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关于:JNI WARNING: illegal start byte 处理

2011-06-17 01:11 148 查看

1473): in Landroid/media/MediaScanner;.processFile

I/dalvikvm( 1473): "MediaScannerService" prio=5 tid=10 NATIVE

I/dalvikvm( 1473): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 s=N obj=0x45f1ea18 self=0x22f0d0

I/dalvikvm( 1473): | sysTid=1647 nice=11 sched=3/0 cgrp=unknown handle=2229456

I/dalvikvm( 1473): at android.media.MediaScanner.processFile(Native Method)

I/dalvikvm( 1473): at android.media.MediaScanner.access$500(MediaScanner.java:103)




* Verify that "bytes" points to valid "modified UTF-8" data.


static void checkUtfString(JNIEnv* env, const char* bytes, bool nullOk,

const char* func)


const char* origBytes = bytes;

if (bytes == NULL) {

if (!nullOk) {

LOGW("JNI WARNING: unexpectedly null UTF string/n");

goto fail;




while (*bytes != '/0') {

u1 utf8 = *(bytes++);

// Switch on the high four bits.

switch (utf8 >> 4) {

case 0x00:

case 0x01:

case 0x02:

case 0x03:

case 0x04:

case 0x05:

case 0x06:

case 0x07: {

// Bit pattern 0xxx. No need for any extra bytes.



case 0x08:

case 0x09:

case 0x0a:

case 0x0b:

case 0x0f: {


* Bit pattern 10xx or 1111, which are illegal start bytes.

* Note: 1111 is valid for normal UTF-8, but not the

* modified UTF-8 used here.


LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal start byte 0x%x/n", utf8);

goto fail;


case 0x0e: {

// Bit pattern 1110, so there are two additional bytes.

utf8 = *(bytes++);

if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {

LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal continuation byte 0x%x/n", utf8);

goto fail;


// Fall through to take care of the final byte.


case 0x0c:

case 0x0d: {

// Bit pattern 110x, so there is one additional byte.

utf8 = *(bytes++);

if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {

LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal continuation byte 0x%x/n", utf8);

goto fail;








LOGW(" string: '%s'/n", origBytes);

showLocation(dvmGetCurrentJNIMethod(), func);







// Send a command to the supplicant, and return the reply as a String

static jstring doStringCommand(JNIEnv *env, const char *cmd)


char reply[4096];

char* bytes;

if (doCommand(cmd, reply, sizeof(reply)) != 0) {

return env->NewStringUTF(NULL);

} else {

// Make sure reply only contains valid UTF-8 Characters

// This is borrowed from CheckJni.c

bytes = reply;

while (*bytes != '/0')


char utf8 = *bytes;

switch (utf8 >> 4) {

case 0x00:

case 0x01:

case 0x02:

case 0x03:

case 0x04:

case 0x05:

case 0x06:

case 0x07:


// Bit pattern 0xxx. No need for any extra bytes.



case 0x08:

case 0x09:

case 0x0a:

case 0x0b:

case 0x0f:



* Bit pattern 10xx or 1111, which are illegal start bytes.

* Note: 1111 is valid for normal UTF-8, but not the

* modified UTF-8 used here. + */

LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal start byte 0x%x, changing to '?'/n", utf8);

//return env->NewStringUTF("AP"); //modify by rockie

*bytes = '?';


case 0x0e: {

// Bit pattern 1110, so there are two additional bytes.

utf8 = *(++bytes);

if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {

LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal continuation byte 0x%x, changing to 0x80./n", utf8);

*bytes = 0x80;


// Fall through to take care of the final byte.


case 0x0c:

case 0x0d: {

// Bit pattern 110x, so there is one additional byte.

utf8 = *(++bytes);

if ((utf8 & 0xc0) != 0x80) {

LOGW("JNI WARNING: illegal continuation byte 0x%x, changing to 0x80./n", utf8);

*bytes = 0x80;







return env->NewStringUTF(reply);


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