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2.引入类// unnamed packageimport javax.microedition.lcdui.*;import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*;
class Field
    extends TiledLayer
    private static final int WIDTH_IN_TILES = 12;
    private static final int HEIGHT_IN_TILES = 12;
    private static final int TILE_WIDTH = 16;
    private static final int TILE_HEIGHT = 16;
    private static int[][] cellTiles =
       {{-3, -2, -3, -1, -2, -1, -3, -1, -2, -3, -1, -2},
        {-2,  3,  4,  3,  1,  2,  3,  2,  1,  5,  2, -3},
        {-1,  2,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  3,  2,  4,  3, -1},
        {-2,  1,  4,  9,  9,  9,  9,  4,  5,  2,  1, -2},
        {-3,  3,  5,  9, 10, 10, 10,  2,  1,  3,  5, -1},
        {-2,  2,  3,  9, 10, 10, 10,  5,  4,  2,  1, -3},
        {-1,  4,  2,  9,  9,  9,  9,  3,  1,  3,  2, -2},
        {-3,  2,  5,  1,  3,  1,  4,  2,  5,  4,  3, -3},
        {-2,  1,  4,  2,  5,  2,  3,  4,  2,  1,  2, -1},
        {-1,  5,  1,  4,  3,  4,  1,  2,  3,  4,  1, -2},
        {-3,  2,  4,  5,  2,  3,  2,  4,  1,  2,  3, -3},
        {-2, -3, -2, -1, -2, -1, -3, -2, -1, -3, -1, -2}};
    private static int FOLD_TILE = 10;
    private static int FENCE_TILE = 9;
    private static int[][] waterFrames = {{6, 7, 8}, {7, 8, 6}, {8, 6, 7}};
private int tickCount = 0;
       createAnimatedTile(waterFrames[0][0]);      // tile -1
       createAnimatedTile(waterFrames[1][0]);      // tile -2
       createAnimatedTile(waterFrames[2][0]);      // tile -3
       for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT_IN_TILES; ++row)
           for (int column = 0; column < WIDTH_IN_TILES; ++column)
               setCell(column, row, cellTiles[row][column]);
int getSheepdogStartX()
       return getWidth() - 50;
    int getSheepdogStartY()
       return getHeight() - 50;
    void tick()
       int tickState = (tickCount++ >> 3);   // slow down x8
        int tile = tickState % 3;
       setAnimatedTile(-1 - tile, waterFrames[tile][(tickState % 9) / 3]);
// return true if any part of the rectangle overlaps a water tile
    // or the fence
    boolean containsImpassableArea(int x, int y, int width, int height)
       int rowMin = y / TILE_HEIGHT;
       int rowMax = (y + height - 1) / TILE_HEIGHT;
       int columnMin = x / TILE_WIDTH;
       int columnMax = (x + width - 1) / TILE_WIDTH;
       for (int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; ++row)
           for (int column = columnMin; column <= columnMax; ++column)
               int cell = getCell(column, row);
               if ((cell < 0) || (cell == FENCE_TILE))
                   return true;
       return false;
7.检测绵羊是否进入特定区域    boolean inFold(Sprite s)    {       // we can assume that the sprite's reference pixel is unchanged       int rowMin = s.getY() / TILE_HEIGHT;       int rowMax = (s.getY() + s.getHeight() - 1) / TILE_HEIGHT;       int columnMin = s.getX() / TILE_WIDTH;       int columnMax = (s.getX() + s.getWidth() - 1) / TILE_WIDTH;       for (int row = rowMin; row <= rowMax; ++row)       {           for (int column = columnMin; column <= columnMax; ++column)           {               if (getCell(column, row) != FOLD_TILE)               {                   return false;               }           }       }       return true;    }
Sheepdog class
1.     创建Sheepdog类
2.     引入类import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*;
3.     继承Spriteclass Sheepdog
    extends Sprite
4.     创建参数
static final int WIDTH = 15;
    static final int HEIGHT = 15;
    static final int VIBRATION_MILLIS = 200;
    private final SheepdogCanvas canvas;
    private boolean barking = false;
    private int[][][] animations = {{{0},               // stand up
                                    {1, 2, 3, 4}},      // run up
                                   {{5},               // stand left
                                    {6, 7, 8, 9}},      // run left
                                   {{10},              // stand down
                                     {11, 12, 13, 14}}}; // run down
    private int animationTick = 0;
    private static final int STAND = 0;
    private static final int RUN = 1;
private int currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
   Sheepdog(SheepdogCanvas canvas)
       super(SheepdogMIDlet.createImage("/dog.png"), WIDTH, HEIGHT);
       defineCollisionRectangle(2, 2, WIDTH-4, WIDTH-4);
       defineReferencePixel(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2);
        this.canvas = canvas;

6.     创建Sheepdog的动作,移动,犬吠
void tick(int direction, boolean bark)
       Field field = canvas.getField();
       boolean moving = false;;
       switch (direction)
       case SheepdogCanvas.UP:
           currentDirection = direction;
           if ((getY() > 0) &&
                                             getY() - 1,
                                             1) &&
               moveSuccessfully(0, -1))
               moving = true;
       case SheepdogCanvas.LEFT:
           currentDirection = direction;
           if ((getX() > 0) &&
               !field.containsImpassableArea(getX() - 1,
