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precheck for the grid control installation

2011-06-12 23:58 281 查看
$ ulimit -a

time(seconds) unlimited

file(blocks) unlimited

data(kbytes) unlimited

stack(kbytes) 32768

coredump(blocks) unlimited

nofiles(descriptors) 65536

memory(kbytes) unlimited

$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n perf-5240-1,perf-5240-2

^C$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n perf-5240-1,perf-5240-2 -fixup -verbose

Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup

Checking node reachability...

Check: Node reachability from node "perf-5240-1"

Destination Node Reachable?

------------------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-1 yes

perf-5240-2 yes

Result: Node reachability check passed from node "perf-5240-1"

Checking user equivalence...

Check: User equivalence for user "grid"

Node Name Comment

------------------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 passed

perf-5240-1 passed

Result: User equivalence check passed for user "grid"

Checking node connectivity...

Checking hosts config file...

Node Name Status Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 passed

perf-5240-1 passed

Verification of the hosts config file successful

Interface information for node "perf-5240-2"

Name IP Address Subnet Gateway Def. Gateway HW Address MTU

------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

nxge0 00:14:4F:F3:97:94 1500

nxge3 00:14:4F:F3:97:97 1500

Interface information for node "perf-5240-1"

Name IP Address Subnet Gateway Def. Gateway HW Address MTU

------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ----------------- ------

nxge0 00:21:28:26:6D:70 1500

nxge3 00:21:28:26:6D:73 1500

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""

Source Destination Connected?

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2:nxge0 perf-5240-1:nxge0 yes

Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) perf-5240-2,perf-5240-1

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

Source Destination Connected?

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------

perf-5240-1: perf-5240-2: passed

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""

Source Destination Connected?

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2:nxge3 perf-5240-1:nxge3 yes

Result: Node connectivity passed for subnet "" with node(s) perf-5240-2,perf-5240-1

Check: TCP connectivity of subnet ""

Source Destination Connected?

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------

perf-5240-1: perf-5240-2: passed

Result: TCP connectivity check passed for subnet ""

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for VIP are:

perf-5240-2 nxge0:

perf-5240-1 nxge0:

Interfaces found on subnet "" that are likely candidates for a private interconnect are:

perf-5240-2 nxge3:

perf-5240-1 nxge3:

Result: Node connectivity check passed

Check: Total memory

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 63.7812GB (6.6879488E7KB) 1.5GB (1572864.0KB) passed

perf-5240-1 63.7812GB (6.6879488E7KB) 1.5GB (1572864.0KB) passed

Result: Total memory check passed

Check: Available memory

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 55.5037GB (5.8199832E7KB) 50MB (51200.0KB) passed

perf-5240-1 52.9744GB (5.5547664E7KB) 50MB (51200.0KB) passed

Result: Available memory check passed

Check: Swap space

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 16.0038GB (1.678124E7KB) 16GB (1.6777216E7KB) passed

perf-5240-1 16.0038GB (1.678124E7KB) 16GB (1.6777216E7KB) passed

Result: Swap space check passed

Check: Free disk space for "perf-5240-2:/var/tmp/"

Path Node Name Mount point Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

/var/tmp/ perf-5240-2 / 11.1567GB 1GB passed

Result: Free disk space check passed for "perf-5240-2:/var/tmp/"

Check: Free disk space for "perf-5240-1:/var/tmp/"

Path Node Name Mount point Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

/var/tmp/ perf-5240-1 / 12.493GB 1GB passed

Result: Free disk space check passed for "perf-5240-1:/var/tmp/"

Check: User existence for "grid"

Node Name Status Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 exists(244361) passed

perf-5240-1 exists(244361) passed

Checking for multiple users with UID value 244361

Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 244361 passed

Result: User existence check passed for "grid"

Check: Group existence for "oinstall"

Node Name Status Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 exists passed

perf-5240-1 exists passed

Result: Group existence check passed for "oinstall"

Check: Group existence for "dba"

Node Name Status Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 exists passed

perf-5240-1 exists passed

Result: Group existence check passed for "dba"

