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Spring3 REST中的@

2011-03-30 22:05 309 查看
@RequestMapping @RequestParam @PathVariable @ModelAttributes @SessionAttributes @CookieValue @RequestHeader 都是Spring MVC REST中的注释方法,这几种注释方法的用法如下: 1#Controller 示例 URL示例: POST /users/query?userId=1234 @Controller public class JavaBlogerController { @Autowired JavaBlogerService serviceLayer; @RequestMapping public String delete(@RequestParam String userId ){ serviceLayer.query (userId); return "redirect:list"; } } 2#CookieValue 示例 @RequestMapping ("/userList") public String delete(@CookieValue("JSESSIONID") String sessionId ){ } 注释表明,CookieValue方法的参数可以绑定到HTTP的Cookie。支持在Servlet和Portlet环境注明处理方法。 3#RequestHeader示例显示结果 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Keep-Alive: 300 @RequestMapping("/showJavaBlogerInfo") public void showHeadInfo( @RequestHeader("User-Agent"),String userAgent, @RequestHeader("Accept-Encoding"),String encoding, @RequestHeader("Keep-Alive"),long keepAlive, ){ } 4#HiddenHttpMethodFilter 示例 ·Allows HTML browsers to emulate PUT and DELETE requests HTML forms only support GET/POST natively ·Special hidden parameter determines RequestMethod 上面2句话需要翻译一下

@RequestMapping (metthod=RequestMethod.DELETE) public void delete (@RequestParam String userId) { System.out.println(userId); } 5#/** 分页信息装载 */ 示例 @RequestMapping(value = "/page/{pageNo}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String pageLoad(@PathVariable int pageNo) { String mapping = "mainPage"; System.out.println(pageNo); return mapping; } 6#SessionAttributes 示例 @Controller @SessionAttributes( "currentUser " ) public class GreetingController { @RequestMapping public void hello(@ModelAttribute( "currentUser " ) User user) { // user.sayHello() } // } 使用@ModelAttribute 需要访问 Session 属性的 controller 上加上 @SessionAttributes,然后在 action 需要的 User 参数上加上 @ModelAttribute,并保证两者的属性名称一致。SpringMVC 就会自动将 @SessionAttributes 定义的属性注入到 ModelMap 对象,在 setup action 的参数列表时,去 ModelMap 中取到这样的对象,再添加到参数列表。只要我们不去调用 SessionStatus 的 setComplete() 方法,这个对象就会一直保留在 Session 中,从而实现 Session 信息的共享。 –end–
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