                                             getHeight()) &&
               moveSuccessfully(-1, 0))
               moving = true;
       case SheepdogCanvas.DOWN:
           currentDirection = direction;
           if ((getY() + getHeight() < field.getWidth()) &&
                                             getY() + getHeight(),
                                             1) &&
               moveSuccessfully(0, 1))
               moving = true;
       case SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT:
           currentDirection = direction;
           if ((getX() + getWidth() < field.getWidth()) &&
               !field.containsImpassableArea(getX() + getWidth(),
                                             getHeight()) &&
               moveSuccessfully(1, 0))
               moving = true;
       default:  // must be NONE
       if (moving)
       // implement a toggle, so bark only happens once per click
       // (will therefore not register very rapid multiple-clicks)
       if (bark)
           if (!barking)
               barking = true;
           barking = false;
7.  创建用于检测Sheepdog的胜利,用到了move方法private boolean moveSuccessfully(int dx, int dy)
       move(dx, dy);
       if (canvas.overlapsSheep(this))
           move(-dx, -dy);
           return false;
           return true;
8.  创建Sheepdog的动作,用到了setTransform和setFrame方法,前者用于图像的变换,后者用于设定图像序列的帧
private void advanceRunningAnimation()
       int[] sequence;
       if (currentDirection == SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT)
           sequence = animations[SheepdogCanvas.LEFT][RUN];
           sequence = animations[currentDirection][RUN];
       setFrame(sequence[(animationTick >> 1) % sequence.length]);
    private void setStandingAnimation()
       if (currentDirection == SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT)
Sheep class
原理和Sheepdog class 差不多,直接上代码
// unnamed package
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*;
import java.util.*;
Set Sheep to extend Sprite.
class Sheep
    extends Sprite
    static final int WIDTH = 15;
    static final int HEIGHT = 15;
    private final SheepdogCanvas canvas;
    private int[][][] animations = {{{0},               // stand up
                                    {1, 2, 3, 4}},      // run up
                                   {{5},               // stand left
                                    {6, 7, 8, 9}},      // run left
                                   {{10},              // stand down
                                    {11, 12, 13, 14}}}; // run down
    private int animationTick;
    private static int numSheep = 0;
    private static final int STAND = 0;
    private static final int RUN = 1;
    private int currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
    private final int flockFactor;
    private final int minDogFactor;
    private final int maxDogFactor;
    private int dogFactor;
    Sheep(SheepdogCanvas canvas)
       super(SheepdogMIDlet.createImage("/sheep.png"), WIDTH, HEIGHT);
       defineCollisionRectangle(2, 2, WIDTH-4, WIDTH-4);
       defineReferencePixel(WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2);
       this.canvas = canvas;
       animationTick = numSheep++;
       flockFactor = 100 + SheepdogMIDlet.random(100);
       minDogFactor = SheepdogMIDlet.random(20);
       maxDogFactor = minDogFactor + 10;
       dogFactor = minDogFactor;
    void tick()
       // sheep are 4x as slow as dogs
       if ((animationTick++ % 4) != 0)
       // adjust dog factor
       // - wants to move away from dog, if dog is close
       // - wants to move closer to flock (average position of other
       //   sheep) if they are close
       // - if preferred direction is diagonal and major direction is
       //   blocked, take minor direction
       // - each sheep varies in how much it's scared of the dog, and
       //   how much it wants to flock
       // We do this by calculating a weighted direction vector
       // First calculate dog effect
       Sheepdog sheepdog = canvas.getSheepdog();
       int dx = getX() - sheepdog.getX();
       int dy = getY() - sheepdog.getY();
       int sumsq = dx * dx + dy * dy;
       Field field = canvas.getField();
       int dogEffectX =
           dogFactor * dx * field.getWidth() * field.getWidth() / sumsq;
       int dogEffectY =
           dogFactor * dy * field.getHeight() * field.getHeight() / sumsq;
       // Next calculate flock effect
       int flockDx = 0;
       int flockDy = 0;
       Vector sheep = canvas.getSheep();
       for (int i = 0; i < sheep.size(); ++i)
           Sheep sh = (Sheep)(sheep.elementAt(i));
           if (sh != this)
               flockDx += getX() - sh.getX();
               flockDy += getY() - sh.getY();
       int flockEffectX = (flockDx * flockFactor) / (sheep.size() - 1);
       int flockEffectY = (flockDy * flockFactor) / (sheep.size() - 1);
       // Now calculate total effect
       int totalEffectX = dogEffectX - flockEffectX;
       int totalEffectY = dogEffectY - flockEffectY;
        // Determine preferred directions
       int firstDirection;
       int secondDirection;
       int thirdDirection;
       if (Math.abs(totalEffectY) > Math.abs(totalEffectX))
