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分类: 嵌入式GUI FTK2011-06-22
15:52 779人阅读 评论(9) 收藏 举报



作者联系方式:李先静 <xianjimli@gmail.com>

嵌入式GUI RT-THREAD/FTK 0.6 Release Notes

o add tab widget

o add file browser widget

o add opengles backend

o port to android

o port to rt-thread

o port to wince

o port to iphone

o more documation.

o multi font size supported.

o re-implement window animation.

o performace and memory optimization.

o use gb2312 font to replace unicode fnt.

o use google pinyin as default input method.

o re-create vs2008 project, and port desktop to windows.

o re-implement default font to minimized the memory size.

o change font_canvas to interface, so it can be optimized on different platform.


bernard bernard.xiong at gmail.com

何海强 ngwsx2008 at 126.com

richardhahaha biometric.cn at gmail.com

Lin Shao qiuyiuestc at gmail.com

焦进星 jiaojinxing1987 at gmail.com

廖耿耿 liaoggnihao at gmail.com

yapo woodysu at gmail.com

davy lee greatolee at gmail.com

zhou min dcdcmin at gmail.com

Vinx Zhu vinx.zhu at gmail.com

Su Zhenbing malajisi at gmail.com

李伟杰 maidisula at hotmail.com

tao yu yut616 at gmail.com

spremi spremi at ymail.com

ZhiHua Huang huangzhihua at gmail.com

感谢所有参与FTK开发、讨论、使用和Code Review的朋友们。

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A gui library for embedded system. FTK equals funny tool kit, write it just for fun.

General features:

Beautiful look and feel.
High code quality: design pattern, good code style.
Stable: code review, unit test, stress test, valgrind checked.
Full gui features: window, dialog, panel, button, menu…
Good portability: Unix, Windows, RTOS…

Modern features:

Window animation.
Alpha channel to implement transparent/translucent window.
XML UI description language.
Script binding.
InputMethod with Handwrite
Screen rotation
Guesture recognition(TODO).

转自 /article/1669493.html
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