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8/26/2011 10:23:30 PM


就下载安装了3个包 修改代码后直接编译通过生成



需要使用-avd 来指定虚拟机的名字

android 是如何使用的qemu的?


Android Emulator Config File Formats:




The Android emulator supports several file formats for its configuration

files, depending on specific usage. This file documents them.

I. Android .ini configuration files:



The code in android/utils/ini.[hc] is used to support a simple .ini file

format for some configuration files. Here's the BNF for it:

file := <line>*

line := <comment> | <LF> | <assignment>

comment := (';'|'#') <noLF>* <LF>

assignment := <space>* <keyName> <space>* '=' <space>* <valueString> <space>* <LF>

keyName := <keyNameStartChar> <keyNameChar>*

keyNameStartChar := [A-Za-z_]

keyNameChar := [A-Za-z0-9_.-]

valueString := <noLF>*

space := ' ' | '\t'

LF := '\r\n' | '\n' | '\r'

noLF := [^<LF>]

Or, in plain English:

- No support for sections

- Empty lines are ignored, as well as lines beginning with ';' or '#'

- Lines must be of the form: "<keyName> = <value>"

- Key names must start with a letter or an underscore

- Other key name characters can be letters, digits, underscores, dots or


- Leading and trailing space are allowed and ignored before/after the key

name and before/after the value

- There is no restriction on the value, except that it can't contain

leading/trailing space/tab characters or newline/charfeed characters

- Empty values are possible, and will be stored as an empty string.

- Any badly formatted line is discarded (and will print a warning)


ini.c 中对这个简化版本的ini文件进行了解析

II. Android 'aconfig' configuration files:


Alternatively, another configuration file format is supported by the code

in android/config.[hc]. Its purpose is to support each config file as a

tree of key/value pairs. More specifically:

- Each key or value is a string

- Each key can be associated either to a value, or a sub-tree

- A (key,value) pair is written in the config file as:

<keyname> <value>

which means the key name, some spaces, then the value.

- Dots can be used to separate keys in a tree path, as in:

some.other.name value

corresponding to a top-level key named 'some' with a single

sub-key 'other' which itself has a sub-key 'name' associated to

value 'value'.

- As a consequence, key names *cannot* contain a dot.

- Alternatively, braces can be used to group sub-keys, as in:

some {

other {

name value

name2 other-value



which defines a top-level 'some' key with two sub-keys 'name' and


- Brace and dot notations are equivalent, so the above config file

can also be written as:

some.other.name value

some.other.name2 other-value

- If a key appears twice in the config file, it replaces any

assigned value, hence:

some-key foo

some-key bar

defines 'some-key' to 'bar'

- If a sharp (#) appears whenever a key name is expected by the parser,

then it is considered a comment and will be ignored along anything that

follows on the current line.

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