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[原创] 指针操作程序答案 — 谭浩强C语言习题答案

2011-04-04 13:24 696 查看




#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define SIZE 1024

int a2i(char *start, char *end)
int size = 0, ret = 0;
long base = 0;

size = end - start + 1;
base = (long)pow(10, size - 1);

while(size-- > 0)
ret += (*start++ - '0') * base;
base /= 10;

return ret;

int extraNum(char *str, int arr[])
int  ite = 0, counter = 0;
char *start = NULL, *end = NULL;

while(*str != '\0')
start = end = str;

while( isdigit(*end) && *end != '\0')

arr[ite++] = a2i(start, end-1);

str = end;

return ite;


int sortStr(char *arr[], int size)
int ite1 = 0, ite2 = 0, minPos = 0;
char *tmp;

for(ite1 = 0; ite1 < size - 1; ite1++)
minPos = ite1;
for(ite2 = ite1 + 1; ite2 < size; ++ite2 )
if( strcmp(arr[ite2], arr[minPos]) < 0 )
minPos = ite2;

if(minPos != ite1)
tmp = arr[minPos];
arr[minPos] = arr[ite1];
arr[ite1] = tmp;

return 0;

int sort(int arr[], int size)
int minPos = 0, ite1 = 0, ite2 = 0, tmp = 0;

for(ite1 = 0; ite1 < size - 1; ite1++)
minPos = ite1;
for(ite2 = ite1 + 1; ite2 < size; ite2++)
if( arr[ite2] < arr[minPos] )
minPos = ite2;

if(minPos != ite1)
tmp = arr[ite1];
arr[ite1] = arr[minPos];
arr[minPos] = tmp;

return 0;

int sortPtr(int arr[], int size)
int minPos = 0, ite1 = 0, ite2 = 0, tmp = 0;

for(ite1 = 0; ite1 < size - 1; ite1++)
minPos = ite1;
for(ite2 = ite1 + 1; ite2 < size; ite2++)
if( *(arr + ite2) < *(arr + minPos) )
minPos = ite2;

if(minPos != ite1)
tmp = *(arr + ite1);
*(arr + ite1) = *(arr + minPos);
*(arr + minPos) = tmp;

return 0;

int getMultiArr(int arr[][5], int n)
int i = 0, j = 0, min = 0, tmp = 0, size = 5 * n;
int *p = NULL, pos[size];

/* copy */
p = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
assert(p != NULL);
memcpy(p, arr, size * sizeof(int));

/* sort */
for(i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
min = i;

for(j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
if( *(p + j) < *(p + min))
min = j;

if(min != i)
tmp = *(p + min);
*(p + min) = *(p + i);
*(p + i) = tmp;

/* move */
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
for(j = 0; j < 5; j++)
if( *p == arr[i][j] )
tmp = arr[i][j];
arr[i][j] = arr[0][0];
arr[0][0] = tmp;

if( *(p + 1) == arr[i][j] )
tmp = arr[i][j];
arr[i][j] = arr[0][4];
arr[0][4] = tmp;

if( *(p + 2) == arr[i][j] )
tmp = arr[i][j];
arr[i][j] = arr[n - 1][0];
arr[n - 1][0] = tmp;

if( *(p + 3) == arr[i][j] )
tmp = arr[i][j];
arr[i][j] = arr[n - 1][4];
arr[n - 1][4] = tmp;

if( *(p + size - 1) == arr[i][j] )
tmp = arr[i][j];
arr[i][j] = arr[n/2][2];
arr[n/2][2] = tmp;


p = NULL;

return 0;

int statStr(char *str)
int upper = 0, lower = 0, space = 0, num = 0, other = 0;
while(*str != '\0')
else if (isupper(*str))
else if (islower(*str))
else if (isspace(*str))


assert(3 == upper);
assert(5 == lower);
assert(10 == num);
assert(2 == space);
assert(6 == other);

return 0;

int average(int(*stu)[6], int classNum, int stuNum)
int i = 0, ave = 0;

for(i = 0; i < stuNum; i++)
ave += (*(stu + i))[classNum];

ave /= stuNum;

return ave;

int searchStu(int(*stu)[6], int stuNum)
int counter = 0, i = 0, j = 1, stuCounter = 0;

for (i = 0; i < stuNum; i++)
counter  =0;

for(j = 1; j < 6; j++)
if(  (*(stu + i))[j] < 60  )

if(counter >= 2)

return stuCounter;

int moveInt(int arr[], int n, int m)
int i = 0, *p = NULL;

p = (int*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
assert(p != NULL);

memcpy(p + m, arr, (n - m) * sizeof(int));
memcpy(p, arr + n -m , m * sizeof(int));
memcpy(arr, p, n * sizeof(int));

p = NULL;

return 0;

int myStrcmp(char *p1, char*p2)
int ret = 0;

