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OGRE 1.7.0 RC1的新功能和改进

2011-05-09 19:56 405 查看

[翻译]OGRE 1.7.0 RC1 [爆燃者--克图格亚] 已经发布!

We said we’d try to get this out before the end of the year, and with only hours to spare we just about made it! OGRE 1.7 has been under development for over a year now, and the time has come to draw a line under it and get it shipped as a brand new stable version. Unlike the maintenance releases we’ve been issuing regularly for 1.6, this release includes a huge number of new features and enhancements, of which the headliners are listed after the jump. Edit: I forgot to mention that this release makes official our transition to the MIT License – we’ve been using it in Subversion for a while so it slipped my mind that this is the first ‘official’ release under that license. So that’s news!

As usual, plenty of people have been testing it direct from Subversion for a while now, but even so we’re issuing it as a Release Candidate to begin with. Due to time constraints, we’re also only issuing this as a source release for the moment – prebuilt SDKs will follow in a second Release Candidate or the final.

For those of you using Subversion, the new path for Ogre 1.7 is now https://svn.ogre3d.org/svnroot/ogre/branches/v1-7. Otherwise, you can find the new release on the source downloads page.

Happy New Year!

Here are some of the main new features and enhancements you’ll find in OGRE 1.7:

我们在之前曾经说过要尝试在年底之前发布这个版本,我们刚刚才在剩余几个小时里完成了它的***!现在OGRE 1.7已经完成了持续一年的开发,并且这次是一个全新的基线的稳定的版本。与我们已经定期发布的1.6维护版本所不同的是,这次的发布包含了大量新功能和 改进,在这些标题之后已经列出了这些飞跃。编辑:我忘记提到了,这次正式发布我们已经转变为使用麻省理工大学许可协议---我们其实已经在svn上使用它 一段时间了,因为我当时把它忘记了,这是首次“正式的”用该协议发布。所以是新闻。。!




这是你将在Ogre 1.7中找到的一些主要的新功能和改进:

Due to time constraints(呵呵现学现用~~~),之后的内容以后再继续翻。

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License changes

OGRE 1.7 is now released under the MIT License


OGRE 1.7 现在是跟据麻省理工大学许可中的条款发布。

Compositor changes

Allow ‘pooled’ compositor surfaces.

Separate compositor instances using the same size & format surfaces can share them, saving memory

System detects the compositor instance chaining to avoid problems with interdependence

‘pooled’ has to be explicitly enabled on texture definitions, it is not the default because once enabled you cannot necessarily rely on being able to see all the intermediate texture results (because they can be ping-ponging across shared textures); people may be relying on this






Manual switching between supported compositor techniques is now possible on the fly

Compositor techniques can now have ’scheme’ names, you can manually switch between supported techniques using the scheme name to drop to different approaches for reasons other than hardware compatibility (performance, alternative tweaks etc)

You can keep & share the textures used by previously active techniques so switching back & forth is faster (must use ‘pooled’ option for this).




Compositors can- now specify if they don’t want to inherit the FSAA setting from the main target for texture definitions (’no_fsaa’)


Compositors can now turn on sRGB gamma conversion per texture definition instead of just inheriting from the main surface (’gamma’)

合成器现在能打开 “逐纹理sRGB gamma 转换功能(gamma)” 以替代仅仅从主表面继承的方法。

Cross-compositor communication (from SoC2009 Compositor)

Define a texture as accessible from other locations by the chain_scope or global_scope directive in the texture definition

Reference a texture from a different compositor in the chain (or in general) using the texture_ref directive

定义一个从其它位置很容易获得的纹理,可以通过这个正式的纹理定义 chain_scope 或者 global_scope。
要引用一个来自于同一个链中(或者在通用里)的不同的合成器中的一个纹理,可以使用这个 texture_ref 指令.

Compositor <-> code connection improvements (from SoC2009 Compositor)

It is now possible to define a custom composition pass (instead of just quad/scene/clear) in code and trigger it using the render_custom composition pass type.

You can now link between a compositor and related code (for example, a compositor listener) automatically using CompositorLogics.


它现在是可以在代码和触发器中定义一个自定义合成器pass(而不只是 quad/scene/clear),它使用render_custom 这个pass类型.
你现在能把一个合成器和相关代码做连接了,它可以自动的使用合成器逻辑(例如,a compositor listener).

SceneManager changes (from SoC2009 Compositor)

It is now possible to pause a frame’s rendering mid-way (for example, during a callback called in the middle of the process) to trigger a side render and then resume rendering. See SceneManager::_pauseFrame and SceneManager::_resumeFrame.

Added an option to manually trigger the updating of shadow textures for specific lights. See SceneManager::prepareShadowTextures. The combination of the two new additions allow reusing a single texture for multiple shadowmaps.

场景管理器改变 (来自2009夏季代码大赛)

它现在可以在中途暂停一帧的渲染(例如,在一个进程的中间里回调的时期)来触发一个侧面渲染,然后重新开始渲染。详见 SceneManager::_pauseFrame and SceneManager::_resumeFrame.

