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手工把LINQ转成表达式(一) 基础知识

2011-08-09 14:46 344 查看


from page in Google
where page.Content.Contains("hello world") || page.Keyword == "hello world"
select page;

就能找到关键字包含"hello world"的所有网页,还能进一步做join, group这种操作细化查询结果。



public interface IQueryProvider
// Summary:
//     Constructs an System.Linq.IQueryable object that can evaluate the query represented
//     by a specified expression tree.
// Parameters:
//   expression:
//     An expression tree that represents a LINQ query.
// Returns:
//     An System.Linq.IQueryable that can evaluate the query represented by the
//     specified expression tree.
IQueryable CreateQuery(Expression expression);
// Summary:
//     Constructs an System.Linq.IQueryable<T> object that can evaluate the query
//     represented by a specified expression tree.
// Parameters:
//   expression:
//     An expression tree that represents a LINQ query.
// Type parameters:
//   TElement:
//     The type of the elements of the System.Linq.IQueryable<T> that is returned.
// Returns:
//     An System.Linq.IQueryable<T> that can evaluate the query represented by the
//     specified expression tree.
IQueryable<TElement> CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression);
// Summary:
//     Executes the query represented by a specified expression tree.
// Parameters:
//   expression:
//     An expression tree that represents a LINQ query.
// Returns:
//     The value that results from executing the specified query.
object Execute(Expression expression);
// Summary:
//     Executes the strongly-typed query represented by a specified expression tree.
// Parameters:
//   expression:
//     An expression tree that represents a LINQ query.
// Type parameters:
//   TResult:
//     The type of the value that results from executing the query.
// Returns:
//     The value that results from executing the specified query.
TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression);


把LINQ转换成表达式有许多工作要做,首先是我们要有一个能解析LINQ的词法分析器,这里就用之前介绍过的lambda表达式解析/article/11628072.html中修改过的Irony grammar进行LINQ解析;然后是LINQ里会包含大量的表达式也需要解析,正好我们之前已经做完了这部分工作直接用之前的成果就行;最后则是把LINQ关键字转换成相应表达式,这是重点工作后续会一一说明。

当我们有了这个解析器后可以做些什么?我们可以动态运行LINQ!还记得微软C# sample里提供的dynamic query例子么?这个解析器比它更进一步。我们可以用它来合并多个LINQ,也可以用一个LINQ替换掉另一个LINQ的某一部分,我们甚至可以做一个工具让用户直接输入LINQ进行查询就像一些SQL客户端一样方便(当然不用这个解析器你也可以用CodeDOM来实现该相同功能)。

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