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Effective C#阅读笔记-4总是为你的类提供ToString()方法

2011-07-11 22:49 441 查看
Overriding Object.ToString() is the simplest way to provide a string representation of your classes. You should provide that every time you create a type. It should be the most obvious, most common representation of your type. On those rarer occasions when your type is expected to provide more sophisticated output, you should take advantage of implementing the IFormattable interface. It provides the standard way for users of your class to customize the text output for your type. If you leave these out, your users are left with implementing custom formatters. Those solutions require more code, and because users are outside of your class, they cannot examine the internal state of the object.Eventually, people consume the information in your types. People understand text output. Provide it in the simplest fashion possible: Override ToString() in all your types.Object.ToString()方法默认总是显示对象的类型名称,这个其实对类的使用者没有太多有价值的信息,为此我们应该重写,重写Object的ToString()方法,为我们的类提供有用的类信息。还可以实现 IFormattable接口,提供更为复杂的ToString()方法。

public virtual string ToString()
return this.GetType().ToString();

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