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Ext JS 4 Beta 1发布了

2011-03-31 14:22 295 查看

真是令人兴奋, beta版终于发布,看了以下例程,editgrid现在是相当的轻松。


Release Notes for Ext JS 4 Beta 1

Release Notes: March 30, 2011

Version Number: 4.0.0beta1

New In This Release

New Examples

Spotlight example

Ext.Direct Grid Integration

Binding a Grid to a Form

Grid Cell Editing

Grid Grouping

Grid Grouping with Summaries

Grid 'Infinite' Scrolling

Live Search Grid

Grid Locking

Grid Remote Group Summary

Grid Row Editing

Column Layout


Overflow Tabs to a Menu

Tree with CheckBox selection

Drag and Drop between Trees

Animated DataView

MultiSort DataView

Locally Filtered Grid

RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor

Localization (static)

Localization (dynamic)

Browser State


Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where menu items would not respect the cls property

Fixed improper variable in RemotingProvider

Fixed param logic in DirectProxy

Fixed an issue when reloading stores with different data sets

Added a finite check for a DrawComponent's bounding box

Pass the correct parameter to ServerProxy.afterRequest

Fix indexOf reference in ListMenu

When a date is chosen for a date filter, hide its parent menu

Add autocomplete="off" to Button template to prevent Firefox from remembering its disabled state between page reloads

Prevent NumericFilter's menu fields from getting focused when mousing over them

Fix form submission when using direct

Fixed an issue where phantom records were being duplicated in the store when returned from a remote data source

Fixed an issue when clearing a client data proxy

Fixed Model dependencies

Removed redundant requires in Component

Fix to make sure initExtCss always executes after Ext.supports.init

Fix an issues where the expander icons are hidden when lines: false is used

Ensure that the grid doesn't trigger a sort on the store when it renders

Fix setValue method and initial value config on HtmlEditor

Fixed recursive cloning of a non "plain" object (the constructor of which is !== Object)

Ensure a layout isn't triggered if the container is destroying

Fixed the styling of forms in a toolbar

Fixed Window restore issue

Fixed Grid dependencies

Fix Accordion layout when initially layed out with no child items

Updating $font-size dynamic variable's to use ceil to fix sub-pixel (ex: 10.4px) font-sizes

Fixed multiple issues with rotated labels on category axis

Fix TabPanel dependencies

Fix typo in alternateClassName definitions

If the panel has a re-expander, make sure the title is set when setTitle is called

Fix an issue where panels would not be collapsed initially when not in a container

Allow the combo store to be bound using a single flat array

Fix autoCreated Store setup in StoreMgr

Fix unreachable code in Ext.getDom

Properly clear managedListeners array in Observable

Fix problem with the animate config option replacing the animate method

Fixed grid scroll options 'horizontal' and 'none'

Fix problem with autoHeighting TabPanels by their child items

Fix menu box overflow handler on IE

Fixed stacked bar chart axis calculation issue

Fix scaling re-calculation issue for Bar, Line, Scatter series

Fire change event when ComboBox value is changed

Update alignment of ComboBox dropdown
when its content changes, so it can flip from below to above or vice
versa as the user types

Clear selection in ComboBox.BoundList if it no longer matches the value in the field, so that the old value can be re-selected

Fix bug with ComboBox where the value in the field would be blanked out while the user was typing with typeAhead:true

Fix ComboBox scrolling selected item into view when list is expanded

Set ComboBox selection in list when it is first created, if the ComboBox has an initial 'value' config

Fix Scatter series shadow issue

Don't reinsert a node into the NodeStore if its new parent is not part of the NodeStore

Fixed issue with Element.destroy not being properly called resulting in memory problems for IE

Fixed Ext.require() not firing callbacks after a failure

Fixed Ext.Loader.getPath() not returning properly value for unknown namespace

Forced setting the Axis minimum and maximum values specified by the configuration

Fixed cropped window titles in various browsers

Firefox fix for getNextId method in WebStorageProxy

Fixed an issue with the id not being sent when calling load directly on the model

Fixed a bug in previousNode and
nextNode. They were not being checked before walking up the hierarchy
and therefore triggered a cousin to always be returned

Fixed discontinuous tree selection

Field component onLayout was being run
while the field was hidden but not after, so trigger width was always
calcualted as zero. Changed order so layout occurs after show

Fix reset method on sliders

Fix application of emptyText in IE when ComboBox value is set

Fix the setTitle text in windows with vertical headers

Make empty ComboBox list item hoverable/clickable in IE quirks mode

Fixes Sprite item Bounding Box offset in Opera

Fix "Member not found" error in IE by
preventing native event object from getting passed and used across the
specialkey buffered listener

