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2011-09-18 14:36 239 查看
1、要使用可变参数就要包含头文件 #include <stdarg.h>。


typedef char * va_list;


#define va_start _crt_va_start

#define va_arg _crt_va_arg

#define va_end _crt_va_end

#define _crt_va_start(ap,v) ( ap = (va_list)_ADDRESSOF(v) + _INTSIZEOF(v) )

#define _crt_va_arg(ap,t) ( *(t *)((ap += _INTSIZEOF(t)) - _INTSIZEOF(t)) )

#define _crt_va_end(ap) ( ap = (va_list)0 )


The va_arg, va_end, and
macros provide a portable way to access the arguments to a function when the function takes a variable number of arguments. Two versions of the macros are available: The macros defined in STDARG.H conform to the ANSI C standard, and the macros
defined in VARARGS.H are compatible with the UNIX System V definition. The macros are:


Name of parameter to called function (UNIX version only)


Macro to retrieve current argument


Declaration of va_alist (UNIX version only)


Macro to reset arg_ptr


typedef for pointer to list of arguments defined in STDIO.H


Macro to set arg_ptr to beginning of list of optional arguments (UNIX version only)

Both versions of the macros assume that the function takes a fixed number of required arguments, followed by a variable number of optional arguments. The required arguments are declared as ordinary parameters to the function and can be accessed
through the parameter names. The optional arguments are accessed through the macros in STDARG.H or VARARGS.H, which set a pointer to the first optional argument in the argument list, retrieve arguments from the list, and reset the pointer when argument processing
is completed.

The ANSI C standard macros, defined in STDARG.H, are used as follows:

· All required arguments to the function are declared as parameters in the usual way.
va_dcl is not used with the STDARG.H macros.

· va_start sets arg_ptr to the first optional argument in the list of arguments passed to the function. The argument
arg_ptr must have va_list type. The argument prev_param is the name of the required parameter immediately preceding the first optional argument in the argument list. If
prev_param is declared with the register storage class, the macro's behavior is undefined.
va_start must be used before va_arg is used for the first time.

· va_arg retrieves a value of type from the location given by
arg_ptr and increments arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list, using the size of
type to determine where the next argument starts. va_arg can be used any number of times within the function to retrieve arguments from the list.

· After all arguments have been retrieved, va_end resets the pointer to

The UNIX System V macros, defined in VARARGS.H, operate somewhat differently:

· Any required arguments to the function can be declared as parameters in the usual way.

· The last (or only) parameter to the function represents the list of optional arguments. This parameter must be named
va_alist (not to be confused with va_list, which is defined as the type of

· va_dcl appears after the function definition and before the opening left brace of the function. This macro is defined as a complete declaration of the
va_alist parameter, including the terminating semicolon; therefore, no semicolon should follow

· Within the function, va_start sets
arg_ptr to the beginning of the list of optional arguments passed to the function.
va_start must be used before va_arg is used for the first time. The argument
arg_ptr must have va_list type.

· va_arg retrieves a value of type from the location given by
arg_ptr and increments arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list, using the size of
type to determine where the next argument starts. va_arg can be used any number of times within the function to retrieve the arguments from the list.

· After all arguments have been retrieved, va_end resets the pointer to


// crt_va.c

/* The program below illustrates passing a variable

* number of arguments using the following macros:

*      va_start            va_arg              va_end

*      va_list             va_dcl (UNIX only)


#include <stdio.h>

#define ANSI            /* Comment out for UNIX version     */

#ifdef ANSI             /* ANSI compatible version          */

#include <stdarg.h>

int average( int first, ... );

#else                   /* UNIX compatible version          */

#include <varargs.h>

int average( va_list );


int main( void )


/* Call with 3 integers (-1 is used as terminator). */

printf( "Average is: %d\n", average( 2, 3, 4, -1 ) );

/* Call with 4 integers. */

printf( "Average is: %d\n", average( 5, 7, 9, 11, -1 ) );

/* Call with just -1 terminator. */

printf( "Average is: %d\n", average( -1 ) );


/* Returns the average of a variable list of integers. */

#ifdef ANSI             /* ANSI compatible version    */

int average( int first, ... )


int count = 0, sum = 0, i = first;

va_list marker;

va_start( marker, first );     /* Initialize variable arguments. */

while( i != -1 )


sum += i;


i = va_arg( marker, int);


va_end( marker );              /* Reset variable arguments.      */

return( sum ? (sum / count) : 0 );


#else       /* UNIX compatible version must use old-style definition.  */

int average( va_alist )



int i, count, sum;

va_list marker;

va_start( marker );            /* Initialize variable arguments. */

for( sum = count = 0; (i = va_arg( marker, int)) != -1; count++ )

sum += i;

va_end( marker );              /* Reset variable arguments.      */

return( sum ? (sum / count) : 0 );


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