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linux 下的oracle的基本操作

2011-08-26 12:53 267 查看
  su -oracle――切换Oracle用户(如果使用su oracle ,则启动时不运行.profile用户环境配置文件)

  $ lsnrctl start――启动监听

  2 启动数据库

  $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"――用sys用户登陆sqlplus

  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 9 15:06:11 2003

  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Connected to an idle instance.

  SQL> startup――启动数据库

  ORACLE instance started.

  Total System Global Area 538412728 bytes

  Fixed Size 743096 bytes

  Variable Size 268435456 bytes

  Database Buffers 268435456 bytes

  Redo Buffers 798720 bytes

  Database mounted.

  Database opened.

  SQL> exit――退出sqlplus

  Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

  With the Partitioning option

  JServer Release - Production



  3 查看数据库进程

  $ ps -ef|grep ora_――查看oracle进程

  oracle 688322 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_smon_bxmis

  oracle 696534 704704 0 15:06:35 pts/4 0:00 grep ora_

  oracle 729224 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_dbw0_bxmis

  oracle 745618 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_reco_bxmis

  oracle 770216 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_ckpt_bxmis

  oracle 778394 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_pmon_bxmis

  oracle 843876 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_qmn0_bxmis

  oracle 901342 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_lgwr_bxmis

  oracle 925704 1 0 15:06:20 - 0:00 ora_cjq0_bxmis

  $ ps -ef|grep lsnr――查看oracle监听进程

  4 关闭数据库

  $ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"

  SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Oct 9 15:07:04 2003

  Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

  Connected to:

  Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

  With the Partitioning option

  JServer Release - Production

  SQL> shutdown immediate――关闭数据库

  Database closed.

  Database dismounted.

  ORACLE instance shut down.

  SQL> exit

  Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

  With the Partitioning option

  JServer Release - Production



  5 停止数据库监听

  $ lsnrctl stop---停止监听
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