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插件: images and custom options,magento添加多图片,自定义选项custom options,catelog,分类的插件以及使用方法!!!

2011-03-30 00:50 906 查看


例子 --》csv下载地址:http://www.megafileupload.com/en/file/271786/Import-Products-Sample-csv.html

点download File Now!(这个卖sex 器具的网站,这按钮得等10纷争才行!)

对于添加custom options


Size:drop_down:1 表头:字段名


用|隔开,依次为:name ,price type ,price ,sku,sort order!!!


To insert category name, please create “categories
“ column in your products import CSV file. Please remove “category_ids
” column from products import CSV file if you have.


You can use this extension to import products with categories,
multiple images and custom options from CSV file. We have well tested
this extension and it is working perfectly. Please let us know if you
need any guidance or help to use this extension. We are ready to help

To insert custom options, please create column with name of custom option in product import CSV file with specific format.

E.g. if you want to create custom option for size then custom option column name should create like this,

Size:drop_down:1 (Column Heading)

Size = custom option name

drop_down = control name

1 = mandatory filed. (0 for optional field)

Under this column enter value of custom option separated by pipe sign (|) as per example.

E.g. XS|S|M|L|XL

For add different price for different size add like


To insert category name, please create “categories
“ column in your products import CSV file. Please remove “category_ids
” column from products import CSV file if you have.

Now enter categories name under “categories
” column

E.g. Movie/Cartoon

Movie1 = parent category

cartoon1 = child category of Movie1 category.

To insert multiple images, please create “gallery “
column in your products import CSV file.

Under this column enter images name separated by semicolon ( ; ) .
Please enter relative path of images like below example. Please do not
use path like (http://www.xyz.com/ab.jpg
) for images.

E.g. /image1_1jpg;/image1_2.jpg

You have to put all the images in media/import directory folder.

Sample Products Import CSV :- Click on this link,
Download Sample CSV
and Click on "Download File Now!" button.

After install extension Go to

1) System
-> Import/Export
-> Profile

2) Click on Import All Products

3) Click on upload file from left menu

4) Upload csv file and click on Save and Continue button

5) Click on run profile

6) Select your uploaded file

7) Click on Run Profile in Popup

Note:- Do not close this popup until all product import successfully.

In version 1.1.2 Fix bug product image not import in magento version

This extension support for product type only which magento default import functionality support.

Please donate so we can continously improve this extension,
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