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2011-06-07 10:46 323 查看

1、《Digital communications 4th edition》 John G. Proakis

2、《Fundamentals of Wireless Communication》David Tse (Berkeley)
据说作者是大名鼎鼎的Galleger的学生,这本书是我目前所看到的最好的一本无线通信类教材,他不像其他无线通信原理类教材那样花很多篇幅讲一些比较老的技术和一些商用的实际系统,他的特点在于从一个比较高的层次、从系统的观点总结现有通信技术,将很多看上去完全不相干的技术用统一的数学表达式统一起来分析,特别是对于近年来很热门的MIMO、Opportunistic Communication、OFDM、多用户通信等技术都用信息论的观点加以诠释,这一点对于我们从更高层次上掌握目前无线通信的发展方向很有帮助,强力推荐!

3、《Wireless communications》Andrea Goldsmith(Stanford)
一本比较新、比较全面的无线通信教材,这本书基本上还是按照传统的体系,既讲述了信道模型、调制、编码、分集、均衡、扩频等传统的内容,也讲了MIMO和空时码、Ad hoc、多载波、多用户分集等相对较新的内容,同时也从信息论角度分析不同信道(AWGN、衰落、MIMO、广播、多址)的信道容量,让大家能明确看出各种技术设计的目标。

4、《wireless communications principles and practice, second edition》Theodore S. Rappaport
本书曾经和《Digital communications 4th edition》一起是学习无线通信必备的两本书,电子工业出版社出版的影印版销量很大。这本书关于无线信道的部分讲的还是相当不错的,据说此人开的公司目前也就是在做跟信道测量相关的软件和设备,做网络规划的朋友可能会用到),但是后面的部分价值不是太大,特别是对于一些老系统似乎着墨过多。

其他会员朋友如果有什么值得推荐的书,请跟贴推荐,谢谢! swas 发表于 2006-10-30 11:36
确实是经典的几本书。前三本书要多读几遍,读一遍是很难理解的。先大致先看一遍,不求深解。看一段文献,做做仿真再看。会有很大收获的,公式不要推导,但书中讲述的物理意思一定要看。proakis的数字通信是很基础的是入门的好书,现在许多学校做为教科书。TSE的公式没多少,物理概念特别清楚。goldsmith的书比较全面,几乎面面俱到,深度难宜恰到好处。第四本书做为移动通信的本科生教材还可以。 skyslee2005 发表于 2006-10-30 11:40
非常感谢阿。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 biezs 发表于 2006-10-30 14:17
第4本有中文版,北邮翻译的,个人感觉翻译得比较烂,还是看英文的比较好 shliu8833 发表于 2006-10-30 14:26
好呀!!谢谢!!不过好像china-pub只有中文吧!! biezs 发表于 2006-10-30 14:30
第一本和第四本有英文的影音版,电子工业出版社出的。第二本和第三本还没有见到 longdi 发表于 2006-10-30 22:56
另外,我觉得[Lee & Messerschmitt] 等人写的Digital Communication

[ 本帖最后由 longdi 于 2006-10-30 22:59 编辑 ] biezs 发表于 2006-10-31 14:30
关于一些专门的领域:比如MIMO、OFDM、CDMA、信道编码、无线资源管理等领域分别有哪些经典书籍大家都可以推荐一下,谢谢! longdi 发表于 2006-10-31 14:49
关于MIMO,我觉得Space-Time Processing for MIMO Communications
Edited by A. B. Gershman and N. D. Sidiropoulos 还不错。
而Introduction to space time wireless communications较上者逊色得多。

无线资源管理一直没有看到有什麽书算得上很好的,Jens Zander那本
Technologies and Cross-Layer Designs for Wireless Systems
with Multiple Antennas Theory and Applications


顺便问问大家:Wireless Communications - Signal Processing Perspectives
原帖由 biezs 于 2006-10-31 14:30 发表
[ 本帖最后由 longdi 于 2006-10-31 15:14 编辑 ] longdi 发表于 2006-10-31 21:09

