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2011-06-17 10:39 651 查看
ArcSDE经常在数据导入或编辑过程中中断,其间有人为因素(调试中断)也有非人为因素(断网),中断后的直接恶果就是程序再次执行出错。错误号是-2147216556,错误解释是 FDO_E_OBJECTCLASS_REQUIRES_AN_EDIT_SESSION。



// Passing zero values for all three double parameters recalculates the spatial index with
// acceptable (but not necessarily optimal) values.
public void RebuildSpatialIndex(IFeatureClass featureClass, Double gridOneSize,
    Double gridTwoSize, Double gridThreeSize)
    // Get an enumerator for indexes based on the shape field.
    IIndexes indexes = featureClass.Indexes;
    String shapeFieldName = featureClass.ShapeFieldName;
    IEnumIndex enumIndex = indexes.FindIndexesByFieldName(shapeFieldName);

    // Get the index based on the shape field (should only be one) and delete it.
    IIndex index = enumIndex.Next();
    if (index != null)

    // Clone the shape field from the feature class.
    int shapeFieldIndex = featureClass.FindField(shapeFieldName);
    IFields fields = featureClass.Fields;
    IField sourceField = fields.get_Field(shapeFieldIndex);
    IClone sourceFieldClone = (IClone)sourceField;
    IClone targetFieldClone = sourceFieldClone.Clone();
    IField targetField = (IField)targetFieldClone;

    // Open the geometry definition from the cloned field and modify it.
    IGeometryDef geometryDef = targetField.GeometryDef;
    IGeometryDefEdit geometryDefEdit = (IGeometryDefEdit)geometryDef;
    geometryDefEdit.GridCount_2 = 3;
    geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(0, gridOneSize);
    geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(1, gridTwoSize);
    geometryDefEdit.set_GridSize(2, gridThreeSize);

    // Create a spatial index and set the required attributes.
    IIndex newIndex = new IndexClass();
    IIndexEdit newIndexEdit = (IIndexEdit)newIndex;
    newIndexEdit.Name_2 = shapeFieldName + "_Index";
    newIndexEdit.IsAscending_2 = true;
    newIndexEdit.IsUnique_2 = false;

    // Create a fields collection and assign it to the new index.
    IFields newIndexFields = new FieldsClass();
    IFieldsEdit newIndexFieldsEdit = (IFieldsEdit)newIndexFields;
    newIndexEdit.Fields_2 = newIndexFields;

    // Add the spatial index back into the feature class.
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