while((*p1 != '\0') && (*p2 != '\0') && ( *p1 == *p2 ) )

if(*p1 == '\0')
ret = -1;
else if (*p2 == '\0')
ret = 1;
ret = (*p1 - *p2) > 0 ? 1 : -1;

return ret;

int revArr(int a[], int size)
int tmp = 0, *start = NULL, *end = NULL;

start = a;
end = start + size - 1;
size = size / 2;

while(size >= 0)
tmp = *(start + size);
*(start + size) = *(end - size);
*(end - size) = tmp;


return 0;

char *getMonth(char *month[], int which)
assert(which <= 12);
return ( *(month + which - 1));

int getStr(char *dest, char* src, int m)
int len = 0;

len = strlen(src) + 1 - m;
src = src + m - 1;

memcpy(dest, src, len * sizeof(char));
return 0;

int removePer3(int arr[], int size)
int i = 0;

for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(((arr[i]) % 3) == 0)
arr[i] = 0;

return 0;

int getMinMax(int a[], int size)
int i = 0, min = 0, max = 0, tmp = 0;

min = max = 0;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (a[i] <= a[min])
min = i;

if(a[i] >= a[max])
max = i;

tmp = a[0];
a[0] = a[min];
a[min] = tmp;

tmp = a[size - 1];
a[size - 1] = a[max];
a[max] = tmp;

int test_10_1()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0, arr[5] = {121, 234, 456456, 543, 23};

iRet = sortPtr(arr, 5);

assert (23 == arr[0]);
assert (121 == arr[1]);
assert (234 == arr[2]);
assert (543 == arr[3]);
assert (456456 == arr[4]);

printf("\r\nTest_10_1 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_2()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0;

char *arr[10] = { "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment", \
"An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization", \
"The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable"

iRet = sortStr(arr, 3);

assert( strcmp(arr[0], "An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization") == 0 );
assert( strcmp(arr[1], "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[2], "The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable") == 0);

printf("\r\nTest_10_2 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_3()
int ret = 0, a[10] = {7,2,3,9,1,0,7,6,5,0};

ret = getMinMax(a, 10);
assert(a[0] == 0);
assert(a[9] == 9);

printf("\r\nTest_10_3 Passed!");
return 0;

int test_10_4()
int ret = 0, arr[9] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

ret = moveInt(arr, 9, 3);

assert(6 == arr[0]);
assert(7 == arr[1]);
assert(8 == arr[2]);
assert(0 == arr[3]);
assert(1 == arr[4]);
assert(2 == arr[5]);
assert(3 == arr[6]);
assert(4 == arr[7]);
assert(5 == arr[8]);

printf("\r\nTest_10_4 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_5()
int ret = 0, i = 0, a[12] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};

ret = removePer3(a, 12);
assert(a[2] == 0);
assert(a[5] == 0);
assert(a[8] == 0);
assert(a[11] == 0);

printf("\r\nTest_10_5 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_7()
int ret = 0;
char s2[100] = {0}, *s1 = "hello world!";

getStr(s2, s1, 7);

assert( strcmp(s2, "world!") == 0);
printf("\r\nTest_10_7 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_8()
int ret = 0;

char *str = "a123xABC ??#$%^ 302tab5876";

ret = statStr(str);

if(ret == 0)
printf("\r\nTest_10_8 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_10()
int i = 0, j = 0, ret = 0;

int arr[5][5] = { \
{16, 17, 18, 19, 20}, \
{11, 12, 13, 14, 15}, \
{1,  2,  3,  4,  5}, \
{21, 22, 23, 24, 25}, \
{6,  7,  8,  9,  10}, \

ret = getMultiArr(arr, 5);

assert(1 == arr[0][0] );
assert(2 == arr[0][4] );
assert(3 == arr[4][0] );
assert(4 == arr[4][4] );
assert(25 == arr[2][2] );

printf("\r\nTest_10_10 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_11()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0;

char *arr[10] = { "In the", \
"An aud", \
"The ef", \
"Proces", \
"Sets o", \
"Unifie", \
"Out-of", \
"Practi", \
"Ration", \
"Explor"  \

iRet = sortStr(arr, 10);

assert( strcmp(arr[0], "An aud") == 0 );
assert( strcmp(arr[1], "Explor") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[2], "In the") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[3], "Out-of") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[4], "Practi") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[5], "Proces") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[6], "Ration") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[7], "Sets o") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[8], "The ef") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[9], "Unifie") == 0);

printf("\r\nTest_10_11 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_12()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0;

char *arr[10] = { "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment", \
"An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization", \
"The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable", \
"Process by using one of the following", \
"Sets of Rational ClearCase features", \
"Unified Change Management (UCM),", \
"Out-of-the-box process that supports best", \
"Practices for change management as described in the IBM", \
"Rational Unified Process. Project managers can configure", \
"Explorer. For more information about Rational ClearCase"

