. take a leave 请假

20. take a leave of absence 停职留薪

21. remain the one ... 仍然是一个...

22. make it a point to do sth. 对…特别注意;努力做到…

23. agonize over a problem 苦苦思索一个问题

24. tall order 苛刻的要求,高要求

25. You have got to do

你一定得想个办法 You've got to do something
语言点讲解: have to和have got to的区别是:就是后者不大用于过去时. have got to这里不是完成时态. have got to 一般没有“习惯性”的含义,而且,当它和具有动态意义的动词连用时,常常是指将来
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