Check: Membership of user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary]

Node Name User Exists Group Exists User in Group Primary Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

perf-5240-2 yes yes yes yes passed

perf-5240-1 yes yes yes yes passed

Result: Membership check for user "grid" in group "oinstall" [as Primary] passed

Check: Membership of user "grid" in group "dba"

Node Name User Exists Group Exists User in Group Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2 yes yes no failed

perf-5240-1 yes yes no failed

Result: Membership check for user "grid" in group "dba" failed

Check: Run level

Node Name run level Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 3 3 passed

perf-5240-1 3 3 passed

Result: Run level check passed

Check: Hard limits for "maximum open file descriptors"

Node Name Type Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2 hard 65536 65536 passed

perf-5240-1 hard 65536 65536 passed

Result: Hard limits check passed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Check: Soft limits for "maximum open file descriptors"

Node Name Type Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2 soft 256 1024 failed

perf-5240-1 soft 65536 1024 passed

Result: Soft limits check failed for "maximum open file descriptors"

Check: Hard limits for "maximum user processes"

Node Name Type Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2 hard 29995 16384 passed

perf-5240-1 hard 29995 16384 passed

Result: Hard limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Check: Soft limits for "maximum user processes"

Node Name Type Available Required Comment

---------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------------

perf-5240-2 soft 29995 2047 passed

perf-5240-1 soft 29995 2047 passed

Result: Soft limits check passed for "maximum user processes"

Check: System architecture

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules 64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules passed

perf-5240-1 64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules 64-bit sparcv9 kernel modules passed

Result: System architecture check passed

Check: Kernel version

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 5.10-2010. 5.10-2008.10 passed

perf-5240-1 5.10-2010. 5.10-2008.10 passed

Result: Kernel version check passed

Check: Kernel parameter for "project.max-sem-ids"

Node Name Configured Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 128 100 passed

perf-5240-1 128 100 passed

Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "project.max-sem-ids"

Check: Kernel parameter for "process.max-sem-nsems"

Node Name Configured Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 512 256 passed

perf-5240-1 512 256 passed

Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "process.max-sem-nsems"

Check: Kernel parameter for "project.max-shm-memory"

Node Name Configured Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 16732559360 4294967295 passed

perf-5240-1 16732571648 4294967295 passed

Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "project.max-shm-memory"

Check: Kernel parameter for "project.max-shm-ids"

Node Name Configured Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 128 100 passed

perf-5240-1 128 100 passed

Result: Kernel parameter check passed for "project.max-shm-ids"

Check: Package existence for "SUNWarc-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWarc-11.10.0-2005. SUNWarc-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWarc-11.10.0-2005. SUNWarc-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWarc-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWbtool-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWbtool-11.10.0-2005. SUNWbtool-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWbtool-11.10.0-2005. SUNWbtool-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWbtool-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWhea-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWhea-11.10.0-2005. SUNWhea-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWhea-11.10.0-2005. SUNWhea-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWhea-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWlibm-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWlibm-5.10-2004.12.18 SUNWlibm-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWlibm-5.10-2004.12.18 SUNWlibm-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibm-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWlibms-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWlibms-5.10-2004.11.23 SUNWlibms-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWlibms-5.10-2004.11.23 SUNWlibms-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibms-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWsprot-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWsprot-5.10-2004.11.23 SUNWsprot-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWsprot-5.10-2004.11.23 SUNWsprot-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWsprot-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWtoo-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWtoo-11.10.0-2005. SUNWtoo-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWtoo-11.10.0-2005. SUNWtoo-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWtoo-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWi1of-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWi1of- SUNWi1of-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWi1of- SUNWi1of-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWi1of-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWi1cs-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWi1cs-2.0-2004. SUNWi1cs-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWi1cs-2.0-2004. SUNWi1cs-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWi1cs-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWi15cs-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWi15cs-2.0-2004. SUNWi15cs-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWi15cs-2.0-2004. SUNWi15cs-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWi15cs-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWxwfnt-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWxwfnt- SUNWxwfnt-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWxwfnt- SUNWxwfnt-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWxwfnt-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWlibC-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWlibC-5.10-2004.12.22 SUNWlibC-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWlibC-5.10-2004.12.22 SUNWlibC-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibC-..."

