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兼容各个数据库的sql语句 Criteria

2011-08-12 20:33 190 查看
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();

Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(People.class);

//List list = criteria.list(); //select * from people

//criteria.add(Restrictions.gt("id",2)); //select * from people where id > 2;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.between("id", 1, 5)); //select * from people where id between 1 and 5;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull("password")); //select * from people where password is noll;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "cf")); //select * from people where name = 'cf' ;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.like("name", "_f")); //select * from people where name like '_f';

//criteria.add(Restrictions.lt("id", 6)); //select * from people where id < 6;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.and(Restrictions.ge("id", 2), Restrictions.le("id", 3)));

//select * from people where id>=2 and id<=3;

//criteria.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.eq("name", "cf"), Restrictions.gt("id",2)));

//select * from people where id>2 or name='cf';

//criteria.add(Restrictions.in("id", new Integer[]{1,2,3}));

//select * from people where id in (1,2,3);


//select * from people order by name asc;



//select * from people limit 1,2;


//select count(id) from people ;


//select avg(id) from people;


//select name from people group by name;


//select count(*) from people ;

//ProjectionList projectionList = Projections.projectionList();




//select name ,count(*) from people group by name;

List list = criteria.list();
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