Fix individual record update in Ext.grid.GroupingFeature

Surface has now the ability to add in instances of Sprite and configuration objects

Ensure datachanged event is fired when filtering the Store without sorters

Adjust alignment styles for checkboxes and radios to match Ext3

Fixed checkbox spacing + positioning in IE

Fixed a bug in DataView Draggable where items in the ghost dataview would not be correctly removed

Fix vertical clipping of CheckboxGroup columns without fixed widths in IE quirks mode

Fix bug with Radial Axis scaling

Fix an issue when retrieving the previous sibling of a component

Fix sorter issue with DirectProxy

Fix setReadOnly method in HtmlEditor

Fix issue with looking up a store by id

Fix problem hiding modal mask after modal window hide

Fix support for passing a dom element as a target to an animation


Locking GridPanel implemtented

Accessibility theme added

Numeric Axis majorTickSteps added to set the number of major ticks between a `maximum` and a `minimum` value

Implement the animate configuration option on TreePanel

Implement singleExpand on TreePanel

Store aggregation functions moved to the prototype

Implemented checked field in NodeInterface. Have renderer add a checkbox if a value other then null is set in checked

Implemented state support as a mixin

Added html to each tab in the history example to make it clearer which tab is currently activated

Refactored the GridFilters plugin UX as
FiltersFeature, a Ext.grid.Feature subclass, and ported it to work with
the new Ext4 grid architecture. Reworked the grid-filters example to

Inject the TableView instance into each
grid filter, even if it is an already instantiated Filter rather than a
filter config object

Allow month picker items to wrap properly when inside components with white-space:nowrap like menus

Refactoring a Theming so it is easier to customize

Updated the themes example to include more components

Added HTTP error info to the data operation when a request fails

Added load event in preference of read event on TreeStore

Grid headers now support grouping in
which a header may be configured with a nested headers config object as
well as a text/header string

The Ext 3.x class ActionColumn has been implemented in 4.x as ActionHeader

Cleaned all locale packages files

Introduced a new getAssociatedData method on Model to make it easier to aggregate model data

Added window state management

Added state support for border layout

Removed extraneous layout in Card.setActiveItem

Made Ext.override proxy to Ext.Base.override if the class was created with Ext.define

added Ext.Base.getName method

Add animateTarget to show/hide of floating Components (such as Windows and Tooltips, or anything else that floats

Allow the aggregation function to be called with the grouped parameter for consistency

Added total summary and group summary support for the grid

Fix combos example to make getInnerTpl work properly - now must be part of listConfig

Implemented Ext.form.File, a custom field widget for file uploads

Properly set class on field error quicktips

Added grid state support

Relay view and tree events to the TreePanel and TreeStore

Added a new LocalStorage state provider

Allow the model to be defined in the store prototype

Implemented Sutherland鈥揌odgman algorithm and use it for our render label axis implementation

Implemented animate config option

Styled invalid form qtips

Implemented Tree sorting

Add additional check in setStyle to ensure the dom node still exists before setting style on it

FocusManager enhancements to support Containers being able to subscribe for keyboard navigation

Implemented Ext.menu.DateMenu class

Implemented Ext.menu.ColorMenu class

Cleanup FocusManager's handling of component add/destroy when enabled

Convert TabBar to use FocusManager.subscribe instead of its own KeyNav

Grid Header needs to give visual
indication when it is focused, which will show the menu trigger. This
supports key navigation on grid headers and the ability to press down to
open the header menu. The menu needs the trigger to be shown since it
aligns itself to the trigger

Add deep copy operation to NodeInterface

Allow Ext.form.Basic#markInvalid to accept a Ext.data.Errors object

Added logic to reduce/increase the number of columns in the shadowCt to match the number of items if columns:'auto'

Updated MVC to work with dynamic loading

Implemented CheckBox selection for Trees

Prevent ComboBox from querying and expanding list on keyup if readOnly=true.