Jhong Sam Lee的CDMA Systems Engineering Handbook是一本不错的书,

Viterbi的那本CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication名气很大,

Marvin K. Simon, Jim K. Omura等人的Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook没看过,

信道编码的东西没怎麽看过,但我想Gallager的那本书Information Theory and
Reliable Communication作为编码入门是要看的。
原帖由 biezs 于 2006-10-31 14:30 发表
[ 本帖最后由 longdi 于 2006-10-31 21:28 编辑 ] biezs 发表于 2006-11-1 11:11
Gallager的那本书Information Theory and Reliable Communication都说很好,可惜到现在我还没看过,这本书没电子版。

比较新的三本关于信道编码的书:《error control coding 2nd》,Lin shu & costello没找到电子版
《Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms》Todd K Moon
《Modern coding theory》Richardson&Urbanke
第三本主要以LDPC码为主,主要是他们研究组的研究成果。 swas 发表于 2006-11-1 11:40
信息论方面还有一本是T.Cover的“ elements of information theory". 也不错。 biezs 发表于 2006-11-1 12:44
原帖由 swas 于 2006-11-1 11:40 发表
信息论方面还有一本是T.Cover的“ elements of information theory". 也不错。
是的,这本书也已经出第二版了,本论坛的图书版有。 longdi 发表于 2006-11-2 12:01



发贴: 63
技术分: 6
于 2005-10-14 22:04
点评的是A. Alan.Hoffman,虽然不全,但我觉得评价得比较客观,呵呵,给大家作个参考,看看你有几本,看看你读了几本,hoho,我就不翻译。
1 Principles of Communication Engineering
by John M. Wozencraft, Irwin Mark Jacobs (Hardcover - June 1990)

"Deepest" communication theory book ever written. The treatment is
unlike anything you'll find in Proakis or Sklar; albeit more focused and less
breadth coverage.

2 Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications (2nd Edition)
by Bernard Sklar 有中文和影印版
Sklar is a modern day author who has the gift of explaining like the great John Robinson Pierce. Between Sklar or Proakis, each has it's merits.

3 Digital Communications by John Proakis 有中文和影印版
Slightly more rigorous than Sklar. Proakis' Digital Communications is nearly identical to Sklar in breadth of coverage...but each book has a slightly different emphasis based on the authors expertise

4 Communication Systems Engineering (2nd Edition)
by John G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi 有中文
Slightly more to the point than Proakis' "Digital Communications." This is my main reference book whenever I want to look something up real quick without having to wade through 1024 pages.

5 Information Theory and Reliable Communication
by Robert G. Gallager 我最喜欢的书之一!
Blows away Cover and Thomas' "Elements of Information Theory." Both are good books. However, the focus of Gallager is channel coding, not source coding.

6 Elements of Information Theory by Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas 有影印和中文版
Elements is an adequate book which is not in the same class as Gallager's book, but it does cover many specific topics better than Gallager.

7 An Introduction to Information Theory
by Fazlollah M. Reza
This is bar-none the best introductory to medium level information theory book ever written. VERY comprehensive. Well written with examples. The math is first year calculus at most.

8 Claude E. Shannon : Collected Papers
by Claude Elwood Shannon
It's tempting to say that this should be a budding information theorists first read. Truth is, that some of Shannon's papers are amazingly difficult to comprehend. Shannon truly was a genius.

9 Mathematical Theory of Communication
by Claude Shannon, Warren Weaver
This book is an adaptation of Shannon's original paper. Definately a must read for future information theorists.

10 Information Theory : 50 Years of Discovery
by Sergio Verdu(Editor), Steven W. McLaughlin (Editor)
The collected papers in this IEEE book are wonderful. Worth thousands of leisure hours of study and fun. My favourite book!!

