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2011-09-11 09:37 519 查看
javascript windows对象

Represents a browser window or frame. This is the top-level object for eachdocument,Location, andHistory object group(官方英文解释)




closed Specifies whether a window has been closed. 窗口是否关闭

defaultStatus : Reflects the default message displayed in the window's status bar. 返回 窗口状态栏信息

document [b] :Contains information on the current document, and provides 方法s for displaying HTML output to the user. 文档对象[/b]

frames [b] :An array reflecting all the frames in a window. 窗口所包含的frames对象[/b]

history [b] :Contains information on the URLs that the client has visited within a window. 包含浏览器所访问过的url对象集合[/b]

innerHeight[b] :
Specifies the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the window's content area. 以像素px为单位返回文档区域的高度;[/b]

innerWidth [b] :Specifies the horizontal dimension, in pixels, of the window's content area. 以像素px为单位返回文档区域的宽度;[/b]

length [b] :The number of frames in the window. 窗口所包含的frames对象长度[/b]

location [b] :Contains information on the current URL. 当前url地址对象信息[/b]

locationbar [b] :Represents the browser window's location bar. 返回当前浏览器地址栏信息[/b]

menubar [b] :
Represents the browser window's menu bar. 返回浏览器菜单栏[/b]

name [b] :A unique name used to refer to this window. 返回当前窗口的名称[/b]

opener [b] :Specifies the window name of the calling document when a window is opened using the open [/b]

outerHeight [b] :Specifies the vertical dimension, in pixels, of the window's outside boundary. 返回窗口的外部边界高度(内容区域以外的)[/b]

outerWidth [b] :Specifies the horizontal dimension, in pixels, of the window's outside boundary. 返回窗口的外部边界宽度(内容区域以外的)[/b]

pageXOffset [b] :Provides the current x-position, in pixels, of a window's viewed page. [/b]

pageYOffset [b] :Provides the current y-position, in pixels, of a window's viewed page.[/b]

parent [b] :A synonym for a window or frame whose frameset contains the current frame. 当一个frames被包含在父窗口则返回父窗口的名称[/b]

personalbar [b] :Represents the browser window's personal bar (also called the directories bar). [/b]

scrollbars [b] :Represents the browser window's scroll bars. 浏览器滚动条对象[/b]

self [b] :A synonym for the current window.[/b]

status [b]
Specifies a priority or transient message in the window's status bar. 状态栏的瞬间信息[/b]

statusbar [b]
Represents the browser window's status bar. 状态栏对象[/b]

toolbar [b] :Represents the browser window's tool bar.[/b]

top [b]
A synonym for the topmost browser window.[/b]

window [b]
A synonym for the current window. 当前窗口对象



alert Displays an Alert dialog box with a message and an OK button. 弹出窗口(一直在用这个方法,今天才知道是window对象)
back Undoes the last history step in any frame within the top-level window. 返回上一次浏览记录适用于顶层窗口
blur Removes focus from the specified object. 移除焦点
captureEvents Sets the window or document to capture all events of the specified type. 捕捉鼠标事件
Cancels a timeout that was set with the setInterval 方法。 清除定时器当前窗口定时器对象
clearTimeout Cancels a timeout that was set with thesetTimeout 方法。


close Closes the specified window. 关闭窗口
confirm Displays a Confirm dialog box with the specified message and OK and Cancel buttons. 显示一个确认对话窗口带有确认取消按钮
disableExternalCapture Disables external event capturing set by theenableExternalCapture 方法。
enableExternalCapture Allows a window with frames to capture events in pages loaded from different locations (servers). 允许带框架集对象的窗口捕获事件
find Finds the specified text string in the contents of the specified window. 在指定的窗口查找指定的字符串对象
focus Gives focus to the specified object. 指定焦点对象
forward Loads the next URL in the history list. 在浏览记录中指向下一个地址
home Points the browser to the URL specified in preferences as the user's home page.
moveBy [b] :[/b] Moves the window by the specified amounts. 移动窗口
moveTo Moves the top-left corner of the window to the specified screen coordinates. 移动窗口以左上角为基准到指定的坐标
open Opens a new web browser window. 打开一个新窗口
print Prints the contents of the window or frame. 打印内容
prompt Displays a Prompt dialog box with a message and an input field. 显示一个提示对话窗并可以输入信息
releaseEvents Sets the window to release captured events of the specified type, sending the event to objects further along the event hierarchy.
Resizes an entire window by moving the window's bottom-right corner by the specified amount. 改变窗口的大小
resizeTo Resizes an entire window to the specified outer height and width.


routeEvent Passes a captured event along the normal event hierarchy.
scroll Scrolls a window to a specified coordinate. 滚动窗口到一个指定的坐标
Scrolls the viewing area of a window by the specified amount.
Scrolls the viewing area of the window to the specified coordinates, such that the specified point becomes the top-left corner. 滚动窗口到指定的高度
setInterval Evaluates an expression or calls a function every time a specified number of milliseconds elapses.
Evaluates an expression or calls a function once after a specified number of milliseconds has elapsed.

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