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YUY2(YUV) 与 RGB 格式说明及转换程序

2011-05-09 12:03 609 查看
谈谈RGB、YUY2、YUYV、YVYU、UYVY、AYUV:http://www.chinavideo.org/viewthread.php?tid=4143RGB、YUY2、YUYV、YVYU、UYVY、AYUV格式详解 : http://www.360doc.com/content/10/0322/15/514342_19794109.shtmlYUY2(YUV) 与 RGB 格式图片的相互转换 以及 基于YUY2(YUV)的blending: http://blog.csdn.net/jtujtujtu/archive/2009/02/10/3874621.aspx程序示例:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int convert_rgb_to_yuv_pixel(int r, int g, int b)
unsigned int pixel32 = 0;
unsigned char *pixel = (unsigned char *)&pixel32;
int y, u, v;
y =   0.299 * (r - 128) + 0.587 * (g - 128) + 0.114 * (b - 128) + 128;
u = - 0.147 * (r - 128) - 0.289 * (g - 128) + 0.436 * (b - 128) + 128;
v =   0.615 * (r - 128) - 0.515 * (g - 128) - 0.100 * (b - 128) + 128;
if(y > 255) y = 255;
if(u > 255) u = 255;
if(v > 255) v = 255;
if(y < 0) y = 0;
if(u < 0) u = 0;
if(v < 0) v = 0;
pixel[0] = y;
pixel[1] = u;
pixel[2] = v;
return pixel32;

int convert_rgb_to_yuv_buffer(unsigned char *rgb, unsigned char *yuv, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
unsigned int in, out = 0;
unsigned int pixel32;
int y0, u0, v0, y1, u1, v1;
for(in = 0; in < width * height * 3; in += 6) {
pixel32 = convert_rgb_to_yuv_pixel(rgb[in], rgb[in + 1], rgb[in + 2]);
y0 = (pixel32 & 0x000000ff);
u0 = (pixel32 & 0x0000ff00) >>  8;
v0 = (pixel32 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
pixel32 = convert_rgb_to_yuv_pixel(rgb[in + 3], rgb[in + 4], rgb[in + 5]);
y1 = (pixel32 & 0x000000ff);
u1 = (pixel32 & 0x0000ff00) >>  8;
v1 = (pixel32 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
yuv[out++] = y0;
yuv[out++] = (u0 + u1) / 2;
yuv[out++] = y1;
yuv[out++] = (v0 + v1) / 2;
return 0;

int convert_rgb_to_yuv_file(char *rgbfile, char *yuvfile, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
FILE *in, *out;
unsigned char *yuv, *rgb;
in = fopen(rgbfile, "rb");
return 1;
out = fopen(yuvfile, "wb");
return 1;
rgb = malloc(width * height * 3);
if(rgb == NULL)
return 2;
yuv = malloc(width * height * 2);
if(yuv == NULL)
return 2;
fread(rgb, width * height * 3, 1, in);
if(convert_rgb_to_yuv_buffer(rgb, yuv, width, height))
return 3;
fwrite(yuv, width * height * 2, 1, out);
return 0;

int convert_yuv_to_rgb_pixel(int y, int u, int v)
unsigned int pixel32 = 0;
unsigned char *pixel = (unsigned char *)&pixel32;
int r, g, b;
r = y + (1.370705 * (v-128));
g = y - (0.698001 * (v-128)) - (0.337633 * (u-128));
b = y + (1.732446 * (u-128));
if(r > 255) r = 255;
if(g > 255) g = 255;
if(b > 255) b = 255;
if(r < 0) r = 0;
if(g < 0) g = 0;
if(b < 0) b = 0;
pixel[0] = r * 220 / 256;
pixel[1] = g * 220 / 256;
pixel[2] = b * 220 / 256;
return pixel32;

int convert_yuv_to_rgb_buffer(unsigned char *yuv, unsigned char *rgb, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
unsigned int in, out = 0;
unsigned int pixel_16;
unsigned char pixel_24[3];
unsigned int pixel32;
int y0, u, y1, v;
for(in = 0; in < width * height * 2; in += 4) {
pixel_16 =
yuv[in + 3] << 24 |
yuv[in + 2] << 16 |
yuv[in + 1] <<  8 |
yuv[in + 0];
y0 = (pixel_16 & 0x000000ff);
u  = (pixel_16 & 0x0000ff00) >>  8;
y1 = (pixel_16 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
v  = (pixel_16 & 0xff000000) >> 24;
pixel32 = convert_yuv_to_rgb_pixel(y0, u, v);
pixel_24[0] = (pixel32 & 0x000000ff);
pixel_24[1] = (pixel32 & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
pixel_24[2] = (pixel32 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[0];
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[1];
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[2];
pixel32 = convert_yuv_to_rgb_pixel(y1, u, v);
pixel_24[0] = (pixel32 & 0x000000ff);
pixel_24[1] = (pixel32 & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
pixel_24[2] = (pixel32 & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[0];
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[1];
rgb[out++] = pixel_24[2];
return 0;

int convert_yuv_to_rgb_file(char *yuvfile, char *rgbfile, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
FILE *in, *out;
unsigned char *yuv, *rgb;
in = fopen(yuvfile, "rb");
return 1;
out = fopen(rgbfile, "wb");
return 1;
yuv = malloc(width * height * 2);
if(yuv == NULL)
return 2;
rgb = malloc(width * height * 3);
if(rgb == NULL)
return 2;
fread(yuv, width * height * 2, 1, in);
if(convert_yuv_to_rgb_buffer(yuv, rgb, width, height))
return 3;
fwrite(rgb, width * height * 3, 1, out);
return 0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int ret = 0;
char *infile, *outfile;
unsigned int width, height;
if(argc < 5) {
#ifdef RGB2YUV
fprintf(stderr, "Convert RGB images to YUY2 (YUYV)./n/n");
fprintf(stderr, "Convert YUY2 (YUYV) images to RGB./n/n");
fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s width height input output/n", argv[0]);
return 1;
width = atoi(argv[1]);
height = atoi(argv[2]);
infile = argv[3];
outfile = argv[4];
#ifdef RGB2YUV
printf("RGB2YUY: %s => %s/n", infile, outfile);
ret = convert_rgb_to_yuv_file(infile, outfile, width, height);
printf("YUV2RGB: %s => %s/n", infile, outfile);
ret = convert_yuv_to_rgb_file(infile, outfile, width, height);
if(ret == 0) {
} else {
printf("Failed (error = %d). Aborting./n", ret);
return 1;
return 0;

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