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PCA program (using covariance)

Written by Y. Bin Mao

Video and Image Processing and Analysis Group (VIPAG)

School of Automation, NJUST

Jan. 6, 2008

All rights reserved. (c)

Here is a matlab description of the algorithm

% PCA1: Perform PCA using covariance.

% data --- MxN matrix of input data (M dimensions, N trials)

% signals --- MxN matrix of projected data

% PC --- each column is a PC

% V --- Mx1 matrix of variances


function [signals, PC, V] = pca1( data )

[M, N] = size( data );

% subtract off the mean for each dimension

mn = mean( data, 2 );

data = data - repmat( mn, 1, N );

% calculate the covariance matrix

covariance = 1/ (N-1) * data * data';

% find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues

[PC, V] = eig( covariance );

% extract diagonal of matrix as vector

V = diag(V);

% sort the variances in decreasing order

[junk, rindices] = sort(-1*V);

V = V(rindices);

PC = PC(:,rindices);

% project the original data set

signals = PC' * data;


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <math.h>

#define ALGO_DEBUG



徐士良. 常用算法程序集(C语言描述),第3版. 清华大学出版社. 2004

double a[] --- 维数为nxn。存放n阶实对称矩阵A

int n --- 实对称矩阵A的阶数

double q[] --- 维数nxn。返回Householder变换的乘积矩阵Q。当与




double b[] --- 维数为n。返回对称三对角阵中的主对角线元素

double c[] --- 长度n。前n-1个元素返回对称三对角阵中的次对角线元素。


void Householder_Tri_Symetry_Diagonal( double a[], int n, double q[],

double b[], double c[] )


int i, j, k, u;

double h, f, g, h2;

for ( i = 0; i = n-1; i++ )

for ( j = 0; j = n-1; j++ )


u = i * n + j;

q[u] = a[u];


for ( i = n-1; i >= 1; i-- )


h = 0.0;

if ( i > 1 )

for ( k = 0; k = i-1; k++ )


u = i * n + k;

h = h + q[u] * q[u];


if ( h + 1.0 == 1.0 )


c[i] = 0.0;

if ( i == 1 ) c[i] = q[i*n+i-1];

b[i] = 0.0;




c[i] = sqrt( h );

u = i * n + i - 1;

if ( q[u] > 0.0 ) c[i] = -c[i];

h = h - q[u] * c[i];

q[u] = q[u] - c[i];

f = 0.0;

for ( j = 0; j = i - 1; j++ )


q[j*n+i] = q[i*n+j] / h;

g = 0.0;

for ( k = 0; k = j; k++ )

g = g + q[j*n+k] * q[i*n+k];

if ( j + 1 = i-1 )

for ( k = j+1; k = i-1; k++ )

g = g + q[k*n+j] * q[i*n+k];

c[j] = g / h;

f = f + g * q[j*n+i];


h2 = f / ( h + h );

for ( j = 0; j = i-1; j++ )


f = q[i*n+j];

g = c[j] - h2 * f;

c[j] = g;

for ( k = 0; k = j; k++ )


u = j * n + k;

q[u] = q[u] - f * c[k] - g * q[i*n+k];



b[i] = h;



for ( i = 0; i = n-2; i++ ) c[i] = c[i+1];

c[n-1] = 0.0;

b[0] = 0.0;

for ( i = 0; i = n-1; i++ )


if ( ( b[i] != 0.0 ) && ( i-1 >= 0 ) )

for ( j = 0; j = i-1; j++ )


g = 0.0;

for ( k = 0; k = i-1; k++ )

g = g + q[i*n+k] * q[k*n+j];

for ( k = 0; k = i-1; k++ )


u = k * n + j;

q[u] = q[u] - g * q[k*n+i];



u = i * n + i;

b[i] = q[u]; q[u] = 1.0;

if ( i - 1 >= 0 )

for ( j = 0; j = i - 1; j++ )


q[i*n+j] = 0.0; q[j*n+i] = 0.0;