HeaderDropZone will intelligently move a
Header within the same container rather than add/remove, which will
perform better as well as prevent add/remove events from firing
unnecessarily on the HeaderContainer

Trigger fields no longer reserve space for trigger when it is hidden due to readOnly=true

Number field value can no longer be modified by up/down arrows or mousewheel when readOnly=true

Implemented scrolling while dragging

Implemented Grid Editing support as a plugin

Clean html entities when setting text to an Surface Sprite

Enhanced htmlDecode and htmlEncode methods in Ext.String

Scatter and Line series now skip records with undefined yValues

ComboBox now automatically set queryMode='local' for auto-generated array stores

Ext.form.BaseField now rewraps the
browser event object when firing the specialkey event, to prevent issues
with buffered specialkey listeners

Extended the useNull option to apply to boolean/string types for data stores

Added deferredRender back to Card Layout (currently defaulted to true for TabPanel)

Updated FeedViewer to be smarter about how it opened many tabs at once

Modify Proxy so batching is configurable

Allow a store configuration to be passed to data bound objects

Add beginEdit/cancelEdit/endEdit functionality to Model

Added isValid to Model for a shortcut

Added autoSave support for Data writers

Ensure writer always passes the id if we have a non phantom

Made Tips constrain within their zIndexManager's client element. Change the constrain default to true

Button will now use an anchor element when configured with an href

Make Ext.form.Field.resetOriginalValue update the field's dirty state to match

Automatically convert objects into records with NodeInterface

Make ComboBox.getValue return the raw
text field value if it does not match the display value from the last
list selection or setValue call. Allows submitting values that do not
appear in the store

Enhance the appendChild, removeChild,
insertBefore code on the NodeInterface with suppressEvents capabilities.
This optimizes the performance of the initial Tree rendering

Implemented Grid RowEditing

Basic.updateRecord() will now use the
actual field data for updating the Model fields rather than the
submit-friendly string equivalent of the form field data. Certain string
encodings are not compatible with Model field covert methods if they
are not in the exact/proper format, e.g. Date fields

Remove Canvas support as it is not ready for release. SVG/VML still covers all desktop platforms.

API Changes

Moved methods slated for deprecation to the compat layer

Added a new ElementLoader class that is
the superclass of ComponentLoader. The purpose of this class is to
replace Ext.Updater. Updater is removed and the load method now points
to the new loader

Move model creation into the model itself, essentially deprecates regModel

Time axis now works with Dates and not formatted strings

Move Ext.util.Date methods over to Ext.Date. Changed all references to Ext.Date in code, examples and tests

Add workaround to
Ext.core.Element#getWidth to avoid Gecko bug where it returns an
offsetWidth that rounds down the actual width due to subpixel font rendering
. This logic was previously in a couple of components, this commit moves that up to Element.getWidth

Fix AbstractPanel.bodyCls to also support array values

Created an AbstractMixedCollection which MixedCollection extends from

Sortable refactored as a mixin

Refactored Sorting on MixedCollection, TreeStore, and TreePanel to use the new Sortable mixin

Absolute Layout will now always use setItemSize even if an anchor property isn't specified

Ensure the page parameter gets sent on remote data loading

Remove any trace of applyTo throughout the framework

Updating the BoundList selection on setValue for ComboBox is now the default behavior

Selection models are now consistent:
Moved grid/CellSelectionModel.js to selection/CellModel.js,
grid/RowSelectionModel.js to selection/RowModel.js, and
grid/CheckBoxSelectionModel to selection/CheckBoxModel.js. Namespace
moved to Ext.selection as well

Set AjaxProxy as the default proxy

Normalize store aliases to be
store.name. Added the ability to specify a store configuration when
creating a data bound class. Note that this requires all of the stores
to be looked up using StoreMgr.lookup so that we can determine whether
we have received an id, a config or an instance

Enhance DataView UI event handling

Remove dependency of CellEditing on CellSelectionModel

Compatibility Changes

Implemented compat layer for PagingToolbar and MemoryProxy

Significant update to AbstractStore compat layer to handle different store/proxy/reader config setups

Updates to compat layer for AbstractStore and MemoryProxy to support filtering correctly

Aliased row[de]select to [de]select

Tweaked message formatting in compat layer for deprecating events

The bodyStyle config types from 3.x are all now fully supported on Panel

Compat code was using Array.indexOf, which did not agree with IE6. Switched to use Ext.Array.indexOf

Alias Panel.bodyCssClass config to bodyCls

Added Slider compat override to convert the SliderTip plugin to tipText config

Documentation Changes

Updated Ext.Date

Fix the link to Ext Direct specification

Correct spelling of 'resizable' and not 'resizeable'

Updated Controller

Updated Advanced DataView

Update Ext.Window

Added ActionHeader

Added Ext.Base.override

Updated AbstractDataView

Updated Draw.Component

Fix ComboBox docs error

Known Issues

Various styling fixes are ongoing

Buttons are not part of the focusable items in a form

Shadows to be implemented in the next release

Tree Filtering and Editing to be implemented in the next release

Performance and memory optimizations to be implemented in the next release

Cleanup of API naming conventions to be implemented in the next release

IE9 is not detected as supporting CSS3BorderRadius, which it only does in strict mode.
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