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Mac OS X:显示分辨率的命令(源程序)

2011-06-04 22:30 846 查看
这个程序显示当前在线显示器的个数,当前主显示的分辨率,各个显示器的当前分辨率,各个显示器所支持的分辨率列表,以及各个显示器所支持的分辨率列表中某一个值。目前还没有包括设置分辨率的代码。它在Mac OS X 10.6的机器上编译成功运行。

* screenresolution.m
* Description:
*    It set/get current Online display resolutions.
*    The version on webpage http://forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php?t=59575 *    is before 10.6. This is for 10.6 and more functions.
* Author:
*    Tony Liu, June 2011
* Version History:
*    2011-06-01: add -a option.
*    c++ setgetscreenres.m -framework ApplicationServices -o setgetscreenres -arch i386 -arch ppc
*    -mmacosx-version-min=10.3.9
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
void ListDisplays(uint32_t displayTotal);
void ListDisplayAllMode (CGDirectDisplayID displayID, int index);
void PrintUsage(const char *argv[]);
void PrintModeParms (double width, double height, double depth, double freq);
int GetModeParms (CGDisplayModeRef mode, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq);
int GetDisplayParms(CGDirectDisplayID disp, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq);
uint32_t maxDisplays = 20;
CGDirectDisplayID onlineDisplayIDs[20];
uint32_t displayTotal;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
double width, height, depth, freq;
int displayNum;
CGDirectDisplayID theDisplay;

// 1. Getting system info.
// CGError isErr=CGGetOnlineDisplayList (maxDisplays, onlineDisplayIDs, &displayTotal);
if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList (maxDisplays, onlineDisplayIDs, &displayTotal) != kCGErrorSuccess) {
printf("Error on getting online display List.");
return -1;

if (argc == 1) {
CGRect screenFrame = CGDisplayBounds(kCGDirectMainDisplay);
CGSize screenSize  = screenFrame.size;
printf("%.0f %.0f/n", screenSize.width, screenSize.height);
return 0;

if (argc == 2) {
if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-l")) {
return 0;
else if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-?")) {
return 0;
else if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-h")) {
return 0;
else if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-a")) {
printf("Total online displays: %d/n", displayTotal);
return 0;
else if (displayNum = atoi(argv[1])) {
if (displayNum <= displayTotal) {
GetDisplayParms(onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1], &width, &height, &depth, &freq);
PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq);
return 0;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: display number out of bounds; displays on this mac: %d./n", displayTotal);
return -1;

if (argc == 3) {
if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-l")) {
displayNum = atoi(argv[2]);
if (displayNum <= displayTotal && displayNum > 0) {
ListDisplayAllMode (onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1], 0);
return 0;
if  (argc == 4) {
if (! strcmp(argv[1],"-l")) {
displayNum = atoi(argv[2]);
if (displayNum <= displayTotal && displayNum > 0) {
ListDisplayAllMode (onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1], atoi(argv[3]));
return 0;
if (argc == 4 && (displayNum = atoi(argv[1])) && (width = atoi(argv[2])) && (height = atoi(argv[3])) ) {
if (displayNum <= displayTotal) {
theDisplay= onlineDisplayIDs[displayNum-1];
else return -1;
else {
if (argc != 3 || !(width = atoi(argv[1])) || !(height = atoi(argv[2])) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: syntax error./n", argv[0]);
return -1;
theDisplay = CGMainDisplayID();
/* switchMode = CGDisplayBestModeForParameters(theDisplay, 32, h, v, NULL);

if (! MyDisplaySwitchToMode(theDisplay, switchMode)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error changing resolution to %d %d/n", h, v);
return 1;
return 0;

void ListDisplays(uint32_t displayTotal)
uint32_t i;
CGDisplayModeRef mode;
double width, height, depth, freq;

// CGDirectDisplayID mainDisplay = CGMainDisplayID();
printf("Total Online Displays: %d/n", displayTotal);
for	(i = 0 ; i < displayTotal ;  i++ ) {
printf ("  Display %d (id %d): ", i+1, onlineDisplayIDs[i]);
GetDisplayParms(onlineDisplayIDs[i], &width, &height, &depth, &freq);
if ( i = 0 )	printf(" (main) ");
PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq);
void ListDisplayAllMode (CGDirectDisplayID displayID, int iNum)
CFArrayRef modeList;
CGDisplayModeRef mode;
CFIndex index, count;
double width, height, depth, freq;

modeList = CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes (displayID, NULL);
if (modeList == NULL)	return;
count = CFArrayGetCount (modeList);
if (iNum <= 0) {
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (modeList, index);
GetModeParms(mode, &width, &height, &depth, &freq);
PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq);
else if (iNum <= count) {
mode = (CGDisplayModeRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (modeList, iNum-1);
GetModeParms(mode, &width, &height, &depth, &freq);
PrintModeParms (width, height, depth, freq);
void PrintModeParms (double width, double height, double depth, double freq)
printf ("%ld x %ld x %ld @ %ld Hz/n", (long int)width, (long int)height, (long int)depth, (long int)freq);
int GetModeParms (CGDisplayModeRef Mode, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq)
*width = CGDisplayModeGetWidth (Mode);
*height = CGDisplayModeGetHeight (Mode);
*freq = CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate (Mode);
CFStringRef pixelEncoding = CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding (Mode);
*depth = 0;
if (pixelEncoding = NULL) return -1;
if (pixelEncoding = CFSTR(IO32BitDirectPixels))
*depth = 32;
else if (pixelEncoding = CFSTR(IO16BitDirectPixels))
*depth = 16;
else	*depth = 8;
return 0;
int GetDisplayParms(CGDirectDisplayID disp, double *width, double *height, double *depth, double *freq)
int iReturn=0;
CGDisplayModeRef Mode = CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(disp);
iReturn = GetModeParms (Mode, width, height, depth, freq);
CGDisplayModeRelease (Mode);
return iReturn;

void PrintUsage(const char *argv[])
char *fname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')+1;
printf("Screen Resolution v1.0, Mac OS X 10.6 or later, i386/n");
printf("Copyright 2010 Tony Liu. All rights reserved. June 1, 2010/n");
printf("/nUsage: %s -a/n", fname);
printf("       %s [-l | 1..9 | -l 1 ..9 ] [ index ]/n", fname);
printf("       %s -s [ 1..9 ] hor_res vert_res/n", fname);
printf("       %s -? | -h        this help./n/n", fname);
printf("      -l  list resolution, depth and refresh rate of all displays/n");
printf("    1..9  display # (default: main display)/n");
printf("  -l 1-9  List all support for display #/n");
printf("      -s  Set mode./n");
printf("  [1..9]  Set the display mode./n");
printf(" hor_res  horizontal resolution/n");
printf("vert_res  vertical resolution/n/n");
printf("%s -a             get online display number/n", fname);
printf("%s                get current main diplay resolution/n", fname);
printf("%s 3              get current resolution of third display/n", fname);
printf("%s -l             get resolution, bit depth and refresh rate of all displays/n", fname);
printf("%s -l 1           get first display all supported mode/n", fname);
printf("%s -l 1 2         get first display the second supported mode/n", fname);
printf("%s -s 800 600     set resolution of main display to 800x600/n", fname);
printf("%s -s 2 800 600   set resolution of secondary display to 800x600/n", fname);

Tony Liu, June 2011

in Calgary
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