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2011-05-16 21:55 357 查看
* Created on 2011-5-16
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//    然而,如果每个Module需要不同的信息来完成任务,应该怎么做呢?
//    这这种情况下,XML文件可以为每个Module提供属性键和值,Module
//    的创建者可以为每个属性名提供setter方法。代码要确保根据某个属
//    性名调用正确的setter方法。

class Person {
public    $name;

function __construct($name)
$this->name = $name;

interface Module{

function execute();


class FtpModule implements Module{

function setHost($host){

print "FtpModule::setHost():$host\n<br>";


function setUser($user)

print "FtpModule::setUser():$user\n<br>";


function execute()



class PersonModule  implements Module{

function setPerson(Person $person)

print "PersonModule::setPerson():{$person->name}\n<br>";


function execute()



class ModuleRunner {

private $modules = array();

private $configData = array(

"PersonModule"=> array('person'=>'bob'),

"FtpModule"=> array('host'=>'example.com','user'=>'anon' ));

public function init()
$interface = new ReflectionClass('Module');

foreach($this->configData as $modulename =>$params)
$module_class = new ReflectionClass($modulename);


throw new Exception("unkown module type:$modulename");

$module = $module_class->newInstance();

foreach($module_class->getMethods()  as $method )






public function handleMethod(Module $module,ReflectionMethod $method,$params)
$name = $method->getName();

$args  = $method->getParameters();

if(count($args)!=1 || substr($name,0,3)!="set") {
return false;

$property= strtolower(substr($name,3));

if(!isset($params[$property]) ){ return false;}

$arg_class = $args[0]->getClass();

if(emptyempty($arg_class) ){







$test = new ModuleRunner();


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