额外添加一个选项手动触发这个阴影帖图的更新为了指定的光照。详见SceneManager::prepareShadowTextures. 这两个新增功能的结合可以允许你重用一个纹理为了多重阴影。

New Sample Browser (from SoC2009_Samples)

Instead of many separate demos, we now have one integrated sample browser

Samples are pluggable libraries that can be reloaded at runtime without restarting the browser

A simple ‘tray’ system is used to make sample GUI controls easy to create


Antialising changes

Support for Coverage Sampled AA (CSAA) – Dx9 & Dx10 only for now

Unified & simplified AA settings

on Root’s config options the setting is now called ‘FSAA’ in all cases, and consist of samples and a hint string (separated by spaces)

on the miscParams to createRenderWindow you can supply ‘FSAA’ and ‘FSAAHint’. The former is the number of samples, the latter any hinting (e.g. ‘Quality’)

在createRenderWindow的miscParams参数上你可以提供 "FSAA" 和 "FSAAHint"参数,前者是这个采样的倍数,后者是一些提示(质量)

Light changes

Near/far plane settings for shadow cameras can now be manually configured per light if required

You can now mask lights out per object by calling MovableObject::setLightMask – a renderable object’s mask is bitwise and’ed with the light’s mask and the light is excluded if the result is 0.


LOD changes (from Soc2008_LOD)

LOD no longer has to use distance as a metric for changing LOD levels

LodStrategy can now be set on both Material and Mesh, to either Distance or PixelCount (new strategies can also be added)

STL container changes

All STL containers now use custom memory allocators


所有的STL 容器现在使用自定义的内存分配器.


Fixed-function light state is now handled more intelligently, leading to better performance with large numbers of objects

Shader parameters are now updated more selectively, reducing unnecessary updates


GpuProgramParameters changes

Support added for shared parameter sets which allow you to define / update shader variables for many programs and materials in one place. See GpuProgramManager::createSharedParamerers

Use shared_params, shared_param_named and shared_params_ref in scripts to define and reference shared parameter sets.

Parameters are now automatically migrated when the program they are based on is changed and reloaded; any parameters which still apply are merged into the new parameters


使用 shared_params , shared_param_named 和 shared_params_ref 在脚本里定义和引用共享参数集

Archive changes

Archive now supports create and remove of files (FileSystem only implemented for now)


DataStream changes

Writeable data streams are now supported (FileSystem only implemented for now)


File handling changes

New class StreamSerialiser is the new way to read & write binary chunk-based formats

新加的一个类 StreamSerialiser 是读写二进制数据基本格式的新方法。

Build changes

Cmake is now used to generate project files, separate explicitly maintained build systems are being removed. See Building With CMake

Cmake现在被用来生成项目文件的,separate explicitly maintained build systems是被移除的。详见 Building With CMake.

RenderWindow changes

miscParams now supports ‘vsyncInterval’ option, allowing you to sync to a multiple of the refresh rate if you want (and the hardware supports it)

miscParams参数现在支持 “vsyncInterval”选项,允许你按一个倍数同步刷新率,如果你想要的话(并且硬件也要支持它)

Viewport changes

Added clear method to manually clear any combination of colour/depth/stencil to a specified value without performing an update.

增加了一个clear方法来手动清除任何 颜色/深度/模板的组合,这个指定值不执行更新操作。

Image changes

Added loadTwoImagesAsRGBA and combineTwoImagesAsRGBA to make it easier to construct combined normal/height and diffuse/specular images etc

增加了 loadTwoImagesAsRGBA 和 combineTwoImagesAsRGBA 这两个方法,使用它可以更容易的构造 法线/高度图 和 漫反射/高光图等组合

New Paging Component

SceneManager-independent, separate optional component (OGRE_HOME/Components/Paging)

Pluggable strategy components to control paging strategy for a section of the scene

Pluggable content components to control paging of content

Plugggable collection components so that paged elements can be composed or selected between in different ways (e.g. paging many LOD levels within a page)

可插拔的集合组件以便于已分页的元素能在两个不同的方法间被组合或者选择(比如 分页中的许多LOD级别一个页面范围里)

New Terrain Component

SceneManager-independent, separate optional component (OGRE_HOME/Components/Terrain)

Inherently editable

Hierarchical geometry batching; batch counts reduce at lower LODs as well as vertex count. At the lowest level of detail, the entire terrain page is a single batch.

LOD now adapts in real-time to camera settings (viewport sizes & LOD bias) so you can use the same terrain with multiple views efficiently

Skirts are used instead of stitching to avoid cracks in geometry; this means fewer indexing arrangements & lower overall index buffer usage

Saving & loading of terrain built in, including loading / processing in a background thread

In-built support for splatting layers, configurable sampler inputs and pluggable material generators

Support for generating global normal maps and light maps, in a background thread




现在配置LOD在实时摄像机设置里(视口大小 与 LOD 偏移), 所以你能使用一样的地形加倍视图效率。


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