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Five kinds of sort algorithm

2011-04-11 23:34 555 查看
1.Insertion sort

Insert a data element to the new array every time , keep the new array still in order.

The insertion sort just like this :

Beware:I use php to achieve the sort function from small to large,for convenient I use few php array function , But don't impact the sort algorithm; and we assume the array argement will be sorted are numeric which the key value begin with 0.

function insertion_sort($array){
//define a sort container
$sort = array();
//get the first element $array[0]
$sort[0] = array_shift($array);
while (!empty($array)){
//the while loop get element to $value until $array are empty
$value = array_shift($array);
for ($i = 0;$i<count($sort);$i++){
//if $value little than $sort[$i] insert $value to the position of $sort[$i]
//every element after $sort[$i] back ward one index
if ($value <= $sort[$i]){
for ($j = count($sort)-1;$j>=$i;$j--){
$sort[$j+1] = $sort[$j];
$sort[$i] = $value;
//the $value begger than every element of $sort[$i]
//insert it to the tail
if (isset($value)){
$sort[$i] = $value;
return $sort;
$array = array(49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49);

2.Selection sort

Get a smallest(or bigest) element from the array , put it to the last of the sort array, until all the element be puted from array to sort array.


function selection_sort($array){
//define a sort container
$sort = array();
while (!empty($array)){
//defined $min to get the minimum value
//and remember the $key used to unset()
$min = null;
$offset = null;
foreach ($array as $key => $value){
if (empty($min) or $min>$value){
$min = $value;
$offset = $key;
$sort[] = $min;
return $sort;
$array = array(49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49);

3.Bubble sort

Compare two element , if the first element is smaller(or bigger ) than second element , reverse two element , until all the element sequence are correct.


function bubble_sort($array){
$count = count($array);
for ($i = 0;$i<$count;$i++){
for ($j = $count-1;$j>$i;$j--){
if ($array[$j-1] > $array[$j]){
//reverse two elements
$tem = $array[$j-1];
$array[$j-1] = $array[$j];
$array[$j] = $tem;
return $array;
$array = array(49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49);

4.Quick sort

If the array are array[0 to n] , Select a element array[x] to the base comparition , Then put the other element to the left of array[x] which smaller than array[x] , and put the other element to the right of array[x] which bigger than array[x] . Recursive quick sort left array and right array , until array empty.


function quick_sort($array){
if (!empty($array)){
$count = count($array);
//get a element from array then unset it from $array
$offset = floor($count / 2);
$value = $array[$offset];
if (!empty($array)){
//initial left array and right array
$left_array = array();
$right_array = array();
foreach ($array as $arr){
if ($arr <= $value){
//put the smaller value to the left
$left_array[] = $arr;
}else {
//put the bigger value to the right
$right_array[] = $arr;
//recusive quick sort left and right array and merge
return array_merge(quick_sort($left_array),array($value),quick_sort($right_array));
}else {
return array($value);
}else {
return array();
$array = array(49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49);

5.Heap sort

Think the array are complete binary tree , sort the array to a heap , the smallest(or biggest) element will appear in the root of binare tree , switch the root element and the last element . Then recursive heap sort the rest of binary tree node except the last element been switched last time.


* make the $heap[$start to $end] to a big heap
* @param array $heap the heap array
* @param int $start the start index key
* @param int $end the end index key
function heap_adjust(&$heap,$start,$end){
$tem = $heap[$start];
for ($j = 2*$start;$j<=$end;$j*=2){
if ($j<$end and $heap[$j]<$heap[$j+1]){
$j = $j+1;
if ($tem>=$heap[$j]){
* the heap sort function
* @param array $array
function heap_sort($array){
$count = count($array);
//the array are begin with 0, for convenient,let the index begin with 1
for ($i = $count;$i>0;$i--){
$array[$i] = $array[$i-1];

for ($i=floor($count/2);$i>0;$i--){
heap_adjust($array, $i, $count);
for ($i = $count;$i>1;$i--){
$tem = $array[1];
$array[1] = $array[$i];
$array[$i] = $tem;
heap_adjust($array, 1, $i-1);
return $array;
$array = array(49,38,65,97,76,13,27,49);
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