iRet = sortStr(arr, 10);

assert( strcmp(arr[0], "An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization") == 0 );
assert( strcmp(arr[1], "Explorer. For more information about Rational ClearCase") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[2], "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[3], "Out-of-the-box process that supports best") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[4], "Practices for change management as described in the IBM") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[5], "Process by using one of the following") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[6], "Rational Unified Process. Project managers can configure") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[7], "Sets of Rational ClearCase features") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[8], "The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[9], "Unified Change Management (UCM),") == 0);

printf("\r\nTest_10_12 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_14()
int ret = 0, a[11] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};

ret = revArr(a, 11);
assert(10 == a[0]);
assert(9 == a[1]);
assert(8 == a[2]);
assert(7 == a[3]);
assert(6 == a[4]);
assert(5 == a[5]);
assert(4 == a[6]);
assert(3 == a[7]);
assert(2 == a[8]);
assert(1 == a[9]);
assert(0 == a[10]);

printf("\r\nTest_10_14 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_15()
int ave = 0, ret = 0;
int student[4][6] = { \
{1, 100, 90, 80, 70, 97}, \
{2,  34, 45, 56, 78, 97}, \
{3,  76, 34, 68, 84, 12}, \
{4,  90, 90, 90, 75, 28}  \

ave = average(student, 1, 4);
ret = searchStu(student, 4);

assert(75 == ave);
assert(2 == ret);

printf("\r\nTest_10_15 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_16()
int iRet = 0, ite = 0, arr[SIZE] = {0};
char *str = "a123x456 17960? 302tab5876";

iRet = extraNum(str, arr);

assert(123 == arr[0]);
assert(456 == arr[1]);
assert(17960 == arr[2]);
assert(302 == arr[3]);
assert(5876 == arr[4]);

printf("\r\nTest_10_16 Passed!");
return 0;

int test_10_17()
int ret = 0;

char *s1 = "abcd", *s2 = "abCd";
ret = myStrcmp(s1, s2);
assert(ret == 1);

char *s3 = "aBcd", *s4 = "abCd";
ret = myStrcmp(s3, s4);
assert(ret == -1);

char *s5 = "abcde", *s6 = "abcd";
ret = myStrcmp(s5, s6);
assert(ret == 1);

char *s7 = "abcd", *s8 = "abcde";
ret = myStrcmp(s7, s8);
assert(ret == -1);

char *s9 = "abcd", *s10 = "abCde";
ret = myStrcmp(s9, s10);
assert(ret == 1);

printf("\r\nTest_10_17 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_18()
int which = 0;
char *month[12] = { \
"January", \
"February", \
"March", \
"April", \
"May", \
"June", \
"July", \
"August", \
"September", \
"October", \
"November", \
"December" \

which = 11;
assert( strcmp("November", getMonth(month, which)) == 0 );

which = 7;
assert( strcmp("July", getMonth(month, which)) == 0 );

printf("\r\nTest_10_18 Passed!");
return 0;


int test_10_20()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0;

char *arr[5] = {  "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment", \
"An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization", \
"The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable", \
"Process by using one of the following", \
"Sets of Rational ClearCase features" \

iRet = sortStr(arr, 5);

assert( strcmp(arr[0], "An auditable history of source files and software builds is maintained in your organization") == 0 );
assert( strcmp(arr[1], "In the IBM Rational ClearCase environment") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[2], "Process by using one of the following") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[3], "Sets of Rational ClearCase features") == 0);
assert( strcmp(arr[4], "The efforts of your team can be coordinated into a definable") == 0);

printf("\r\nTest_10_20 Passed!");

return 0;

int test_10_21()
int ite = 0, iRet = 0, arr[5] = {121, 234, 456456, 543, 23};

iRet = sort(arr, 5);

assert (23 == arr[0]);
assert (121 == arr[1]);
assert (234 == arr[2]);
assert (543 == arr[3]);
assert (456456 == arr[4]);

printf("\r\nTest_10_21 Passed!");

return 0;

int testPtr()
int iRet = 0;

#if 0

iRet += test_10_1();

iRet += test_10_2();

iRet += test_10_3();

iRet += test_10_4();

iRet += test_10_5();

iRet += test_10_7();

iRet += test_10_8();

iRet += test_10_10();

iRet += test_10_11();

iRet += test_10_12();

iRet += test_10_14();

iRet += test_10_15();

iRet += test_10_16();

iRet += test_10_17();

iRet += test_10_18();

iRet += test_10_20();

iRet += test_10_21();

return iRet;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include "../inc/testFile.h"
#include "../inc/testBits.h"
#include "../inc/testPtr.h"

int main()
int iRet = 0;

#if 0

iRet += testFile();
assert(iRet == 0);

iRet += testBits();
assert(iRet == 0);


iRet += testPtr();
assert(iRet == 0);

return 0;
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