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2011-07-18 17:37 281 查看
1. 流媒体应用项目的介绍

2. HTTP应用流媒体分析
严格意义上,基于HTTP的VOD不算是真的流媒体,英文称为“progressive downloading”或者“pseudo streaming”,为什么这样呢?因为HTTP缺乏流媒体基本的流控,由此基于HTTP协议很难实现媒体播放的快进,快退,暂停。那么,通常的媒体播放器又是如何利用HTTP来实现这样的功能呢?
我们都知道,不管媒体文件有多大,HTTP都只是视它为一个HTTP的元素,可以只需要发送一个HTTP请求,WEB Server就会源源不断地将媒体流推送给客户端,而不管客户端是否接受,这就是HTTP协议本身没有流控的原因,那这样会带来什么后果呢?
如果服务器的推流速度和客户端同步, 那么基本不会出现什么大问题;如果小于客户端的接收流的速度,那么播放就会一卡一卡的;如果大于或者远大于客户端的接收速度,那又会是怎么样的结果呢?很不幸,在我们所有的ISTV项目中,只要是基于HTTP的VOD,都无一例外是第三种情况。因为我们VOD是基于局域网的,大家都知道,局域网的带宽资源是很丰富的,服务器的推流的速度肯定大于播放器的播放速度,那么在这么速度极端不协调的情况下,服务器的推流速度究竟由谁来限制呢?

3. RTSP应用流媒体介绍

HTTP Streaming Video Tutorial"HTTP streaming", also called "progressive downloading" or "pseudo streaming", is when you make use of your web server to deliver your streaming media files. For this, there is no need for any specialized web hosting server. As long as your webserver recognizes common video files, there's no problem. Actually, it is not really "streaming" at all. It's a simple bulk download of your video file to the end user's machine. What makes it appear to be "streaming" is that your video file will begin playing while the download is still in progress. However, there is one main difference that could be noticed by the viewer between HTTP video streaming and true video streaming - the end viewer will not be able to fast-forward to the end of the clip until the whole video file is downloaded. But, for those on a tight budget who would still like to pseudo stream their video clips, this is really the best and cheapest alternative for websites that have little to moderate traffic flow. When using progressive downloading of videos, there are some disadvantages. If you have a good deal of webtraffic to your website, HTTP streaming videos may not work for you since it will not be able to handle the larger traffic loads. You will be unable to broadcast live events. Also, when using HTTP streaming video files, it is not able to read and adjust to the data rate (end users' connection speed) automatically. As a result, if you want to create individual versions for various speeds, it will be needful for you to create separate video files for each speed. As long as you don't have a heavy website traffic load, this should not be a problem for most webservers. Realistically, though, this isn't practical, so you must decide which video formats to make available. To create HTTP streaming videos, you must first create a video file. It's best to use a common video streaming format, such as Windows Media Player (.wmv), MPEG-4, Macomedia Flash (.swf), Apple Quicktime (.mov), etc. Next, you need to upload your file to your web hosting server. Lastly, embed the video clip in a web page using special HTML tags (see how to embed Flash media files or the other links to the left about embeding videos; or you could make a hyperlink to your file). That's about it. With the embedded video file, the clip will begin to play as soon as your web page loads. If you use a hyperlink, when it's clicked on, it will open the viewer's defualt video player and your file will begin streaming, however you won't necessarily have control of how your video will appear within your webpage. For this reason, in the next parts of this videohosting tutorial we'll be talking mostly about progressive downloading of videos. The next step of this free video hosting tutorial guide is how to create streaming videos.
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