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2011-09-18 21:01 253 查看
This article describes the process taken to migrate a Siebel Release to another Siebel environment. For example migrating from the development environment to the system test environment.

Firstly it is a good idea to version control your Siebel configuration items in a source control tools such as Visual Source Safe (VSS). At my current project we use VSS to source control our items and label these items with a particular release version to baseline items for that version. When it comes time to migrate the release to another environment we run a custom extract script which will extract all items from VSS with that particular release label into a particular directory structure to be used for the deployment.

So prior to deployment you need to:

a) Perform a full compile to get an SRF file to be deployed. If you dont know how to do this then look it up in the Siebel Bookshelf.
b) Perform a repository export to get a repository dump file. This can be done using the repimexp tool. Here is an example of how to export the repository using repimexp:

repimexp -a e -c siebsrvr_siebel -u sadmin -p sadmin -d siebel -f c:\Siebel_Repository.dat -l c:\Siebel_Repository_Export.log


-a - this is e for export
-c - is the odbc source
-u and -p - these are the credentials for the sadmin user
-f - this is the siebel repository export file
-l - this is the log file

The deployment process is outlined as such:

1. Stop the Siebel Servers.
2. In Siebel Tools, rename the current Siebel Repository to another name. In the Object Explorer go to Repository and rename the current Siebel Repository to something like: Siebel Repository Pre v1.1. The current repository needs to be renamed so that you can import the new repository with the name: Siebel Repository.
3. Import the repository using the repimexp tool. Here is an example of how to import the repository using repimexp:

repimexp -a i -g ALL -c siebsrvr_siebelsystest -u sadmin -p sadmin -d siebel -r "Siebel Repository" -H 2000 -f c:\Siebel_Repository.dat -l c:\Siebel_Repository_Import.log

4. Perform a DDLSYNC to apply database level DDL operations to be in sync with the new repository. To do this run the following commands in order:

ddldict -u sadmin -p sadmin -c siebsrvr_siebelsystest -d siebel -f ../schema.ddl -e y -a y -l ../DDLDICT.log -n "Siebel Repository" -T DCIR

ddlimp -u siebel -p siebel -c siebsrvr_siebelsystest -g SSE_ROLE -f ../schema.ddl -e n -B SIEB_TBLSPC -X SIEB_INDX -R Y -s Y -l ../ddlsync1.log

ddlimp -u siebel -p siebel -c siebsrvr_siebelsystest -g SSE_ROLE -f ../schema.ddl -e y -B SIEB_TBLSPC -X SIEB_INDX -R Y -s Y -l ../ddlsync2.log

5. Deploy files to the Siebel Servers. These files include the SRF, web templates, image files, configuration files, etc.

6. Generate browser scripts using genbscript. Something like this if you navigate to the bin directory on the siebel servers:

genbscript ./siebel.cfg ../webmaster

6. Start up the Siebel Servers.

7. Activate any new or updated workflows in the Administration - Business Process > Workflow Deployment view.

8. Compile any new or updated PLSQL procedures or packages.

9. Deploy master data changes. This would include any changes required to LOVS, runtime events, state models, assessment templates, etc. All master data changes.

10. Restart the Siebel Servers.

11. (Optionally) Execute any data updates through EIM and/or business service. If these data updates are quite large involving changes to a lot of data then you would most likely want to regenerate the database statistics through consultation with a DBA.
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