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ASP.NET MVC Sample Applications - Open-Source Examples and Tutorials

2011-08-10 13:23 549 查看

ASP.NET MVC Sample Applications - Open-Source Examples and Tutorials

ASP.NET MVC Samples, ASP.NET MVC Applications,
ASP.NET MVC Examples,
Here is a list of various ASP.NET MVC Sample Applications demonstrating the new ASP.NET MVC Framework from Microsoft. As more MVC examples are found this list will be updated.


CarTrackr is a sample application for the ASP.NET MVC framework using the repository pattern and dependency injection using the Unity application block. It was written for various demos in presentations done by Maarten Balliauw. CarTrackr is an online software
application designed to help you understand and track your fuel usage and kilometers driven. You will have a record on when you filled up on fuel, how many kilometers you got in a given tank, how much you spent and how much liters of fuel you are using per
100 kilometer. CarTrackr will enable you to improve your fuel economy and save money as well as conserve fuel. Fuel economy and conservation is becoming an important way to control your finances with the current high price.



This is the source code repository for CodeCampServer, a free, open source Code Camp management web application.


Contact Manager

In this series of tutorials, Stephen Walther demonstartes how to use the ASP.NET MVC framework to build an entire Contact Manager application using unit tests, test-driven development, Ajax, and software design principles and patterns.



The project is an open source initiative to present users a fast photo explorer and search tool to browse millions of photos in flickr. The app is made with a bit of jQuery blend using Asp.net MVC and custom LINQ. The project also embodies a cloud computing
scenario where the actual datastore lies millions of miles away invoked though simple API. The Application gives a nice starting point for Asp.net MVC, it also shows a strong integration of jQuery with Asp.net MVC as a client framework. It uses Athena (http://www.codeplex.com/LinqFlickr)
LINQ to flickr API for fetching in and out data which is made on a custom LINQ provider toolkit made best for creating LINQ to Cloud APIs (http://www.codeplex.com/LinqExtender).



KiGG is a Web 2.0 style social news web application developed in Microsoft supported technologies. The project uses ASP.NET MVC, Linq To SQL, MS Patterns & Practices Enterprise Library and Unity, jQuery, xUnit.net, Moq, HtmlAgilityPack, DotNetOpenId, and
other 3rd party libraries.


MVC StoreFront

I'm creating an ongoing series of webcasts and blog posts, documenting the building of an eCommerce storefront using ASP.NET MVC.


NerdDinner.com is an event management site so computer folks can meet and talk technology over a meal. It uses ASP.NET MVC along with jQuery, ASP.NET Ajax, Virtual Earth Javascript controls, and LINQ to SQL. It’s also a real site running at
NerdDinner.com that you can use to schedule geek meet ups and nerd dinners in your neighborhood!



Oxite is an open source, web standards compliant, blog engine built on ASP.NET MVC and LINQ To SQL. Oxite supports all the features we consider essential to a blog engine, including the MetaWebLog API (to allow you to use LiveWriter or similar tools to add/edit
your posts), trackbacks, pingbacks, Sitemaps (for search engines), RSS and ATOM feeds (at the site, blog, tag and post level ... plus feeds of all new comments... great for the site owner), tags, integrated search, web based admin features (including editing
posts, your site settings, etc.), email subscriptions for new comments, basic support to publish 'pages' (non-blog content) and more.

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