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Java theory and practice: Good housekeeping practices

2011-04-25 17:14 405 查看

Java theory and practice: Good housekeeping practices

Are your resources overstaying their welcome?

Our parents used to remind us to put our toys away when we were done
with them. If you look closely enough, the motivation for such nagging
was probably not so much an abstract desire to keep things clean as
much as the practical limitation that there is only so much floor
space in the house, and if it is covered with toys, it can't be used
for other things -- like walking around.

Given enough space, the motivation to clean up one's mess is
lessened. The more space you have, the less motivation you have to always keep it clean. Arlo Guthrie's famous ballad Alice's Restaurant Massacre
illustrates this point:

Havin' all that room, seein' as how they took out all the pews, they
decided that they didn't have to take out their garbage ... for a long

For better or worse, garbage collection can make us a little sloppy
about cleaning up after ourselves.

Explicitly releasing resources

The vast majority of resources used in Java programs are objects, and
garbage collection does a fine job of cleaning them up. Go ahead, use
as many

s as you want. The garbage collector
eventually figures out when they've outlived their usefulness, with no
help from you, and reclaims the memory they used.

On the other hand, nonmemory resources like file handles and socket
handles must be explicitly released by the program, using methods with
names like



, or

. Some classes, such
as the file handle stream implementations in the platform class library,
provide finalizers as a "safety net" so that if the program forgets to
release the resource, the finalizer can still do the job when
the garbage collector determines that the program is finished with
it. But even though file handles provide finalizers to clean up after
you if you forget, it is still better to close them explicitly when
you are done with them. Doing so closes them much earlier than they
otherwise would be, reducing the chance of resource exhaustion.

For some resources, waiting until finalization to release them is not
an option. For virtual resources like lock acquisitions and semaphore
permits, a


is not likely
to get garbage collected until it is too late; for resources like
database connections, you would surely run out of resources if you
waited for finalization. Many database servers only accept a certain
number of connections, based on licensed capacity. If a server
application were to open a new database connection for each request
and then just drop it on the floor when done, the database would
likely reach its capacity long before the no-longer-needed connections
were closed by the finalizer.

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Resources confined to a method

Most resources are not held for the
lifetime of the application; instead, they are acquired for the
lifetime of an activity. When an application opens a file handle to
read in so it can process a document, it typically reads from the file and then has no
further need for the file handle.

In the easiest case, the resource is acquired, used, and hopefully
released in the same method call, such as the

method in Listing 1:

Listing 1. Incorrectly acquiring, using, and releasing a resource in a single method -- don't do this

public static Properties loadPropertiesBadly(String fileName)

throws IOException {

FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(fileName);

Properties props = new Properties();



return props;


Unfortunately, this example has a potential resource leak. If all goes
well, the stream will be closed before the method returns. But if the

method throws an

then the stream will not be closed (until the garbage collector runs
its finalizer). The solution is to use the try...finally mechanism to
ensure that the stream is closed no matter what goes wrong, as shown
in Listing 2:

Listing 2. Correctly acquiring, using, and releasing a resource in a single method

public static Properties loadProperties(String fileName)

throws IOException {

FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(fileName);

try {

Properties props = new Properties();


return props;


finally {




Note that the resource acquisition (opening the file) is outside the try block; if it
were placed inside the try block, then the finally block would run
even if resource acquisition threw an exception. Not only would this
approach be inappropriate (you can't release a resource you haven't
acquired), but the code in the finally block is then likely to throw
an exception of its own, such as

. An
exception thrown from a finally block supersedes the exception that
caused the block to exit, which means the original exception is lost
and cannot be used to aid in the debugging effort.

Not always as easy as it looks


to release resources acquired in a method is reliable
but can easily get unwieldy when multiple resources are
involved. Consider a method that uses a JDBC

to execute a query and iterate the

. It acquires

, uses it to create a

, and executes the

yield a

. But the intermediate JDBC objects



methods of their own, and they should be released
when you are done with them. However, the "obvious" way to clean up,
shown in Listing 3, doesn't work:

Listing 3. Unsuccessful attempt to release multiple resources -- don't do this

public void enumerateFoo() throws SQLException {

Statement statement = null;

ResultSet resultSet = null;

Connection connection = getConnection();

try {

statement = connection.createStatement();

resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Foo");

// Use resultSet


finally {

if (resultSet != null)


if (statement != null)





The reason this "solution" doesn't work is that the

methods of


can themselves throw

which could cause the later

statements in the
finally block not to execute. That leaves you with several choices,
all of which are annoying: wrap each

with a

block, nest the

blocks as shown in Listing 4, or write some sort of mini-framework for
managing the resource acquisition and release.

Listing 4. Reliable (if unwieldy) means of releasing multiple resources

public void enumerateBar() throws SQLException {

Statement statement = null;

ResultSet resultSet = null;

Connection connection = getConnection();

try {

statement = connection.createStatement();

resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Bar");

// Use resultSet


finally {

try {

if (resultSet != null)



finally {

try {

if (statement != null)



finally {






private Connection getConnection() {

return null;


Nearly everything can throw an exception

We all know that we should use

to release
heavyweight objects like database connections, but we're not always so
careful about using it to close streams (after all, the finalizer will
get that for us, right?). It's also easy to forget to use

the code that uses the resource doesn't throw checked
exceptions. Listing 5 shows the implementation of the

method for a bounded collection that uses

to enforce the bound and efficiently allow
clients to wait for space to become available:

Listing 5. Vulnerable implementation of a bounded collection -- don't do this

public class LeakyBoundedSet<T> {

private final Set<T> set = ...

private final Semaphore sem;

public LeakyBoundedSet(int bound) {

sem = new Semaphore(bound);


public boolean add(T o) throws InterruptedException {


boolean wasAdded = set.add(o);

if (!wasAdded)


return wasAdded;




first waits for a permit to be available
(indicating that there is space in the collection), then tries to add
the element to the collection. If the add operation fails because the
element was already in the collection, it releases the permit (because
it did not actually use the space it had reserved).

