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“Mounting HGFS filesystems: [FAILED]”

2011-04-12 10:01 881 查看
After installing VMware tools in RHEL 5.2 which created by VMware Server 2.0.2-203138, i got the follow three similar error messages when i rebooting the system:
Mounting local filesystems: [FAILED]
Mounting HGFS filesystems: [FAILED]
Mounting other filesystems: [FAILED]

Since "The shared folders feature is not supported in VMware Server"(from VMware Server help ), you can disable the error above only by remove the vmhgfs entry in "/etc/fstab".
The vmhgfs entry is similar like this:
.host:/                 /mnt/hgfs               vmhgfs  defaults,ttl=5     0 0
Edit the file by "vi /etc/fstab" and just delete or comment the vmhgfs entry .
Good luck!
Marked by knityster.
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