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2011-09-15 23:39 330 查看
微软build大会是昨天开始举行的,大家可能听得最多的是win 8的发布,不过作为开发人员,你应该也关注下面的几件事情:

1.ASP.NET MVC 4 Preview的发布。


Phil的博客中关于ASP.NET MVC 4的介绍:


之前看他的一篇文章说过,MVC主要是增强了jquery ajax的应用,增加了类似于asp.net web form的控件,Mobile应用的全面支持等。我还没下载使用。。


http://asp.net/mvc/mvc4 - This is our "official" summary page for information ASP.NET MVC 4, and we'll keep this updated with the latest information about ASP.NET MVC 4 through the release cycle.

Release Notes - The Release Notes are the best way to find out what's new and changed.

ASP.NET MVC Forum - If you run into any questions or issues, posting on the ASP.NET forums is the best way to get feedback from the product team and the broader ASP.NET MVC community.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Features tutorial - ASP.NET MVC 4 has a significant focus on developing for mobile platforms, and Rick Anderson's excellent tutorial is a great way to get up to speed.

Phil Haack's blog post (ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview Released) - Phil announces the release as well as his ASP.NET MVC 4 and NuGet related talks at BUILD.

ASP.NET MVC 4 Roadmap - The ASP.NET team doesn't keep many secrets, and they publicly announced the complete roadmap for ASP.NET MVC 4 months ago. The Developer Preview hints at where things could go, but if you want to see the complete vision for the released product, the Roadmap is the best way to find out.

2. ASP.NET 4.5 Developer Preview

9.16日MSDN的用户就可以下载Asp.net 4.5了。ASP.NET Runtime和ASP.NET Web Pages两部分新增不少特性。

ASP.NET Core Runtime and Framework

Asynchronously Reading and Writing HTTP Requests and Responses.

Improvements to HttpRequest handling

Asynchronously flushing a response

Support for await and Task-Based Asynchronous Modules and Handlers

Asynchronous HTTP modules

Asynchronous HTTP handlers

New ASP.NET Request Validation Features

Deferred ("lazy") request validation

Support for unvalidated requests

Anti-XSS Library

Support for WebSockets Protocol

Bundling and Minification

Performance Improvements for Web Hosting

Key Performance Factors

Requirements for New Performance Features

Sharing Common Assemblies

Using multi-Core JIT compilation for faster startup

Tuning garbage collection to optimize for memory

Prefetching for web applications

ASP.NET Web Forms

Strongly Typed Data Controls

Model Binding

Selecting data

Value providers

Filtering by values from a control

HTML Encoded Data-Binding Expressions

Unobtrusive Validation

HTML5 Updates

3.Visual Studio 11 Developer Priview

新增特性包含很多,主要是javascript和css,HTML编辑器的功能增强。另外会内嵌IIS Express。

Visual Web Developer 11 Developer Preview

HTML Editor

Smart Tasks

WAI-ARIA support

New HTML5 snippets

Extract to user control

IntelliSense for code nuggets in attributes

Automatic renaming of matching tag when you rename an opening or closing tag

Event handler generation

Smart indent

Auto-reduce statement completion

JavaScript Editor

Code outlining

Brace matching

Go to Definition

ECMAScript5 support

DOM IntelliSense

VSDOC signature overloads

Implicit references

CSS Editor

Auto-reduce statement completion

Hierarchical indentation

CSS hacks support

Vendor specific schemas (-moz-, -webkit)

Commenting and uncommenting support

Color picker


Custom regions

Page Inspector


Publish profiles

ASP.NET precompilation and merge

IIS Express

4.ASP.NET Web Pages 2 Developer Preview

ASP.NET Web Pages 2

New and Updated Site Templates

Improved Input Validation

Resource Management

Enhanced Membership and Authentication

Side-by-side Execution

Mobile Device Rendering

The Maps Helper

5..NET Framework 4.5 Developer Preview

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