徐士良. 常用算法程序集(C语言描述),第3版. 清华大学出版社. 2004

int n --- 实对称三对角阵的阶数

double b --- 长度为n,存放n阶对称三对角阵的主对角线上的各元素;


double c --- 长度为n,前n-1个元素存放n阶对称三对角阵的次对角


double q --- 维数为nxn,若存放单位矩阵,则返回n阶实对称三对角





double eps --- 本函数在迭代过程中的控制精度要求

int l --- 为求得一个特征值所允许的最大迭代次数






int Tri_Symmetry_Diagonal_Eigenvector( int n, double b[], double c[],

double q[], double eps, int l )


int i, j, k, m, it, u, v;

double d, f, h, g, p, r, e, s;

c[n-1] = 0.0; d = 0.0; f = 0.0;

for ( j = 0; j = n-1; j++ )


it = 0;

h = eps * ( fabs( b[j] ) + fabs( c[j] ) );

if ( h > d ) d = h;

m = j;

while ( ( m = n-1 ) && ( fabs( c[m] ) > d ) ) m = m+1;

if ( m != j )




if ( it == l )



printf( "fail\n" );


return( -1 );


it = it + 1;

g = b[j];

p = ( b[j+1] - g ) / ( 2.0 * c[j] );

r = sqrt( p * p + 1.0 );

if ( p >= 0.0 )

b[j] = c[j] / ( p + r );


b[j] = c[j] / ( p - r );

h = g - b[j];

for ( i = j+1; i = n-1; i++ )

b[i] = b[i] - h;

f = f + h; p = b[m]; e = 1.0; s = 0.0;

for ( i = m-1; i >= j; i-- )


g = e * c[i]; h = e * p;

if ( fabs( p ) >= fabs( c[i] ) )


e = c[i] / p; r = sqrt( e * e + 1.0 );

c[i+1] = s * p * r; s = e / r; e = 1.0 / r;




e = p / c[i]; r = sqrt( e * e + 1.0 );

c[i+1] = s * c[i] * r;

s = 1.0 / r; e = e / r;


p = e * b[i] - s * g;

b[i+1] = h + s * ( e * g + s * b[i] );

for ( k = 0; k = n-1; k++ )


u = k * n + i + 1; v = u - 1;

h = q[u]; q[u] = s * q[v] + e * h;

q[v] = e * q[v] - s * h;



c[j] = s * p; b[j] = e * p;


while ( fabs( c[j] ) > d );


b[j] = b[j] + f;


for ( i = 0; i = n-1; i++ )


k = i; p = b[i];

if ( i+1 = n-1 )


j = i+1;

while ( ( j = n-1 ) && ( b[j] = p ) )


k = j; p = b[j]; j = j+1;



if ( k != i )


b[k] = b[i]; b[i] = p;

for ( j = 0; j = n-1; j++ )


u = j * n + i; v = j * n + k;

p = q[u]; q[u] = q[v]; q[v] = p;




return( 1 );


# define EPS 0.000001 /* 计算精度 */

# define Iteration 60 /* 求取特征量的最多迭代次数 */



int n --- 实对称阵的阶数

double * CovMatrix --- 维数为nxn,存放n阶对称阵的各元素;

double * Eigen --- 长度为n,为n个特征值

double * EigenVector --- 维数为nxn,返回n阶实对称阵的特征向量组其中,








int SymmetricRealMatrix_Eigen( double CovMatrix[], int n,

double Eigen[], double EigenVector[] )


int k;

double * subDiagonal;

subDiagonal = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * n );

Householder_Tri_Symetry_Diagonal( CovMatrix, n, EigenVector, Eigen, subDiagonal );

k = Tri_Symmetry_Diagonal_Eigenvector( n, Eigen, subDiagonal, EigenVector, EPS, Iteration );

free( subDiagonal );

return( k );



PCA1: Perform PCA using covariance.

data --- MxN matrix of input data ( M dimensions, N trials )


signals --- MxN matrix of projected data

PC --- each column is a PC

V --- Mx1 matrix of variances

row = M dimensions, col = N trials


int pca1( double * data, int row, int col,

double * signals, double * PC, double * V )


int x, y, k;

double * mean;

double * data1, * tPC, * tV;

double * covariance, temp;

int rvalue, * no, tp;

if ( row = 1 || col = 1 ) return( -1 );

