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操作系统选择题库答案及详解_Multiple Choice Questions 8

2011-07-04 20:42 537 查看
Multiple Choice Questions 8Question1
The type of memory that allows for very effective multiprogramming and relieves the user of memory size constraints is referred to as:
a. Virtual memory √
b. Real memory
c. Main memory
d. All of the above
The replacement policy that is impossible to implement because it would require the O/S to have perfect knowledge of future events is called the:
a. Least recently used (LRU) policy
b. Clock policy
c. Optimal policy √
d. None of the above
The replacement policy that chooses only among the resident pages of the process that generated the page fault in selecting a page to replace is referred to as a:
a. Local replacement policy √
b. Variable replacement policy
c. Global replacement policy
d. None of the above
The concept associated with determining the number of processes that will be resident in main memory is referred to as:
a. A cleaning policy
b. Load Control
c. None of the above
d. The page fault frequency √
In SVR4 and Solaris systems, the memory management scheme that manages user processes and disk I/O is called the:
a. Paging system √
b. None of the above
c. Virtual memory manager
d. Kernel memory allocator
The multilevel memory management scheme implemented in Linux was designed to minimize large page tables and directories in which of the following line of processors:
a. 32-bit Pentium/X86 architecture
b. 16-bit X86 architecture
c. 64-bit Alpha architecture √
d. None of the above
The Windows 2000 virtual memory manager can use page sizes ranging from:
a. 64 KB to 4 GB
b. None of the above
c. 4 KB to 64 KB √
d. 4 GB to 4 TB
The situation where the processor spends most of its time swapping process pieces rather than executing instructions is called:
a. Paging
b. The Principle of Locality
c. None of the above
d. Thrashing √
The situation that occurs when the desired page table entry is not found in the Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is called a:
a. None of the above
b. TLB hit
c. TLB miss √
d. Page fault
The real address of a word in memory is translated from the following portions of a virtual address:
a. None of the above
b. Frame number and offset
c. Page number and frame number
d. Page number and offset √
Segmentation has a number of advantages to the programmer over a non-segmented address space, including:
a. Sharing among processes
b. Simplifying the handling of growing data structures
c. All of the above √
d. Protection
In a combined paging/segmentation system, a user’s address space is broken up into a number of:
a. Fixed-size pages, which are in turn broken down into variable-sized segments
b. Segments or pages, at the discretion of the programmer
c. Variable-sized Segments, which are in turn broken down into fixed-size pages √
d. All of the above
Sharing is achieved in a segmentation system by:
a. Having a common data area that all processes can share
b. Referencing a segment in the segment tables of more than one process √
c. All of the above
d. Each process segment table having a reference to the dispatcher main memory area
A fundamental choice in the design of the memory-management portion of an O/S is:
a. Whether or not to use virtual memory techniques
b. All of the above √
c. Whether to use paging, segmentation of a combination of the two
d. The algorithms employed for various aspects of memory management
The fetch policy that exploits the characteristics of most secondary memory devices, such as disks, which have seek time and rotational latency is called:
a. Swapping
b. Demand paging
c. Prepaging √
d. None of the above
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