Check: Package existence for "SUNWcsl-..."

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 SUNWcsl-11.10.0-2005. SUNWcsl-... passed

perf-5240-1 SUNWcsl-11.10.0-2005. SUNWcsl-... passed

Result: Package existence check passed for "SUNWcsl-..."

Check: Operating system patch for "Patch 119963-14"

Node Name Applied Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 Patch 119963-21 Patch 119963-14 passed

perf-5240-1 Patch 119963-21 Patch 119963-14 passed

Result: Operating system patch check passed for "Patch 119963-14"

Check: Operating system patch for "Patch 120753-06"

Node Name Applied Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 Patch 120753-07 Patch 120753-06 passed

perf-5240-1 Patch 120753-07 Patch 120753-06 passed

Result: Operating system patch check passed for "Patch 120753-06"

Check: Operating system patch for "Patch 139574-03"

Node Name Applied Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 Patch 139555-08 Patch 139574-03 passed

perf-5240-1 Patch 139555-08 Patch 139574-03 passed

Result: Operating system patch check passed for "Patch 139574-03"

Check: Operating system patch for "Patch 124861-15"

Node Name Applied Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 Patch missing Patch 124861-15 failed

perf-5240-1 Patch missing Patch 124861-15 failed

Result: Operating system patch check failed for "Patch 124861-15"

Checking for multiple users with UID value 0

PRVF-4132 : Multiple users "root,droot" with UID "0" exist on "perf-5240-2".

PRVF-4132 : Multiple users "root,droot" with UID "0" exist on "perf-5240-1".

Result: Check for multiple users with UID value 0 failed

Check: Current group ID

Result: Current group ID check passed

Checking Core file name pattern consistency...

Core file name pattern consistency check passed.

Checking to make sure user "grid" is not in "root" group

Node Name Status Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 does not exist passed

perf-5240-1 does not exist passed

Result: User "grid" is not part of "root" group. Check passed

Check default user file creation mask

Node Name Available Required Comment

------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------

perf-5240-2 0022 0022 passed

perf-5240-1 0022 0022 passed

Result: Default user file creation mask check passed

Starting Clock synchronization checks using Network Time Protocol(NTP)...

NTP Configuration file check started...

The NTP configuration file "/etc/inet/ntp.conf" is available on all nodes

NTP Configuration file check passed

Checking daemon liveness...

Check: Liveness for "xntpd"

Node Name Running?

------------------------------------ ------------------------

perf-5240-2 no

perf-5240-1 no

Result: Liveness check failed for "xntpd"

PRVF-5415 : Check to see if NTP daemon is running failed

Result: Clock synchronization check using Network Time Protocol(NTP) failed

Fixup information has been generated for following node(s):


Please run the following script on each node as "root" user to execute the fixups:


Pre-check for cluster services setup was unsuccessful on all the nodes.

-bash-3.00$ hostname


-bash-3.00$ ulimit -a

core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited

data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited

file size (blocks, -f) unlimited

open files (-n) 256

pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 10

stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192

cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited

max user processes (-u) 29995

virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited

-bash-3.00$ su - grid


Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.10 Generic Patch January 2005

$ vi .profile

".profile" [New file]

ulimit -s 32768

ulimit -n 65536

$ ulimit -a

time(seconds) unlimited

file(blocks) unlimited

data(kbytes) unlimited

stack(kbytes) 32768

coredump(blocks) unlimited

nofiles(descriptors) 65536

memory(kbytes) unlimited

vi /etc/inet/ntp.conf

slewalways yes

disable pll

# /usr/sbin/svcadm disable ntp

# /usr/sbin/svcadm restart ntp

# /usr/sbin/svcadm enable ntp
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