/* subtract off the mean for each dimension */

mean = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row );

data1 = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row * col );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) /* calculate mean */


mean[y] = 0;

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )

mean[y] += data[y*col+x];


for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) mean[y] = mean[y]/col;

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) /* subtract mean */

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


data1[y*col+x] = data[y*col+x] - mean[y];


free( mean );

/* calculate the covariance matrix */

covariance = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row * row );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

for ( x = 0; x row; x++ )


temp = 0;

for ( k = 0; k col; k++ )

temp += data1[y*col+k] * data1[x*col+k];

temp = temp / ( col-1 );

covariance[x*row+y] = temp;


/* find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues */

rvalue = SymmetricRealMatrix_Eigen( covariance, row, V, PC );

free( covariance );

/* sort the variances in decreasing order */

no = ( int * )malloc( sizeof( int ) * row );

for ( x = 0; x row; x++ ) no[x] = x;

for ( x = 0; x row-1; x++ )


temp = V[x];

for ( k = x; k row; k++ )

if ( temp V[k] )


tp = no[k];

no[k] = no[x];

no[x] = tp;

temp = V[k];



/* exchange eigen value and vector in decreasing order */

tV = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row );

tPC = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row * row );

for ( x = 0; x row; x++ ) tV[x] = V[x];

for ( x = 0; x row; x++ )

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

tPC[x*row+y] = PC[x*row+y];

for ( x = 0; x row; x++ )


if ( no[x] != x )


for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

PC[y*row+x] = tPC[y*row+no[x]];

V[x] = tV[no[x]];



free( no );

free( tV );

free( tPC );

/* project the original data: signals = PC' * data; */

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


signals[y*col+x] = 0;

for ( k = 0; k row; k++ )

signals[y*col+x] += PC[k*row+y] * data1[k*col+x];


free( data1 );

return( rvalue );




double * newdata --- 要投影到主元素分量上的数据矩阵

int row, col --- 数据矩阵的维数



double * PC --- 主元特征向量(列向量)

double * newsignals --- 投影后获得的信号的系数(row*col)

double * ShiftValue --- 如果一个有row个元素的偏移量,如果改值为NULL



int project2PCA( double * newdata, int row, int col,

double * PC, double * newsignals, double * ShiftValue )


int x, y, k;

double * mean, * data1;

/* subtract off the mean for each dimension */

data1 = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row * col );

/* if ShiftValue <> NULL */

if ( ShiftValue != NULL )


for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) /* subtract ShiftValue */

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


data1[y*col+x] = newdata[y*col+x] - ShiftValue[y];





mean = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double ) * row );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) /* calculate mean */


mean[y] = 0;

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )

mean[y] += newdata[y*col+x];


if ( col = 1 )

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) mean[y] = 0;


for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) mean[y] = mean[y]/col;

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ ) /* subtract mean */

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


data1[y*col+x] = newdata[y*col+x] - mean[y];


free( mean );


/* project the original data: signals = PC' * data; */

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


newsignals[y*col+x] = 0;

for ( k = 0; k row; k++ )

newsignals[y*col+x] += PC[k*row+y] * data1[k*col+x];


free( data1 );

return( 1 );



test: main function


int main()


double data[20] = { 2, 3, 8, 2, 3,

7, 9, 29, 3, 5,

3, 8, 22, 12, 1,

3, 12, 12, 33, 2};

int row = 4, col = 5;

double signals[20], PC[16], V[4];

int x, y;

pca1( data, row, col, signals, PC, V );

printf( "Project to Principal Component: \n" );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )


for ( x = 0; x col; x++ )


printf( "%7.4f ", signals[y*col+x] );


printf( "\n" );


printf( "Eigen Values (in deceasing order): \n" );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )

printf( "%7.4f ", V[y] );

printf( "\n" );

printf( "Eigen Vectors: \n" );

for ( y = 0; y row; y++ )


for ( x = 0; x row; x++ )


printf( "%7.4f ", PC[y*row+x] );


printf( "\n" );


return( 1 );

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