The problem with

doesn't necessarily jump
out immediately: What if

throws an exception?
This scenario could happen because of a flaw in the

implementation, or a flaw in the


implementation (or the

implementation, in the case of a

) for the element being added, or an element
already in the

. The solution, of course, is to use

to release the semaphore permit; an easy enough -- but
all-too-often-forgotten -- approach. These types of mistakes are
rarely disclosed during testing, making them time bombs waiting to go
off. Listing 6 shows a more reliable implementation of


Listing 6. Using a Semaphore to reliably bound a Set

public class BoundedSet<T> {

private final Set<T> set = ...

private final Semaphore sem;

public BoundedHashSet(int bound) {

sem = new Semaphore(bound);


public boolean add(T o) throws InterruptedException {


boolean wasAdded = false;

try {

wasAdded = set.add(o);

return wasAdded;


finally {

if (!wasAdded)





Code auditing tools like FindBugs (see Resources
) can detect some instances of
improper resource release, such as opening a stream in a method and
not closing it.

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Resources with arbitrary lifecycles

For resources with arbitrary lifecycles, we're back to where we were
with C -- managing resource lifecycles manually. In a server
application where clients make a persistent network connection to the server
for the duration of a session (like a multiplayer game
server), any resources acquired on a per-user basis (including the
socket connection) must be released when the user logs out. Good
organization can help; if the sole reference to per-user resources is
held in an ActiveUser object, they can be released when the ActiveUser
is released (whether explicitly or through garbage collection).

Resources with arbitrary lifecycles are almost certainly going to be
stored in (or reachable from) a global collection somewhere. To avoid
resource leaks, it is therefore critical to identify when the resource
is no longer needed and remove it from this global collection. (A
previous article, "Plugging
memory leaks with weak references
," offers some helpful
techniques.) At this point, because you know the resource is about to
be released, any nonmemory resources associated with the resource can
also be released at this time.

Resource ownership

A key technique for ensuring timely resource release is to maintain a
strict hierarchy of ownership; with ownership comes the responsibility
to release the resource. If an application creates a thread pool and
the thread pool creates threads, the threads are resources that must
be released (allowed to terminate) before the program can exit. But
the application doesn't own the threads; the thread pool does, and
therefore the thread pool must take responsibility for releasing
them. Of course, it can't release them until the thread pool itself is
released by the application.

Maintaining an ownership hierarchy, where each resource owns the
resources it acquires and is responsible for releasing them, helps
keep the mess from getting out of control. A consequence of this rule
is that each resource that cannot be released solely by garbage
collection, which includes any resource that directly or indirectly
owns a resource that cannot be released solely by garbage collection,
must provide some sort of lifecycle support, such as a



If the platform libraries provide finalizers for cleaning up open file
handlers, which greatly reduces the risk of forgetting to close them
explicitly, why aren't finalizers used more often? There are a number of
reasons, foremost of which is that finalizers are very
tricky to write correctly (and very easy to write incorrectly). Not
only is it difficult to code them correctly, but the timing of
finalization is not deterministic, and there is no guarantee that
finalizers will ever even run. And finalization adds overhead to
instantiation and garbage collection of finalizable objects. Don't rely on finalizers as the primary means of
releasing resources.

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Garbage collection does an awful lot of the cleanup for us, but some
resources still require explicit release, such as file handles, socket
handles, threads, database connections, and semaphore permits. We can
often get away with using

blocks to release a resource if its
lifetime is tied to that of a specific call frame, but longer-lived
resources require a strategy for ensuring their eventual release. For
any object that may directly or indirectly own an object that requires
explicit release, you must provide lifecycle methods --



and the like -- to ensure reliable cleanup.



Concurrent Programming in Java

(Doug Lea, Addison-Wesley, 1999): Section of Doug Lea's comprehensive work examines the process of using semaphores to bound collections.

"Plugging memory leaks with weak references
(Brian Goetz, developerWorks, November 2005): Brian discusses how weak
references make it easy to express object lifecycle relationships.

"Finalization, Threads, and the Java Memory Model
" (Sun Developer Network, Hans Boehm): Learn just how ugly finalizers can be.

The Java technology zone
: Hundreds of articles about every aspect of Java programming.

Get products and technologies

Alice's Restaurant
(Warner Brothers, 1969): Learn all the words to Arlo Guthrie's classic
folk anthem "Alice's Restaurant Massacre" from the movie soundtrack.

: This free code auditing tool can find unreleased resources and other bugs in your programs.


developerWorks blogs
: Get involved in the developerWorks community.

About the author

Brian Goetz has been a professional software developer for over 18 years. He is a Principal Consultant at Quiotix, a software
development and consulting firm located in Los Altos, California, and he serves on several JCP Expert Groups. Brian's book, Java Concurrency In Practice

, will be published in early 2006 by Addison-Wesley. See Brian's published and upcoming articles
in popular industry publications.
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