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2011-07-03 14:09 281 查看
Joomla 1.5 RC3版本的SEF存在不少问题,前段时间架站的时候曾经仔细看过这部分,昨天做apache转向的时候,突然发现又都忘记了,再回忆一次,记录下来。/index.php 中$mainframe->route(); 这一函数中实现了从URI中获取相关参数并填充到JRequest中,我们来看看这个函数的实现过程。这个函数的代码清单如下:
function route()
// get the full request URI
$uri = clone(JURI::getInstance());
$router =& $this->getRouter();
$result = $router->parse($uri);
JRequest::set($result, 'get', false );

可以看到,首先克隆了一个JURI,然后$router->parse($uri),实现了uri的解析,返回的数组结果填充到了JRequest中。先简略看一下 JURI::getInstance() ,代码在enviroment/uri.php中,这里略过了。代码大体的实际就是兼容了apache与IIS,组成完成的URL路径,传递给JURI的构造器,最终生成JURI对象作为返回结果。接着我们来看看$result = $router->parse($uri) 实现了什么,以下是JRouterSite的parse函数的代码清单:
function parse(&$uri)
$vars = array();
// Get the path
$path = $uri->getPath();
//Remove the suffix
if($this->_mode == JROUTER_MODE_SEF)
// Get the application
$app =& JFactory::getApplication();
if($app->getCfg('sef_suffix') && !(substr($path, -9) == 'index.php' || substr($path, -1) == '/'))
if($suffix = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))
$path = str_replace('.'.$suffix, ', $path);
$vars['format'] = $suffix;
//Remove basepath
$path = substr_replace($path, ', 0, strlen(JURI::base(true)));
//Remove prefix
$path = str_replace('index.php', ', $path);
//Set the route
$uri->setPath(trim($path , '/'));
$vars += parent::parse($uri);
return $vars;

这段代码实际就是去掉了路径中的 index.php以及在SEF开启的状态下的后缀,并调用父类JRouter的parse函数。JRouter的parse函数代码清单如下:
unction parse(&$uri)
$vars = array();
// Process the parsed variables based on custom defined rules
$vars = $this->_processParseRules($uri);
// Parse RAW URL
if($this->_mode == JROUTER_MODE_RAW) {
$vars += $this->_parseRawRoute($uri);
// Parse SEF URL
if($this->_mode == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) {
$vars += $vars + $this->_parseSefRoute($uri);
return  array_merge($this->getVars(), $vars);

我们来看看关键的两个函数,因为不会同时发生,我们只来看看 $this->_parseSefRoute($uri)函数。以下是JRouterSite的_parseSefRoute方法代码清单:
function _parseSefRoute(&$uri)
$vars   = array();
$menu  =& JSite::getMenu(true);
$route = $uri->getPath();
//Handle an empty URL (special case)
$item = $menu->getDefault();
//Set the information in the request
$vars = $item->query;
//Get the itemid
$vars['Itemid'] = $item->id;
// Set the active menu item
return $vars;
//Get the variables from the uri
$vars = $uri->getQuery(true);
* Parse the application route
if(substr($route, 0, 9) == 'component')
$segments = explode('/', $route);
$route      = str_replace('component/'.$segments[1], ', $route);
$vars['option'] = 'com_'.$segments[1];
$vars['Itemid'] = null;
//Need to reverse the array (highest sublevels first)
$items = array_reverse($menu->getMenu());
foreach ($items as $item)
$lenght = strlen($item->route); //get the lenght of the route
if($lenght > 0 && strpos($route.'/', $item->route.'/') === 0 && $item->type != 'menulink')
$route   = substr($route, $lenght);
$vars['Itemid'] = $item->id;
$vars['option'] = $item->component;
// Set the active menu item
if ( isset($vars['Itemid']) ) {
$menu->setActive(  $vars['Itemid'] );
//Set the variables
* Parse the component route
$segments = explode('/', $route);
// Handle component route
$component = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9_\.-]/i', ', $this->_vars['option']);
// Use the component routing handler if it exists
$path = JPATH_BASE.DS.'components'.DS.$component.DS.'router.php';
if (file_exists($path) && count($segments))
//decode the route segments
$segments = $this->_decodeSegments($segments);
require_once $path;
$function =  substr($component, 4).'ParseRoute';
$vars =  $function($segments);
//Set active menu item
if($item =& $menu->getActive()) {
$vars = $item->query;
return $vars;

这段代码比较长,不详细分析了,实际上首先做了菜单项的比较,然后接着调用$uri->getQuery(true)返回query中的所有名称/值对,接着在合适的条件下调用相应组件下的router.php中对应路径解析函数,比如对于content,就是com_content/router.php的ContentParseRoute函数,最终整个函数生成了包含option,view,layout等在内的散列数组并返回。返回的数据经过merge后,返回给JRequest::set($result, 'get', false )至此全部的参数数值就写入到JRequest中了,注意这里只是 'get'方式传递的参数,不包括post方式提交的数据。
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