           // Prefer to move vertically
           if (totalEffectY > 0)
               firstDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
               firstDirection = SheepdogCanvas.UP;
           if (totalEffectX > 0)
               secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT;
               thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.NONE;
           else if (totalEffectX < 0)
               secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
               thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.NONE;
           else  // totalEffectX == 0
               if (SheepdogMIDlet.random(2) == 0)
                   secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
                   thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT;
                   secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT;
                   thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
            // Prefer to move horizontally
           if (totalEffectX > 0)
               firstDirection = SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT;
               firstDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
            if (totalEffectY > 0)
               secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
               thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.NONE;
           else if (totalEffectY < 0)
               secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.UP;
               thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.NONE;
           else  // totalEffectY == 0
               if (SheepdogMIDlet.random(2) == 0)
                   secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.UP;
                   thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
                   secondDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
                   thirdDirection = SheepdogCanvas.UP;
       // if we can move in the preferred directions, do so, else
       // stand facing the dog
       if (tryMove(firstDirection) ||
           tryMove(secondDirection) ||
           ((thirdDirection != SheepdogCanvas.NONE) &&
           if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy))
               if (dx > 0)
                   currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.LEFT;
                   currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT;
               if (dy > 0)
                   currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.UP;
                   currentDirection = SheepdogCanvas.DOWN;
       // Will baa occasionally if dog is close. Dog distance ranges from
       // about 11 minimum to double width of field
       int dogDistance = Math.abs(dx) + Math.abs(dy);
       if (SheepdogMIDlet.random(dogDistance - 10) == 0)
    private void adjustDogFactor()
       dogFactor += SheepdogMIDlet.random(4) - 2;  // -2..1
       if (dogFactor < minDogFactor)
           dogFactor = minDogFactor;
       else if (dogFactor > maxDogFactor)
           dogFactor = maxDogFactor;
    private boolean tryMove(int direction)
       Field field = canvas.getField();
       boolean blocked = true;
       int dx = 0;
       int dy = 0;
       switch (direction)
       case SheepdogCanvas.UP:
           if ((getY() > 0) &&
                                             getY() - 1,
                blocked = false;
               dy = -1;
       case SheepdogCanvas.LEFT:
           if ((getX() > 0) &&
               !field.containsImpassableArea(getX() - 1,
               blocked = false;
               dx = -1;
       case SheepdogCanvas.DOWN:
           if ((getY() + getHeight() - 1 < field.getWidth()) &&
                                             getY() + getHeight(),
               blocked = false;
               dy = 1;
       case SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT:
           if ((getX() + getWidth() - 1 < field.getWidth()) &&
               !field.containsImpassableArea(getX() + getWidth(),
               blocked = false;
               dx = 1;
           // can't happen
       boolean success = false;
       if (!blocked)
           boolean wasInFold = field.inFold(this);
           move(dx, dy);
           if (canvas.overlapsOtherSheep(this) ||
               canvas.overlapsSheepdog(this) ||
               (wasInFold && !field.inFold(this)))
               move(-dx, -dy);
               currentDirection = direction;
               success = true;
       return success;
    private void advanceRunningAnimation()
       int[] sequence;
       if (currentDirection == SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT)
           sequence = animations[SheepdogCanvas.LEFT][RUN];
           sequence = animations[currentDirection][RUN];
       setFrame(sequence[(animationTick >> 2) % sequence.length]);
    private void setStandingAnimation()
       if (currentDirection == SheepdogCanvas.RIGHT)
    void handleDogBark()
       // sheep should get nervous
       dogFactor += 5;
       if (dogFactor > maxDogFactor)
           dogFactor = maxDogFactor;
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