11 Key Papers in the Development of Coding Theory
by Elwyn Berlekamp
Another fine IEEE collection of papers. A must have for future coding theorists.

12 Key Papers in the Development of Information Theory
by D. Slepian
I like this colection also, but the Coding theory collection has better paper picks in my opinion.

13 Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume I: Estimation Theory by Steven M. Kay 有中文版
This is the first of the 2 part volume by Kay. Personally, I prefer volume II (Detection) as it's more practical.

14 Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing, Volume 2: Detection Theory by Steven M. Kay 有中文版
The coverage of hypothesis testing is vital for the communications engineer; goes along nice as a complement to the Van Trees book.

15 Concatenated Codes
by G. David Forney
This is Forney's original monoraph based on his dissertation. Concatenated Coding remained the "gold standard" in coding for 30+ years. A MUST READ!

16 Trellis Coding
by Christian Schlegel
Although there are only 2 good Trellis coding books out there, this is fairly well written. Quite technical in some parts, but not enough "practical" and breath information.

17 Convolutional Coding: Fundamentals and Applications
by Charles Lee,
Probably THE most well written book on convolution coding. Fairly comprehensive, understandable by most undergraduates, although leaves out some of the hard-core stuff which is not the books focus.

18 'Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!' 有中文版,中文名:别闹了,费曼先生!(?)
by Richard P. Feynman
The book that made me a certified FEYNMAN FAN!! Feynman, nobel prize winning physicist, has a whole series of books. His lifetime of anecdotal stories have earned him millions of dedicated fans.

19 The Feynman Lectures on Physics : Commemorative Issue, Three
Volume Set 有影印和中文版,不过都较贵,中文名:费曼物理学讲义
This Feynman collector set is both a phenomenol read and immensely famous. Should be on the shelf of every student, scientist, or enthusiast who truly loves physics.

20 The Essential John Nash by John Nash, Nash是博弈论的最重要的先驱之一。Nash生于1928年,1945-1948年在Carnegie Institute of Technology学习,1948年同时获得学士和硕士学位,1948年进入Princeton数学系,据说Carnegie Institute of Technology一个教授的推荐信只有一句话:这家伙是个天才!(This man is a genius)(Harold Kuhn,1995,“The work of John Nash in Game Theory ”) 1949年完成博士论文,只有28页,酷!
Yes, ...THAT John Nash... This is the technical book, not the biography which inspired the movie "A Beautiful Mind." It contains papers on topology and his other famous theorems. Sure to educate!

21 Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups
by John Horton Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane
Sloane, as the fields leading researcher, has produce a tome. This is very useful for both mathemeticians and moreover EE's who study lattice and packings as applied to channel coding theory.

22 Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman 有中文,不过和通信、信息论不搭界,中文名:资本主义与自由,商务印书馆
Milton Friedman is a master economist. His writings ring true decades later. Also recommend Miltons: Price Theory, Essays in Positive Economics, Free to Choose, & The Road to Surfdom.

[ 本帖最后由 longdi 于 2006-11-2 12:02 编辑 ] dragonkiss 发表于 2006-11-2 13:14
这样的主题挺好,有指导意义,谢谢各位的分享和推荐。 zjx8121 发表于 2006-11-2 18:07
恩,不错,已经下了,多谢 longdi 发表于 2006-11-3 00:19
另外,Digital Communication Receivers: Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing
这本书怎样?好厚啊!看下来不知道要多久! leolx1983 发表于 2006-11-3 12:15
原帖由 longdi 于 2006-11-3 00:19 发表
另外,Digital Communication Receivers: Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing
我想推荐一本关于blind and semi-blind channel estimation的书,
《Signal processing advances in wireless & Mobile communications》 volume 1 Trends in channel estimation and equalization.
书中讲了很多现在在盲信到预测技术中最流行的方法,如基于subspace, precoding的。但是这本书中的理论阐述非常晦涩。每章的主干内容基于一些IEEE transcation的paper。 该书还是相当新的。

