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Computer & Vision Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin( J.K. Aggarwal

2011-06-30 11:40 351 查看

Patch Based Face Recognition from Video
The objective of this paper is to present on patch-based face recognition from video.The proposed solution includes aligning face patches to a template face using Lucas- Kanade image alignment algorithm. Our method then tries to stitch the face patches together, by a refinement of the alignment algorithm.Currently we were able to successfully recognize a reconstructed face from patches in a video, and there is great scope for furture work including changes in pose, illumination, and expression.

Changbo Hu, Josh Harguess, and J.K. Aggarwal, "Patch-based Face Recognition from Video", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Cairo, Egypt, November 2009.

Recognition of Human Actions in Low Resolution Videos
Recognition of human actions from a distant view is a challenging problem in computer vision. The available visual cues are particularly sparse and vague under this scenario. We proposed an action descriptor, which is composed of time series of subspace projected histogram-based features. Our descriptor combines both human poses and motion information and performs feature selection in a supervised fashion. Our method has been tested on several public datasets and achieves very promising accuracy.

C.-C. Chen and J. K. Aggarwal, "Recognizing Human Action from a Far Field of View" IEEE Workshop on Motion and Video Computing (WMVC), Utah, USA, December 2009.M. M. S. Ryoo, C.-C. Chen, J. K. Aggarwal, and A. Roy-Chowdhury, "An Overview of Contest on Semantic Description of Human Activities (SDHA) 2010", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Contests, August 2010.

Human Cast Shadow Removal
The success in human shadow removal leads to the accurate recognition of activities and the robust tracking of people. We present a shadow removal technique which effectively eliminates human shadow cast from an unknown direction of light source. A multi-cue shadow descriptor is proposed to characterize the distinctive properties of shadow. We employ a 3-stage process to detect then remove shadow. Our algorithm further improves the shadow detection accuracy by imposing the spatial constraint between the foreground subregions of human and shadow.

C.-C. Chen and J. K. Aggarwal, "Human Shadow Removal with Unknown Light Source",International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010.

Recognition of Box-like Objects
In this work, we propose a template-based algorithm for recognizing box-like objects. Our technique is invariant to scale, rotation and translation as well as robust to patterned surfaces and moderate occlusions. We reassemble box-like segments from an over-segmented image. The shapes and inner edges of the merged box-like segments are verified seprartly with the orresponding templates. We formulate the process of template matching into an optimization problem, and propose a combined metric to evaluate the similarity.

C.-C. Chen and J. K. Aggarwal, "Recognition of Box-like Objects by Fusing Cues of Shape and Edges", International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Tampa, FL, December 2008.

Video Background Initialization
Background subtraction is an essential element in most object tracking and video surveillance systems. The success of this low-level processing step is highly dependent on the quality of the background model maintained. We present a background initialization algorithm which identifies stable intervals of intensity values at each pixel, and determines which interval is most likely to display background. Our method is adaptive to the scale of foregound motion and is able to equalize the uneven effect caused by different object depths. Our method achieves promising results even with complex foreground contents.

C.-C. Chen and J. K. Aggarwal, "An Adaptive Background Model Initialization Algorithm with Objects Moving at Different Depths", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), San Diego, CA, October 2008.

Human-Human Interactions
We have developed a new language-based approach for the recognition of high-level interactions between two persons. A human activity is represented by decomposing it into multiple sub-events and by specifying their necessary relationships(temporal, spatial, and logical ), and is recognized by matching the representation with input videos. Sub-events of one activity may be composed of multiple sub-events of itself, capturing the hierarchical structure of human activities. As a result, continued and recursive activities such as 'fighting', 'greeting', 'assault', and 'pursuit' of two persons are recognized.

Ryoo_M.pdf]M. S. Ryoo and J. K. Aggarwal, "Recognition of Composite Human Activities through Context-Free Grammar based Representation", Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vol. 2, pp. 1709-1719, New York, NY, 2006.Ryoo-SemanticUnderstanding.pdf]M. S. Ryoo and J. K. Aggarwal, "Semantic Understanding of Continued and Recursive Human Activities", Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Vol. 1, pp. 379~382, Hong Kong, 2006

Human-Object Interactions
The framework is extended for the recognition of interactions between humans and multiple objects. Human activities involving objects, such as "a person stealing another's suitcase", are recognized by considering objects and their motion. Ability to probabilistically compensate for the failure of its components (object recognition for example) is given to the system for more reliable recognition.

M. S. Ryoo and J. K. Aggarwal, "Hierarchical Recognition of Human Activities Interacting with Objects", Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Learning Applications in Multimedia (SLAM), in conjunction with CVPR, Minneapolis, MN, June 2007.

Fence Climbing
We propose a concept of stable contact for human motion analysis. Simply speaking, we find extreme points from a human contour first. Those extreme points that don't move (with a maximum position deviation w) for a long enough period (with a minimum duration threshold t) are detected as stable contacts. We use such a concept to characterize walking, running, climbing (fence, rock) etc. The rational behind is simple. A walking is a sequence where the number of stable contacts alternates between 1 and 2, in running it is usually 0 and 1, while in climbing it has some chances to be 3 or more.

Elden Yu, J. K. Aggarwal: Detection of Fence Climbing from Monocular Video. ICPR (1) 2006: 375-378
Human Computer Interaction

Intelligent Workspaces
We constructed an intelligent environment which visually observes tasks of users to help the users complete their tasks. The system is designed to analyze the status of ongoing tasks and to generate appropriate feedback guiding the user.

M. S. Ryoo and J. K. Aggarwal, "Robust Human-Computer Interaction System Guiding a User by Providing Feedback", Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Hyderabad, India, 2007.
Content-Based Image Retrieval

CIRES: Image Similarity Search Engine
Content-based image retrieval

Qasim Iqbal, Jake K. Aggarwal: Content-Based Retrieval in Digital Image Databases using Structure, Color and Texture. PRIS 2004: 1-2Qasim Iqbal, Jake K. Aggarwal: Image Retrieval via Isotropic and Anisotropic Mappings, IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems (PRIS 2001), July 6-8, 2001, Setubal, Portugal, pages 34 - 49.Qasim Iqbal, Jake K. Aggarwal: Perceptual Grouping for Image Retrieval and Classification, 3rd IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision, July 8, 2001, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 19.1-19.4.

Temporal-Spatio Velocity (TSV) Transform
Temporal spatio-velocity (TSV) transform extracts pixel velocitities from images sequences, and groups pixels in similar velocities into a blob. As a result, blobs are segmented ven in severe occlusion based on their velocity information, and are tracked throughout the sequence. TSV has been applied for the tracking pedestrian, cars, and soccer players.

Koichi Sato, J. K. Aggarwal: Temporal spatio-velocity transform and its application to tracking and interaction. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 96(2): 100-128 (2004)
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