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2011-04-23 16:22 465 查看



$maxOldLogonDays = 30




$query = New-Object system.directoryservices.directorysearcher

$root = [adsi]"LDAP://DC=TigerCompanyoa,DC=cn"

$query.SearchRoot = $root

$query.filter = "(objectCategory=computer)"

#$query.filter = "(objectCategory=user)"

$query.SearchScope = "subtree"

$query.PageSize = 100; #很奇怪,居然找到了近1万个计算机。。

$result = $query.findAll() |

ForEach-Object -process `


if ($_.properties.item("lastLogonTimestamp") -gt 0)

#I get alot of lastLogonTimestamps that are not null but not empty either

#-gt 0 seems to work best as test for valid datestamp


$rawLogon = $_.properties.item("lastLogonTimestamp")

$convertedLogOn = [datetime]::FromFileTime([int64]::Parse($rawLogon))

#To translate the lastLogonTimestamp attribute, we can use the FromFileTime static

#method from the system.datetime class. We also use the static method parse

#from the system.int64 class and give it the value we stored in the $rawLogon variable.

#We save the converted datetime object into the $convertedLogOn variable.

#Write-Host $convertedLogOn

$passwordage = ((get-date) - $convertedLogOn)

#Write-Host $passwordage.Days

If($passwordage.Days -gt $maxOldLogonDays)


#Write-Host "$($_.properties.item('distinguishedName'))

#has not logged on for more than $maxOldLogonDays days"

$($_.properties.item('distinguishedName')) | out-file $CSVFileLocation -Append #输出原来的DN

#Move-ADObject -Identity "$($_.properties.item('distinguishedName'))" -TargetPath $TargetOU #移动到指定OU




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