《Digital and analog communication systems》 6th ed by Leon W. Couch
我觉得该书很适合对通信原理某些概念仍然不清楚或是有混淆的人。觉得在读完此书再读搂住介绍的书会有很大帮助。 leolx1983 发表于 2006-11-3 12:23
原帖由 biezs 于 2006-10-31 14:30 发表
不不知道是否有人对smart antenna感兴趣。 我知道的一本书是我校研究smart antenna的Phd的必读之书。
Smart antennas for wireless communications : IS-95 and third generation CDMA applications / Joseph C. Liberti, Jr., Theodore S. Rappaport.
我自己只看过前面几章。 njbbx 发表于 2006-11-3 12:50
Communication Systems (4ed Haykin) ,这本书特别适合入门,本科学习很好。《数字通信基础与应用》Sklar.B,这本书关于信道编码方面说得比较详细,《数字通信导论》这本书详细讲述了调制解调,不过数学公式推导很多,需要一定的数学功底和耐心,《Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications》Ye (Geoffrey) Li; Gordon L. Stuber; 这本书听说很不错,毕竟作者Ye Li是做ofdm信道估计的大牛啊。 redfox80 发表于 2007-12-26 09:49
原帖由 leolx1983 于 2006-11-3 12:15 发表

我想推荐一本关于blind and semi-blind channel estimation的书,
《Signal processing advances in wireless & Mobile communications》 volume 1 Trends in channel estimation and equalization.
书中讲了很 ...
你推荐的这本书是Giannakis写的,确实比较晦涩,他主要研究信道估计、检测方面的,学术成果很多。 redfox80 发表于 2007-12-26 09:53

http://bbs.cnttr.com/thread-120878-1-3.html jinzhou 发表于 2008-1-3 13:27
好好学习一下,虽然英文不是很好 bill0715 发表于 2008-1-4 14:02
好书,,好书,,,大家好好研究 jsnjzb 发表于 2008-1-4 20:16
第二本很注重从系统的角度出发,相比之下比较联系实际 amdyang 发表于 2008-1-5 13:06
我觉得simon有本也很好 blestrabbit 发表于 2008-1-10 22:34
但是TSE的那本翻译的不好。 fath 发表于 2008-1-12 14:08
这些书要都能吃透就是大牛了 llsky320 发表于 2008-1-15 16:47
前者可以作为Prokis经典的《数字通信》的入门教材,后者则比较浅显易懂,容易上手。 llsky320 发表于 2008-1-15 16:49
原帖由 njbbx 于 2006-11-3 12:50 发表
Communication Systems (4ed Haykin) ,这本书特别适合入门,本科学习很好。《数字通信基础与应用》Sklar.B,这本书关于信道编码方面说得比较详细,《数字通信导论》这本书详细讲述了调制解调,不过数学公式推导很多 ...
《Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications》 确实不错,
而且是分章节由几个大牛编写的,如果做ofdm的比特分配算法,可以详细看看相关章节,非常翔实。 llsky320 发表于 2008-1-15 16:51
原帖由 amdyang 于 2008-1-5 13:06 发表
指的是西蒙海金?那本《自适应滤波原理》? amdyang 发表于 2008-1-24 19:51
尤其是TSE的书被翻译得太搓了 dragonkiss 发表于 2008-1-25 08:44
这样的帖子确实需要支持一下,讨论与交流应该是以后发展的主旋律! mickella 发表于 2008-1-29 22:39
多谢各位的推荐,看来自己要努力多看了 mickella 发表于 2008-2-6 08:53
这样主题很好,读过的发表一下见解,给没读过的很好指导作用 tuobagui 发表于 2008-2-20 18:27
回复 四楼联通 的帖子对的 南邮翻译的是电子工业出版社的 张力军 张宗澄 郑宝玉 译
做物理层同步部分的,认真看完Umberto Mengali的《Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receiver》就能比较牛叉了~
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