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Router Module analysis of ONE simulator (2)

2011-05-31 18:55 369 查看

1 /**
2 * Checks out all sending connections to finalize the ready ones
3 * and abort those whose connection went down. Also drops messages
4 * whose TTL <= 0 (checking every one simulated minute).
5 * @see #addToSendingConnections(Connection)
6 */
7 @Override
8 public void update() {

/* in theory we can have multiple sending connections even though
currently all routers allow only one concurrent sending connection */
for (int i=0; i<this.sendingConnections.size(); ) {
boolean removeCurrent = false;
Connection con = sendingConnections.get(i);

/* finalize ready transfers */
if (con.isMessageTransferred()) {
if (con.getMessage() != null) {
} /* else: some other entity aborted transfer */
removeCurrent = true;
/* remove connections that have gone down */
else if (!con.isUp()) {
if (con.getMessage() != null) {
removeCurrent = true;

if (removeCurrent) {
// if the message being sent was holding excess buffer, free it
if (this.getFreeBufferSize() < 0) {
else {
/* index increase needed only if nothing was removed */

/* time to do a TTL check and drop old messages? Only if not sending */
if (SimClock.getTime() - lastTtlCheck >= TTL_CHECK_INTERVAL &&
sendingConnections.size() == 0) {
lastTtlCheck = SimClock.getTime();
} }




以下是ActiveRouter::makeRoomForMessage(int size)的函数体:

1 /**
2 * Removes messages from the buffer (oldest first) until
3 * there's enough space for the new message.
4 * @param size Size of the new message
5 * transferred, the transfer is aborted before message is removed
6 * @return True if enough space could be freed, false if not
7 */
8 protected boolean makeRoomForMessage(int size){
9 if (size > this.getBufferSize()) {
return false; // message too big for the buffer

int freeBuffer = this.getFreeBufferSize();
/* delete messages from the buffer until there's enough space */
while (freeBuffer < size) {
Message m = getOldestMessage(true); // don't remove msgs being sent

if (m == null) {
return false; // couldn't remove any more messages

/* delete message from the buffer as "drop" */
deleteMessage(m.getId(), true);
freeBuffer += m.getSize();

return true; }



1 /**
2 * Finalizes the transfer of the currently transferred message.
3 * The message that was being transferred can <STRONG>not</STRONG> be
4 * retrieved from this connections after calling this method (using
5 * {@link #getMessage()}).
6 */
7 public void finalizeTransfer() {
8 assert this.msgOnFly != null : "Nothing to finalize in " + this;
9 assert msgFromNode != null : "msgFromNode is not set";

this.bytesTransferred += msgOnFly.getSize();

clearMsgOnFly(); }


1 /**
2 * This method should be called (on the receiving host) after a message
3 * was successfully transferred. The transferred message is put to the
4 * message buffer unless this host is the final recipient of the message.
5 * @param id Id of the transferred message
6 * @param from Host the message was from (previous hop)
7 * @return The message that this host received
8 */
9 public Message messageTransferred(String id, DTNHost from) {
Message incoming = removeFromIncomingBuffer(id, from);
boolean isFinalRecipient;
boolean isFirstDelivery; // is this first delivered instance of the msg

if (incoming == null) {
throw new SimError("No message with ID " + id + " in the incoming "+
"buffer of " + this.host);


// Pass the message to the application (if any) and get outgoing message
Message outgoing = incoming;
for (Application app : getApplications(incoming.getAppID())) {
// Note that the order of applications is significant
// since the next one gets the output of the previous.
outgoing = app.handle(outgoing, this.host);
if (outgoing == null) break; // Some app wanted to drop the message

Message aMessage = (outgoing==null)?(incoming):(outgoing);
// If the application re-targets the message (changes 'to')
// then the message is not considered as 'delivered' to this host.
isFinalRecipient = aMessage.getTo() == this.host;
isFirstDelivery = isFinalRecipient &&

if (!isFinalRecipient && outgoing!=null) {
// not the final recipient and app doesn't want to drop the message
// -> put to buffer
addToMessages(aMessage, false);
else if (isFirstDelivery) {
this.deliveredMessages.put(id, aMessage);

for (MessageListener ml : this.mListeners) {
ml.messageTransferred(aMessage, from, this.host,

return aMessage; }

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息