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Introducing Molehill: 3D APIs for Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR

2011-03-19 22:06 766 查看
At MAX 2010 in Los Angeles, Adobe announced the introduction of the
Molehill APIs in the Adobe Flash runtimes on mobile and desktop.
Molehill is the codename for the set of 3D GPU-accelerated APIs that
will be exposed in ActionScript 3 in Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR.
This will enable high-end 3D rendering inside the Adobe Flash Platform.

Molehill will rely on DirectX 9 on Windows and OpenGL 1.3 on
Mac OS X and Linux. On mobile platforms like Android, Molehill will rely
on OpenGL ES 2. Technically, the Molehill APIs are truly 3D,
GPU-programmable, and shader-based. They will expose features that 3D
developers have been wanting for a long time in Flash, such as
programmable vertex and fragment shaders, to enable things like vertex
skinning on the GPU for bones animation as well as native z-buffering,
stencil color buffering, cube textures, and more.

In terms of performance, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 today
renders thousands of non-z-buffered triangles at approximately 30Hz.
With the new 3D APIs, developers can expect hundreds of thousands of
z-buffered triangles to be rendered at HD resolution in full screen at
around 60Hz. Molehill will make it possible to deliver sophisticated 3D
experiences across almost every computer and device connected to the
Internet. To get an idea of how Molehill performs and to see a live
demo, watch the Molehill 3D APIs video
on Adobe TV.

How does Molehill work?

The existing Flash Player 2.5D APIs that Adobe introduced in
Flash Player 10 are not going away. The Molehill APIs will offer a
solution for advanced 3D rendering requiring full GPU acceleration.
Depending on the project you are working on, you will be able to decide
which APIs you want to use.

Adobe recently introduced the concept of Stage Video in Flash Player 10.2
available as a beta on Adobe Labs. Stage Video relies on the same
design, by enabling full GPU acceleration for video, from decoding to
presentation. With this new rendering model, Adobe Flash Player presents
the video frames or 3D buffer not inside the display list but inside a
texture sitting behind the stage painted through the GPU. This allows
Adobe Flash Player to directly paint on-screen the content available on
the graphics card memory. No more read back is required to retrieve the
frames from the GPU to push them on-screen through the display list on
the CPU.

As a result, because the 3D content sits behind the Flash
Player stage and is not part of the display list, the Context3D and
Stage3D objects are not display objects. That means you cannot interact
with them the same way you interact with any DisplayObject, and
rotations, blend modes, filters, and many other effects cannot be
applied (see Figure 1).

Figure 1.
With Stage Video, 3D content sits behind the Flash Player stage.

From an ActionScript APIs standpoint, as a developer you
interact with the two main objects: a Stage3D and a Context3D object.
You request a 3D context from Adobe Flash Player, and a Context3D object
will be created for you.

But what happens if the GPU driver is incompatible? Will you
get a black screen that fails silently? Flash Player will still return a
Context3D object, using software fall-back internally, so you will
still get all the Molehill features and the same API, but they will be
running on the CPU. To achieve this, we rely on a very fast CPU
rasterizer from TransGaming Inc. called SwiftShader. The great news is
that even when running on software, SwiftShader runs about 10 times
faster than today’s vector rasterizer available in Flash Player 10.1, so
you can expect some serious performance improvements even when running
in software mode.

The beauty of Molehill APIs is that you do not have to worry
about what is happening internally. It doesn’t matter whether you are
running on DirectX, OpenGL, or SwiftShader, and you don’t have to use a
different API for OpenGL on Mac OS X, Linux, or OpenGL ES 2 when running
on a mobile platform. Everything is transparent for you as a developer.
You program one single API, and Adobe Flash Player handles this for you
internally and does the translation behind the scenes.

It is important to remember that the Molehill APIs do not use
a fixed function pipeline. They use only a programmable pipeline, which
means that you will have to work with vertex and fragment shaders to
display anything on-screen. For this, you will be able to upload your
shaders as pure low-level Adobe Graphics Assembly Language (AGAL)
bytecode as a ByteArray on the graphics card. As a developer, you have
two ways to do this: You can write your shaders at the assembly level,
which requires an advanced understanding of how shaders work. Or you can
use a higher level language like Pixel Bender 3D, which will expose a
more natural way to program your shaders and compile the appropriate
AGAL bytecode.

In order to represent your triangles, you will need to work
with VertexBuffer3D and IndexBuffer3D objects by passing vertices
coordinates and indices. Once your vertex shaders and fragment shaders
are ready, you can upload them to the graphics card through a Program3D
object. Basically, a vertex shader deals with the position of the
vertices used to draw your triangles, whereas a fragment shader handles
the appearance of the pixels used to texture your triangles. Figure 2
illustrates the difference between the types of shaders.

Figure 2.
Vertex shaders vs. fragment shaders.

Finally, all those objects are passed to the Context3D object. Figure 3 illustrates the overall interaction of objects.

Figure 3.
Object interaction with the Molehill APIs.

As you can see, the Molehill APIs are very low-level and
expose features for advanced developers who want to work with 3D. Of
course, some developers will prefer working with higher level
frameworks, which expose ready-to-use APIs. Adobe took care of that,

Building mountains out of Molehill

Many ActionScript 3 developers prefer working with a light, a
camera, and a plane rather than a vertex buffer and shaders bytecode.
So to make sure everyone can enjoy the power of Molehill, we are
actively working with existing 3D frameworks like Alternativa3D,
Flare3D, Away3D, Sophie3D, Yogurt3D, and more. Today most of these
frameworks are already Molehill-enabled and will be released when
Molehill is available in the next version of the Flash runtimes.

Most of the developers from these frameworks were at MAX this
year to present sessions about how they leveraged Molehill in their
respective framework. We expect developers to build their engine on top
of Molehill. Hence advanced 3D developers and non-3D developers will
both benefit from Molehill.

Where to go from here?

Adobe expects to release a beta in the first half of 2011 in a
future version of Adobe Flash Player. Check out the following list of
Molehill MAX sessions and videos while you wait. To get more information
about the Molehill announcement, visit Adobe Labs

MAX 2010 Molehill Sessions

Sebastian Marketsmueller — Flash Player 3D future

Pixel Bender team — Pixel Bender: Now with 50% more "D"

Flare3D team — Getting started with Flare3D: The new generation of Flash 3D

Away3D and Alternativa3D teams — New 3D features for Flash


Alternativa3D 8 — Max Racer demo

Alternativa3D 8 — Ostrova demo

Frima Studio Inc. — Zombie Tycoon

Away3D and EvoFlash — Disconnected demo

Away3D — Fractal Tree demo

Tom Krcha — Max Racer Multiplayer
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